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The economic security of the enterprise is one of the essential principles of maintaining the stability of economic and social situation, improve the capabilities, excluding the possibility of social, labor, ethnic and other conflicts that threaten the security of the state. Economic security is a state enterprise business entity in which he is the most efficient use of available resources up to prevent or reduce the protection of the existing dangers and threats, or other unforeseen circumstances, and mostly achieves business goals in a competitive and economic risk

Establishment of enterprise security and organization of its successful operation should be based on the methodological foundations of scientific theory of security. Should be identified goals of the enterprise security: the need to make what should be achieved, tasks to be addressed to achieve these objectives, what are the main functions of the security company - to identify the activity of this system. System security is based on certain scientific principles. All this serves as a methodological basis for a security company.

1. Theme urgency

U modern business environment the company operates as an open system in a complex, uncertain and dynamic external environment, which puts new emphasis in the management company, bringing to the forefront of its quantitative and qualitative properties of the ability of self and to ensure development in a destabilizing action unforeseen predicted difficult external and internal factors. In this context of course is logical rejection of the extensive way of economic development and transition to production potential for transformation by means of activation of innovative development as the basis for economic security in particular and the state as a whole. Therefore, the problem of state economic security is in the plane of the research problems of modern innovation and is in the area of increased attention to domestic and foreign scholars.

Actively developing Ukrainian School of Management Innovation, consisting of leading economists, theorists and practices, including representatives of the Donetsk region: S. Kravchenko, V. Khobta, O. Popova, A. Fyschenko, LI Shilova. VP Antoniuk, O. Amosha, Yu.Z.Drachuk in scientific works with research and innovative development of the research category of "economic security" main attention is paid to separate the solution of above named problems, and research efforts synerhitychnoho combination of innovative development and a basis for its activation of the necessary condition of economic security companies generally provided only fragmentary. The growing importance of innovation, competitiveness and economic security of enterprise formation, lack of adequate theoretical and methodological framework for resolving implementation issues above named business enterprises shows the relevance and requires further research and applications. The set of identified issues led topics master's work, identified its logical structure construction, purpose, subject, object and research tasks.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The main purpose of the master's work is to solve the theoretical and methodological problems of the formation of economic security and providing speakers to enhance economic growth by means of innovative development. To achieve this goal in the master's thesis provides solutions to the following theoretical and applied problems:

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Explore the role and importance of economic security in modern terms;
  2. Analyze the structure and strategy of the economic system of the enterprise;
  3. Identify innovative factors of economic security;
  4. Develop evaluation of innovative activity;
  5. Justify the formation of innovative potential;
  6. Form the criteria for selecting innovative projects;
  7. Identify methods for financing innovative projects;
  8. identify the components of innovation;

Research object: process of economic security companies on innovative principles, which guarantee the stability of their operation, and provides a dynamic economic development, prevention of internal and external negative influences (threats) .

Research subject: is a set of theoretical positions and methods - applied aspects of the formation of economic security companies based on active use, innovative methods of providing economic security.

3.Theoretical foundations of innovative economic security company

The theoretical and methodological basis for the master's work is a system of general and special provisions that contain the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, systematic study development of domestic and foreign researchers, the theory of systems, organization theory, modern theories of innovation development, methods and techniques of analysis and synthesis, modeling and forecasting using modern information technology. In justification of the most important applications of the results of master's work should be used: the dialectical method, system analysis and synthesis (in the study and summarized the development of scientific concepts, system structure and normative foundations of innovation and innovative development, the development of methodological bases of evaluation framework for innovation development activities in context of their contribution to the formation of economic security), the main scientific results

Comprehensive researches identified in the master’s thesis subject and objects and solve scientific problems set allowed for the following position and results of which form the main scientific results:

Offer a three - stage model of economic security in a dynamic, continuous system-conjunctive process, based on criteria laid synergies, facilities and activities (diagnosis, assessment, identification, management influences the formation and adjustment, assessment of economic security and rate of change under the influence of the aggregate impact of innovation management) [3, 5-16].

Theoretical basis of organizational and economic approaches to capacity building in economic enterprise security management, adaptation and zdatnisno - functional aspects, which allows the formation of economic security comprehensively take into account system-organizational resources and resources positioning of the company with intellectual and innovative carrier based on their own building. [17-37].

Disclose the relationship and defined the structure, content, problem orientation and role semantics system category "innovation development - economic security". In particular, to determine the mechanisms of action applied to the formation of economic security.

Develop a model for evaluating the effectiveness of the formation of economic security based on technical and technological innovation and structural parameters of development.

First section: "Theoretical basis of innovative economic security enterprize" In the modern business environment the company operates as an open system in a complex, uncertain and dynamic external environment, which puts new emphasis in the management company, bringing to the forefront of its quantitative and qualitative properties of the ability to ensure the development of self and destabilizing actions in unforeseen vazhkoprohnozovanyh external and internal factors. In this context of course is logical rejection of the extensive way of economic development and transition to production potential for transformation by means of activation of innovative development as the basis for economic security in particular and the state as a whole. Therefore, the problem of state economic security is in the plane of the research problems of modern innovation and is in the area of increased attention to domestic and foreign scholars.

The growing importance of innovation, competitiveness and economic security of enterprise formation, lack of adequate theoretical and methodological framework for resolving implementation issues above named business enterprise exemplifies a relevance and requires further research and applications. Organizational and economic basis and content of the category "Security", primarily involves meeting the needs of existence, integrity, independence and development, and ability to provide objective subject to its fulfillment, enhanced self-renewal and development is regarded as an indicator of security, causing both the action group of interrelated factors, namely: antropnist, system hierarchy, duration, pragmatism and synergy.

Security policy should provide for coordination of external and internal components of the economic, social, environmental, scientific, technological, cultural, military, information policy, which ensures efficient operation of social institutions to maintain optimal conditions for the existence and development of the individual, economic agents and society in Ukraine where the fore in the hierarchy of systems forming components serving the economic sphere of life and problems of economic development. The economic security of the enterprise is one of the essential principles of maintaining the stability of economic and social situation, improve the capabilities, excluding the possibility of social, labor, ethnic and other conflicts that threaten the security of the state. Economic security is a state enterprise business entity in which he is the most efficient use of available resources up to prevent or reduce the protection of the existing dangers and threats, or other unforeseen circumstances, and mostly achieves business goals in a competitive and economic risk. The transition to a market economy, a significant number of enterprises of various methods of competition, imperfect legislation, weakness and corruption of state structures, the criminalization of economic activities and other reasons have created conditions for business entities in which they have to pay special attention to ensure their own economic security . Establishment of enterprise security and organization of its successful operation should be based on scientific and methodological basesing the theory of security. Should be established targets security enterprise: the need to make what should be achieved, tasks to be addressed to achieve these goals, what are the main functions of the security company - to identify the activity of this system. System security is based on certain scientific principles. This is the methodological basis of a security company.

The purpose of security is the timely detection and prevention of both external and internal threats and security challenges of the enterprise and achieve its business objectives. The security system company based in accordance with the policies carried out, and security strategy. Formation security and above all its agencies (entities) depends on the size of the enterprise, its economic, financial, industrial - technical, informational, intellectual, professional, organizational and other features. The first section reviews the theoretical foundations of innovative economic security company. The important factor is the enterprise security methods of economic regulation by the state, and in the first place - tax policy and tax system. The condition for enterprise security - stability of tax policy. Thus, after examining the nature of economic security can conclude that it intended to create conditions for efficient operation of enterprises and, consequently, achieve business goals in a competitive environment and economic development through early detection and reduction of various hazards and threats. The process of forming and maintaining economic security depends on the degree of innovativeness of the state economy in general and innovation economy enterprises in particular, increasing the degree of society's needs, providing business development and enhance their competitiveness. The concept of "Innovation" is broad in nature, but in shaping economic security importance are those inventions that bring new technological solutions, changing the state of technology, significantly improving manufacturing processes and quality of the product obtained in the context of the gradual replacement of old technology (IT) , principles, structures, etc. with new objects. Innovation is one of the main factors of economic security and competitiveness of enterprises and potentially contains principles of financial success. Optimal for the formation of economic security index value cost of scientific and technical activity shall be not less than 2% of GDP.

In the context of the intensification of processes of formation of economic security by means of innovative development in the following three basic functions of innovation: the growth and renewal of products at both individual enterprises and the national economy as a whole, the implementation of progressive structural economic changes related to major national economic proportions: reproduction, industry, cost, implementation of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress and improve on this basis, the production efficiency at the micro and macro levels.

Chapter two: "Methodological aspects of innovation factors on the level of economic security", namely: • Evaluation of innovative activity; • Creation of innovative potential; • Methods of financing innovative projects.

The possibility of funding for the enterprise is critical component of the commercialization of research results and research and design activities. In the methods of financing innovative projects to understand how these financing innovations that reflect the use of specific sources of funding in linking economic situation of the company, its current plans and development. Methods of financing can be divided into direct and indirect. The most common sources of direct funding of innovative projects are: • bank loans; • proceeds from the issuance of securities; • foreign investment; • proceeds from the sale or lease of free assets; • innovative credit; • income from short-term projects to long-term financing; • own funds of the firm (profit amortization fund); • funds received Pawn.

The indirect methods include those that provide innovative projects necessary logistical, labor and information resources. By such methods include: • purchase in installments or in a lease (rent) required for the project equipment; • acquisition (on technology used in the project) license with payment of the last in the form of royalties (percentage of sales of the final product, especially with this license); • placement of securities with payment in the form of supplies or a lease of necessary resources; • attract the necessary labor and contributions "under the project" in the form of knowledge, skills and know - how. To these sources of direct funding to add income from the sale of patents, licenses, and forms of financing such as factoring. Financial factors play a greater role in terms of project evaluation than scientific, technical, although the latter (cost estimates, staffing requirements and the probability of academic success) can be determined accurately enough. However, the case that scientific and technical factors in the selection of projects play a more important role than that usually given to them. Regardless of whether quantitative methods, there are some significant issues that must ultimately be resolved only through experience and intuition of the person who carries out the selection. Among the most important subjective reasons, apparently, include attitude to the project senior management, enthusiasm and integrity of researchers, scientific skills, the ability to attract staff and intuition of the management.

The third section: "Recommendation in innovation economic security". Justification of innovative software components, selection of innovative projects and forecast the level of economic security. For comparison, and selection of innovative projects using various indicators. This performance - both absolute and relative - to analyze the quality of innovation projects can be very many, and the deeper this analysis, the broader stock indicators, which compare projects. To calculate the economic indicators used in the project selection process, apply more quantitative methods. Most are associated with the financial aspects of projects and are based on the budget and financial performance

The study found that quantitative methods are often used in small experimental schools than in large ones. This is undoubtedly the result of higher share developments in research programs of small research institutions. Financial factors play a greater role in terms of project evaluation than scientific, technical, although the latter (cost estimates, staffing requirements and the probability of academic success) can be determined accurately enough. However, the case that scientific and technical factors in the selection of projects play a more important role than that usually given to them. Regardless of whether quantitative methods, there are some significant issues that must ultimately be resolved only through experience and intuition of the person who carries out the selection. Among the most important subjective reasons, apparently, include attitude to the project senior management, enthusiasm and integrity of researchers, scientific skills, the ability to attract staff and intuition of the management.


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