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Master's of DonNTU Oladunjoye Oluwaseyi Ayokunle

Oladunjoye Oluwaseyi Ayokunle

Faculty: geological

Department of minerals and ecological geology

Speciality: Geological survey, prospecting and exploration

Theme of master's work:

Comparative characteristics of the quality of coal seam m3 Donetsk - Makeyevka region, Donbass and coal deposits of Lafia-Obi in Nigeria

Scientific adviser: Volkova Tatyana Petrovna

Materials on the theme of master's work: | About author | Biography | Abstract | Library | Seaching report

Materials Masters DonNTU

  1. http://masters.donntu.ru/2009/ggeo/gulueva/diss/index.htm

    Regularities of changes in the qualitative characteristics of the coal mine fields of enterprise "Artemugol"

    Author:Guluyeva Elmira Gasymovna

    Scientific supervisor: Volkova Tatiana Petrovna

  2. http://uran.donetsk.ua/ ~ masters/2002/feht/eryomenko/eryomenko.rtf

    "Work Eremenko SA, which examines the impact of coal properties on the efficiency of desulfurization and deliming."

    Head Saranchouk VI

  3. http://masters.donntu.ru/2005/ggeo/rudnik/diss/index.htm

    Jobs Mine Helena for the study of patterns of change in the qualitative characteristics of the coal seams.

    Author: Elena Rudnik

    Scientific supervisor: Yagnysheva T.V

  4. http://masters.donntu.ru/2003/ggeo/malchenko

    Work, devoted to the study of the distribution of toxic and small components in coal.

    Author: Anna Malchenko

    Scientific supervisor: Yagnysheva T.V.

    Dedicated servers, sites, portals

  5. http://igs-nas.org.ua/?d_id=32

    Website of the Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine.

  6. http://geosciences.org.ua

    Іnformatsiyny portal Viddilennya Earth Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

  7. http://www.franko.lviv.ua/faculty/geology/

    Geological Department of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko.

  8. http://http://www.geo.com.ru

    Unofficial server Geological Faculty of Moscow State University.

  9. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Уголь

    Wikipedia article devoted to the coal.

  10. http://www.imp.mtu.edu/jmmce/issue10-1/issue10-1%20P101-109.pdf

    Quality of Some Nigerian Coals as Blending Stock in Metallurgical Coke Production.

  11. http://www.vurup.sk/sites/vurup.sk/archivedsite/www.vurup.sk/pc/vol49_2007/issue1/pdf/PC_1_2007_Adeleke.pdf

    An evaluation of the coking characteristics of polish coking coals for coke making with non-coking Nigerian coals.

  12. http://www.springerlink.com

    Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria.

    General geological server, sites, portals

  13. http://geology.org.ua/

    Website of the Research Institute of Geological and environmental monitoring and forecasting.

  14. http://geosciences.org.ua/

    Іnformatsiyny portal Viddilennya of Earth Sciences, NAS of Ukraine

  15. http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/Portal/natural/Npundmi/2008/19.pdf

    An article about the utility of trace elements in coals of Donbass

  16. http://www.edu.ru/

    Federal Portal - The Russian education.

  17. http://www.minsoc.ru/

    Russian Mineralogical Society.

  18. http://uep.su/

    All of the coal industry

  19. http://www.geolider.ru/

    Site covering a variety of geological problems.

  20. http://window.edu.ru

    Single window access to educational resources.

  21. http://nich.donntu.ru/konf/konf4/sek_01_mineraly/s01_04.pdf

    Article about the possibilities of using waste coal

  22. http://www.geol.msu.ru/

    Website Geological Faculty of MSU.

  23. http://uralgold.ru/

    Site of the minerals of the Urals.

  24. http://geoschool.web.ru

    Geological School University.

  25. http://centrnedra.karaganda.kz

    Kazakhstan's geological site

  26. http://www.science.sakhalin.ru/Geography/DVM/2002/Index.html

    Site covering a variety of geological problems.

  27. http://www.geopolus.ru/

    Site Geopolyus "geological engineering survey.

  28. http://portal.gkz-rf.ru/

    Portal of the State Committee on Mineral Reserves of the Russian Federation.

  29. http://coalpetrography.com/

    English-language site about coalpetrografii.

  30. http://www.duskyrobin.com/tpu/2006-04-00010.pdf

    Article about the quality of coal.

  31. http://rssmgfe.ru/etiquette.html

    Professional Engineers and corporate guidelines, geotechnics

    Electronic versions of books, journals, libraries

  32. http://www.izdatgeo.ru/

    Offers books on various geological disciplines.

  33. http://www.vestnik.vsu.ru/

    MAD magazine website "Herald".

  34. http://rogov.zwz.ru/crimea/06/Belomar.Morozov.1983.pdf

    Geological Magazine Volume 43 Issue May 1983

  35. http://gatchina3000.ru/great-soviet-encyclopedia/

    Electronic Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  36. http://ellib.library.isu.ru/docs/geolog/p162-01_E3_1920.pdf

    Collection of scientific papers on the geology and mineral resources of eastern Siberia.

  37. http://dic.academic.ru/

    Electronic Encyclopedia.

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