Developing the system of working assets management
Applicability of the topic. Maintaining financial stability through rational resource management is of top priority for steady development of an enterprise. The biggest part of these financial resources is intended for building-up working assets. Performance of an enterprise depends on how reasonable and justified their amount, mix and structure is, which, in its turn, depends on peculiarities of enterprise's operational activities and sources for financing working assets. All above mentioned justifies the importance of studying management of enterprise's working assets.
The questions related to managing working assets have been dealt with in papers of national and foreign scholars such as: A.Amosha, L.Babich, L.Balabanov, M.Bilyk, I.Blank, V.Boyko, E.Brighem, N.Izmaylova, A.Karbovnik, L.Yemeljanovich, L.Pan, A.Poderyogin, G.Savizckaya, S.Stoyanova, O.Tereschenko, D.Han.
The aim of the paper under consideration is further development of working assets management system on the basis of scientific summary of fundamental theories and outlining practical recommendations for improving management system of enterprise's working assets.
The following tasks have been determined in accordance with the aim of a given Master thesis:
- disclosing general idea of managing working assets of an enterprise;
- identifying peculiarities of managing working assets in terms of modern economic environment;
- analyzing modern methods of reviewing working assets of an enterprise;
- outlining recommendations for improving efficiency of managing working assets.
The subject of the research in question is processes involved in managing working assets of an enterprise.
The scope of the research embraces theoretical, methodological and practical questions related to effective management of working assets of an enterprise.
Research methodology. A given paper is based on a combination of general scientific and special methods some of whom are: scientific generalization, comparative and system analysis, induction and deduction, multi-criterion analysis and terminological method.
Part 1 «Theoretical basis of managing working assets of an enterprise» provides a review of literary sources of national and foreign scholars related to problems of managing working assets. Comparative analysis of viewpoints presented in works of many scholars enabled us to summarize and formulate definition of working assets and define basic features of this concept.
Part 2 «Analysis of methodological aspects and the use of working assets» casts light on peculiarities of managing working assets in terms of modern economic environment and presents analysis of methods used for managing working assets. Whats is more, Part 2 presents detailed evaluation of financial standing of an enterprise being influenced by the system of working assets management.
Part 3 «Recommendations for improving efficiency of managing working assets of an enetrprise» is supposed to put forward guidelines aimed at developing system of managing working assets of an enterprise in accordance with preliminary analysis of methods and trends for implementing management of working assets of an enterprise.
In modern economic environment a big number of national enterprises have to face the problem of shortage of working assets caused by crisis developments. The shortage is accompanied by underutilization of working assets. Development of economic relations in Ukraine and experience of foreign system of management determine dependance of enterprise's performance results on efficiency of managing the process of building-up and disposal of working assets. Therefore, studying the system of working assets management as an important factor in improving enterprise performance is gaining bigger applicability.
Detailed evaluation of the influence of the system of working assets management allowes us to identify the efficiency of using given system as well as disclosing its influence on financial standing on the whole. Practical application of methods used for managing working capital will enable us to maintain creditworthiness at a particular level and to gain extra profit thanks to rational disposal of working assets at an enterprise with the view of changes in economic environment.
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At this moment the abstract of the master degree work is not completed. Final date of completion: December 2012. After this date, the full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the adviser.