Summary of research and developments
Relevance of the topic
In a market economy to obtain a positive financial result is close to production. The positive financial result is profit. Profit creates certain guarantees for the future of the company, since only its accumulation in the form of various reserve funds helps to overcome the consequences of the risks associated with the sale of goods on the market. To gain an indication of the company, which creates an incentive for investment in those areas where it is possible to achieve the greatest gains. Profits as a category of market relations has the following functions:
- Describes the economic impact resulting from the activities of the enterprise;
- Is a key element of financial resources of the enterprise;
- Is the source of the budgets of different levels.
Prominent role played by the losses. They show the errors and miscalculations in the areas of business use of financial resources, production and marketing.
The purpose of the research
The purpose of this paper is the development of theory and develop practical recommendations for improving the management of the financial results of the company.
The object of study
The process of management processes of the enterprise.
Subject of study
Principles, methods and tools for the financial results of enterprises.
Methods of investigation
Theoretical and methodological basis of master's work served as the fundamental assumptions of economic theory, scientific papers and methodological development of leading domestic and foreign scholars in the field of financial performance in the enterprise. In the process we used the following methods: logic synthesis - to reveal the essence of the concept of "financial results" and the content of the management of financial performance, graphic-analytical method - to analyze and compare statistics on the financial results of enterprises, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, classification; approach: information (analysis of sources of information).
The practical value of the results
Theoretical and methodological rationale for the issues of financial results.
Contents of Master's research
The introduction considered the relevance of master's thesis topic, given the purpose of research, object, object and research methods, revealed the results of practical value.
1. Theoretical foundations of the financial results of enterprises
In the first section, "Theoretical Foundations of financial results" is considered the essence of the concept of financial performance, management, earnings, profits, and analyzes statistical information on the Ukraine.
The study suggests that there is no single approach to the definition of modern economists, the essence of these concepts. Summarizing the results of the study can give their own definitions of concepts:
financial performance is a measure of the effectiveness of the company expressed in the form of cash;
income is money and material goods received from all activities of the company for a certain period of time;
profits are the main goal of business, the main summary measure of financial performance of companies is determined by the difference between revenues and expenditures of the enterprise for a certain period of time;
management is a set of actions associated with the decision, and the further impact on the staff of the organization, seeks to implement the decision.
So now it is possible to define the management of financial results is a set of actions associated with the adoption of decisions on planning, distribution and use of the financial results of enterprises.
Management of financial results the company should be directed at ensuring the systematic receipt and effective use of financial resources, human settlement and credit discipline, to ensure financial stability for the effective functioning of the enterprise. The main indicators of financial performance of the company is profit, profit (loss) and profitability.
In addition to absolute indicators of financial performance is also a relative. These include cost-effectiveness. Profitability - a quality, cost parameter, which characterizes the rate of return or cost-foot resource, available in the production and sale of products [9].
The values ??of indicators of financial performance is that they reflect the efficiency of production, volume and quality of products, the state of productivity, costs, profit margins on different activities. They allow you to assess the overall condition of the enterprise, identify problems and determine solutions to these problems.
2. Methodological approaches to the management of the financial condition of the enterprise
The second section of "Development of methodical basis of financial results of companies' addresses and clarifies the basic techniques of financial results, are also considered the main ways of formation, distribution and use of profit as the main indicator of financial performance of the enterprise.
Effective management of financial results is a key to success of the enterprise. Today's business environment requires constant improvement of management practices. The importance of the principles of management is that with their help, the control system sets the rules of action and conduct, binding on all subordinate entities, coordinates, integrates, coordinates and regulates their activity influences the decision-making. The presence of advanced management techniques and skillful use of them is a prerequisite for effective management and business processes [5].
Management of financial results of the company consists of revenue management, cost and profit management of the company.
3. Measures to improve the management of financial results of enterprises
In the third section, "Recommendations to improve the management of financial results" are invited to develop recommendations for improving the management of financial results.
This section discloses the basic directions and results of the study. Summed up the main results and provided options for improving the management of financial results. That is, all directions of master's work reflected in this section briefly, or in other words, all lines of research were systematized in their sequence.
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