- 1. Rationale and urgency of the theme
- 2. Objectives and research problem
- 3. Scientific novelty and practical value work
- 4. Review of existing research and development
- 5. Current and future results of studies on the theme
- Conclusion
1. Rationale and urgency of the theme
One of the most pressing problems of the coal industry, along with increasing production volumes, traditionally is to ensure the operational status of mining. The question of restoring the operational status of the workings is quite acute, especially exposed to sewage treatment works and maintained for the lava. Despite the progress in technology and techniques of excavation and fixing, repairing and perekreplenie remain the same process of production of coal mines. So now in the mines of Ukraine annually repaired about 300 km workings, and the replacement of the deformed fasteners, usually accompanied by prisechkoy roof rocks, soil, and sides, and the process perekrepleniya is still virtually no mechanized. In the deep mines of Donbass perekrepleniya average specific volume of excavation is 7.5 m by 1000 tons of production. Thus, the current issue of restoration of the operational status of mining quite relevant.
2. Objectives and research problem
Purpose of work – justification of the parameters of rock with the LDC in making repairs workings.
Idea of work is to preserve the natural strength properties of the aquifer rocks in prisechke displaced into the cavity of rocks making in the management of maintenance of mine workings by the quasi-static fracture of rocks.
Problems solved in the master's work:
- Establishing analytical dependences for calculating the distance between the charges shpurovymi LDC.
- Development of a modified blend LDC, which allows to reduce the destruction of species, and study its properties.
- Development process scheme of repairs to excavation in the destruction of species by means of the LDC.
Оbject of study – can accommodate an array of mining. Subject of research – a quasi-static processes of rock disintegration action LDC. Methods – systematization, analysis, physical modeling method, the method of statistical processing of data.
3. Scientific novelty and practical value work
Scientific novelty of the work is as follows:
- first obtained an analytical dependence for the calculation of fracture parameters of rocks in the two open surfaces with LDC;
- the regularities of changes in the spacer-compression properties of the LDC, with the addition of plasticizers and additives based on blast-furnace slag.
practical value of work is to develop technologies to repair mining prisechkoy solid rock shpurovymi charge of LDC.
4. Review of existing research and development
The world practice of coal mining is focused on bezremontnoe podderdzhanie vyrobotok, the implementation of the concept of maintaining bezremontnogo excavation for mines in Ukraine, in practice, has not yet been implemented, despite the introduction in recent years at the forefront of modern coal mines of Ukraine, corresponding to world standards, tools and technologies to maintain mining. Thus, in the best foreign analogues predlaaemym practical solutions do not.
As a rule of the demolition of the wall rocks in the repair of excavations carried out either by blasting or mechanical means, mainly by jackhammers. Scope of application of a method determined by the strength of rocks, and the possibility of the fall during prisechki. As a rule the destruction with hammers made in the case where the rocks are prisekaemye strength to 4–5 units on a scale of prof. M.M. Protodjakonova, and developed a system of natural and man-made cracks. Destruction of rocks with hammers connected with a great deal of manual labor, low security and performance works. For example, one point podviganie perekrepleniya, replacing the frame arch support for day two is one less frame.
However, in some cases, when the region is represented prikoturnaya solid rock with a high degree of fracturing, the destruction with which it is physically impossible jackhammers, alternative drilling and blasting method of destruction there. At the same time maintaining BVR in these conditions leads to the development of the roof fell out, causing the need for bookmarks voids formed during the collapse, reducing the rate of repair, increase complexity and cost of works on perekrepleniyu.
One of the main objectives of the mining industry is to reduce the cost of mining operations and increasing safety of employees. The solution to these problems in some cases can be achieved through the use of LDC. Promising areas of LDC in the coal mines is to use them for drifting mines, delineating interfaces and repair of vertical shafts [1, 2] kreplenenii workings [3], the restoration of the operating section [4], etc.
However, despite the practical experience gained in the conduct of surface mining and in construction, direct transfer to the underground conditions are not possible because the maintenance work in underground mines is associated with a special security regime, caused by dust-gas component of the mine atmosphere and the thermal regime, cramped conditions of work, a high concentration of people and vehicles per unit area.

Figure 1 – The distribution pattern of von Mises equivalent stress
Current and future results of studies on the theme
Basic research is the prospect of the use of the work in the coal industry of Ukraine.
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