Regularities of changes in the qualitative characteristics of the coal mine fields of enterprise "Artemugol"
Author:Guluyeva Elmira Gasymovna
Scientific supervisor: Volkova Tatiana Petrovna
"Work Eremenko SA, which examines the impact of coal properties on the efficiency of desulfurization and deliming."
Head Saranchouk VI
Jobs Mine Helena for the study of patterns of change in the qualitative characteristics of the coal seams.
Author: Elena Rudnik
Scientific supervisor: Yagnysheva T.V
Work, devoted to the study of the distribution of toxic and small components in coal.
Author: Anna Malchenko
Scientific supervisor: Yagnysheva T.V.
Website of the Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine.
²nformatsiyny portal Viddilennya Earth Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Geological Department of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko.
Unofficial server Geological Faculty of Moscow State University.
Wikipedia article devoted to the coal.
Quality of Some Nigerian Coals as Blending Stock in Metallurgical Coke Production.
An evaluation of the coking characteristics of polish coking coals for coke making with non-coking Nigerian coals.
Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria.
Website of the Research Institute of Geological and environmental monitoring and forecasting.
²nformatsiyny portal Viddilennya of Earth Sciences, NAS of Ukraine
An article about the utility of trace elements in coals of Donbass
Federal Portal - The Russian education.
Russian Mineralogical Society.
All of the coal industry
Site covering a variety of geological problems.
Single window access to educational resources.
Article about the possibilities of using waste coal
Website Geological Faculty of MSU.
Site of the minerals of the Urals.
Geological School University.
Kazakhstan's geological site
Site covering a variety of geological problems.
Site Geopolyus "geological engineering survey.
Portal of the State Committee on Mineral Reserves of the Russian Federation.
English-language site about coalpetrografii.
Article about the quality of coal.
Professional Engineers and corporate guidelines, geotechnics
Offers books on various geological disciplines.
MAD magazine website "Herald".
Geological Magazine Volume 43 Issue May 1983
Electronic Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Collection of scientific papers on the geology and mineral resources of eastern Siberia.
Electronic Encyclopedia.