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Introduction and theme urgency indication

Professional selection and recruitment are essential components of personnel management. Recruitment involves a number of actions based organization to attract candidates for vacant jobs. In selecting and hiring employees is the main task of completing state applicants, business, moral, psychological and other qualities which could contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

Recruitment is a unified complex and must be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, logistics and software provision. Scientific and methodological support substantiates the general methodology of selection, scientific principles, methods and criteria, and applies a mathematical apparatus. Organizational support is a set of research-based activities that are carried out simultaneously or sequentially at different stages of work to reduce the timing and quality of selection. Staffing requires getting all necessary experts in various stages of selection: senior managers of relevant departments, psychologists, lawyers and economists.Logistics includes the necessary funding of events and necessary office equipment. The software is used to automate certain procedures of recruitment.

The basic structural unit of human resource management in the organization, enterprise, institution is the department of personnel with responsibilities of staff reception, selection, evaluation and dismissal and organization of personnel education, training and retraining.

Personnel department tend to have low organizational status, weak professional competence, hence management system in the process of staff recruitment, selection and evaluation in many enterprises is far from perfect and requires constant review and adjustment. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks to assess candidates for employment.This explains the urgency of the study. Application areas of research outlined in this paper may be a department of personnel  of any industrial enterprise, organization, institution.

1. Goal and tasks of the research

Methods of research – formalization, analysis and synthesis, abstract logic, generalization, reasoning, interpretation, prediction.

Object of research – approaches and methods of personnel recruitment and selection of enterprises, organizations and institutions.

The subject of research – the process of personnel recruitment and selection of enterprises, organizations and institutions.

The purpose of research – identification of the theoretical aspects of recruitment definition, stages and methods, comparing the performance of the main methods of recruitment in  the enterprises, organizations and institutions with intent to study the effective ways of personnel selection by each method and identify the most optimal.

The practical significance of the research is going to be in identification the most efficient method of search and recruitment for each individual company, organization, institution, taking into account the main characteristics of its business.

The main objectives of the work are: to determine the nature and problems of recruitment process, to analyze foreign experience in staff recruiting and selecting and assess the possibility of its application in Ukraine in order to develop a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of different personnel recruitment and selection methods based on  the analysis of existing research.

Projected scientific novelty: In this paper the basic problems in the process of staff recruitment and selection is analised. Also the effectiveness of the main methods of staff recruitment and selection is analyzed,  and introduced main indicators of its evaluation.

The extent of the problem: For the issue of recruitment devoted much of the work of authors such as N. Kozachuk, Pervushin, I. Sinchalova, S. Proceedings Udnikova D., N. Korotkova, G. Desslera, P. Drucker, S.Y . Baylik, NI Kabushkina, Y.U. Lyapina, D. Ulrich, A. Kibanova, M. Bogdanov, E. Adamenko, A. Novikov.

2. The theoretical bases of staff recruitment and selection

You should start recruitment by determining the common business objectives and the specific unit of the results, which must be obtained by the employee, the analysis of capabilities of payment highly-professional specialist and increase his skills.

You can then accurately determine the selection criteria: age and education, qualifications, experience, the importance of specialty experience, health requirements, the importance or significance not external data, etc. Equally important is to assess the personal, psychological characteristics of the candidate for the job [1].

Important systematic approach to organizing and recruitment, as staffing is the unified complex of security 5 forms:

1. Scientific and methodical,

2. Organizational,

3. Personnel,

4. Logistical,

5. Programmatic.

Scientific and methodological support of recruitment determines the overall methodology of selection, scientific principles, methods, criteria and uses mathematical apparatus recruitment. Great importance score and test the effectiveness of selection, analysis and synthesis of data, recommendations for the improvement of personnel services in recruitment.

Organizational support recruitment – a set of research-based activities that are carried out simultaneously or sequentially at different stages of recruitment to reduce the timing and quality recruitment.

Staffing recruitment – is attracting all the necessary specialists in various stages of recruitment: senior managers, heads of relevant departments, experts, artists, psychologists, lawyers, economists and outside experts.

 Logistics recruitment – necessary funding of events and equipment of their required office equipment.

The software provides automation of recruitment of individual stages of recruitment using appropriate computer programs [2].

Recruitment includes steps that are pointed below .

Reception and analysis applications for recruitment. During the study the application HR manager has finally clarify for themselves all matters related to official duties, working conditions and requirements for the candidate to recruitment was carried out competently.

Analysis of the application. Completed application form is necessary to study carefully. During the refinement of duties and working conditions may have additional questions. Should be clarified all partial responses, all specified special, even unique requirements to the applicant.

Conducting the meeting upon receipt of application for recruitment.Typically, by the application and will in future direct manager of a new employee. In an interview to talk more carefully about the features of vacancies, and the additional requirements to the candidates.

Search candidates. Proper identification of areas of search and just made the ad on the job to help raise the base resumes of candidates who best meet the requirements of the workplace.

Analysis of the CV. You must collect all their attention and concentration when reading and analyzing the summary not to miss precisely those that are most suited t your requirements.

Telephone interview. Its main goal – to determine the degree of interest the candidate for the vacancy and providing short information about the company, the requirements for the candidate.

The initial interview. A candidate who are interested in us and showed interest in the counter during a phone interview, receives an invitation to an initial interview with the recruiter.

Psychological testing.

Filling of documents. After the service recruiting positive resolution further recommends a candidate for a position, he was invited to fill in your email. Many managers are used to obtain information about the applicant is in a form.

Analysis of documents and drafting cover letter. Recruiter analyze collected documents and is a common psychological portrait of the candidate (with interpretation of data), based on which makes the prediction performance of the applicant.

Repeated interview.

Final approval of candidates.

Adoption of a candidate for job vacancies.

The final closing position.

In general, recruitment algorithm can be represented as the circuit shown in Fig. 1:

recruitment process

Figure 1 – Recruitment process [3].

Ways of recruiting not so varied because the maximum result gives usually only their integrated use.

Experts distinguish between ethical and unethical methods of recruitment. The ethical methods may include:

1. Find a candidate for internal sources of the company. When internal sources of reserve personnel to understand, that employees who work for some time in the company.

2. Use a backup database summary.

3. Use personal contacts.

4. Search resumes online.

5. Placing ads on the Internet.

6. Placement of a vacancy in the media.

7. Search for personnel by specialized agencies.

8. Appeal to the Public Employment Service.

9. Search candidates directly in schools.

10. Job Fair.

11. Dissemination of information on vacancies through wall ads, flyers and other printed materials.

12. Attracting friends outside recruiters to perform one-time orders.

13. "Pole" search method. Advertisements on poles, walls of buildings, fences proved with the positive side of the massive recruitment of unqualified staff [5].
     14. Post all employees on the job placement.

15. Targeted training in universities.

16. Advertising vacancies on television and radio.

There was also unethical method, the use of which adversely affects the reputation of both the recruiter and the company.

1. Direct "poaching" of employees company-competitor. It is used to save time (alternative - education specialist who is already working in the company).

2. "Enticement" of employees of a competitor because of their close people.

3. "Enticement" through the services of private security services.

4. My agreement with the employee recruitment agency pursuant to an informal request of the company.

5. Get the personal data of rival illegal way.

6. Introduction of an agent in the state of a competitor [4].



The main task in recruiting personnel is to meet the demand for workers in qualitative and quantitative terms. The objective of recruitment is a process that includes a general analysis of the need for staff; precise definition of professionals the organization need, identifying sources of candidate selection, methods of selection. The process of selection and training rather laborious, takes time and is very expensive. To reduce the costs, the company must make the find the most efficient way to organize the selection of employees. To do this, not only the human resources department, but other structural elements have to support the organization at all stages of employees finding. Selection of new employees for vacant positions is a task with minimal room for error, which makes all participants to be very careful in this process.

In the formation of human resources policy should also take into account the cost factor, so carefully evaluate all the flaws and search capabilities of the new staff.


When writing this essay master's work is not completed. Date of final completion: December, 2013. The master is currently working in order to develop proposals which can improve the evaluation methods of staff recruitment and selection. Full text of the work and materials may be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the indicated date.


  1. Подбор персонала: принципы, критерии, способы. Режим доступа:
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  3. Електроний ресурс. Режим доступу:
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  5. Основные формы и методы подбора персонала. Режим доступа: