- Relevance of the topic
- The purpose and objectives of the study
- Research methods
- The main content of master's thesis
- Conclusion
- References
Relevance of the topic
The global economic crisis, globalization of social and socio-economic relations, has led the world's major reorientation of values and the EU countries find acceptable model of economic development that would ensure national competitiveness and oriented to the domestic economy of every country in the long-term growth. Thus, this model has become a model of innovative development, which is the foundation that defines the country's economic strength and its perspectives on the world market. The European choice of Ukraine towards integration into the high-tech competitive environment has necessitated the formation and implementation of innovative models of development, which was to ensure high and stable economic growth, to solve certain social and environmental issues, to ensure the competitiveness of national economy, increase the export potential of the country and guarantee her economic safe and proper place in the European Union.
Classical views on regionalism in the economy have been proposed renowned foreign authors, as IG Background and Tyunen V.Laungart, Dzh.Stiglits. Among Western authors can be noted as A. Weber, O.Englendera, A.Inotai, A.Prelelya, T.Palandera, E.Guvera, and among Russian experts – in particular, O.Lyubitsevu, and O.Marshalovu O.Novoselova. Of native authors include such experts on globalization and regional development, as A.Bilorus, V.Budkin, B.Danilishin, M.Dolishny, Yu.Makogon, V.Novitsky, Yu.Pahomov, I.Shkola et al. Of particular interest, based on the objectives of this work, make work N.Mikuly, V.Chuzhikova that explored the special issues of international and regional cooperation, in particular, with the participation of Ukraine.
In this case, the literature revealed insufficient prospects of cooperation in the organization of systems innovation, which determines the relevance of the topic of master's work.
The purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of master's work is the development of theoretical bases and practical recommendations for the support of the organization of effective cooperation between enterprises in the innovation sphere. To achieve the objectives of the study in the Master's work are set and solved the following problems:
- analyzes the state of and prospects for development of innovative processes;
- clarified the essence of the concept of "innovation";
- defined system of motives Cooperation Organization enterprises in innovation;
- analysis of business enterprise;
- model of the economic potential of cooperation;
- classified factors effectiveness of the organization of cooperation in innovation companies.
The object of research is the innovative activities of enterprises.
The subject of research methods and tools are organizing effective cooperation between enterprises in the innovation sphere.
Research methods
The basis of the master's works comprise of management theory, decision theory. To achieve the goals and objectives address general scientific use, and special methods: statistical analysis and logic synthesis, methods of theoretical generalization of dialectics, logic, systematic, historical and economic analysis, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction systems-target, and methods financial Mathematics. Data processing is executed using the software package MS Excel.
The sources of information are the research works of domestic and foreign scientists and economists in the field of cooperation, legislative acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the decision of Donetsk Regional State Administration, ministries and departments, these statistical reporting industrial enterprises, statistical compilations state statistics Committee of Ukraine and the Donetsk regional Department of statistics.
The main content of Master's thesis
In the introduction revealed the relevance of topics master, stated purpose and objectives of the study, described scientific novelty and practical value of the results. In the first section – "Theoretical basis for the organization of cooperation of enterprises in the innovation process" – analyze the dynamics of innovation processes in Ukraine, we define the essence of innovation, the basic components of the motivation of the organization of the strategic partnership of enterprises in the implementation of innovative projects.
The state of innovation activity in Ukraine, most expert scientists define as a crisis, and such that does not meet the level of innovation processes in the countries where innovative development is a priority for economic policy. Thus, the latest official statistics show a gradual decrease in innovative activity of enterprises in this important sector of national economy, as industry.
An analysis of scientific sources, legislative ambiguity of the interpretation revealed the essence of the concept of "innovation". Under the innovation in the broadest sense of the word in the paper, we propose to realize a profitable use of innovations in new technologies, products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decision-making of industrial, financial, commercial, administrative and other measures. The time from idea, creation and dissemination of innovations to its use is called the life cycle of innovation. Given the sequence of the work life cycle of innovation is seen as an innovative process.
The novelty of the innovation must be assessed on the technological parameters, as well as take into account the market position. In view of this innovation can be classified as follows. Depending on the process parameters are invited to share in the innovation: product innovation, they should include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components, obtaining a fundamentally new products: process innovations mean new ways of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovation can be linked with the creation of new organizational structures within the enterprise (firm). According to the types of novelty to the market innovations are divided into: new to the industry in the world, new to the industry in a country new to the enterprise (enterprise group). In place of the system (in the enterprise, the firm) can be identified: innovation at the entrance to the company (changes to the selection and use of raw materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.). Depending on the depth of the changes produce innovation: radical (basic), improving, and dirty (private).
The economic nature, role and importance of cooperative relations in international economic relations are, above all, to provide a number of conditions to optimize the economic potential of enterprises with a decrease in production necessary for the development of capital investment, to create conditions for reducing the amount of unproductive movements of resources and transport costs into account differences in national regulatory regimes of production and economic relations.
The second section of the Master – "Methodological support determine the effectiveness of cooperation between enterprises" – analyzes of business, assess the potential for cooperation and identify factors shaping the effectiveness of innovation processes at the conclusion of cooperation agreements.
In the master's work done, and the development of theoretical propositions developed guidelines for the organization of effective cooperation between enterprises in the implementation of innovative processes:
- Analysis of the status and prospects of development of innovative processes in Ukraine and the Donetsk region shows poor growth rate of funding of innovation in local enterprises.
- To increase the validity of existing innovative solutions studied the concept of "innovation" and invited the author's definition of the essence of innovation.
- The system of motivation to organize cooperation between enterprises, including organizational, financial, economic, resource, technological, market and manufacturing.
- The analysis of business enterprise.
- Generated model of the economic potential of cooperation between enterprises.
- A systematic factors of effectiveness of cooperation in innovation sphere.
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