The purpose of this paper is a synthesis and development of scientific and methodological basis, the development of tools and practical advice on identifying effective means and methods of business planning innovative projects.
- The main tasks of the study:
- To investigate the current state of innovation on the territory of Ukraine.
- Determine the types of features and innovative project planning.
- Define the concept of business planning.
- Develop and establish the basic stages of business planning innovative projects.
- To form the selection criteria of innovative business projects.
- Determine the evaluation of innovative business projects.
- Provide a method of developing the main sections of the business plan.
- Describe the analysis and forecasting of the main indicators of the business plan of the innovation project.
- Identify sources of financing for innovative business projects.
The object of study: business planning, innovative projects.
Subject of research: methods and development of business planning innovative projects.
Research methods. We used the general scientific and special methods that allow systematic justify the business planning innovative projects. During the study of theoretical aspects of the methods used to estimate the abstraction criteria decision making methods for the study comparing the current state and prospects of investment resources, systems analysis and synthesis. The theoretical basis of the final master is objective and fundamental laws of economics, management theory, investment theory, research works of domestic and foreign scientists, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The effective activity of the enterprise requires constant development, because development of the enterprise is impossible without planning. In addition, the fierce competition between companies requires the use of innovation. In this paper we developed guidelines for effective business planning innovative projects.
The practical value of the results. The purpose of business planning innovative project – plan your business activities in the firm's nearest and remote periods in accordance with market needs and opportunities of obtaining the necessary resources to promote innovation to provide project investment appeal.
List of sources
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