- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The aims and objectives of the study, the expected results.
- 3. Review of research, the expected results.
- 4. The presentation of the material.
- Conclusions and directions for further research.
- References
1. Relevance of the topic
To date, the number of mines, which is mounted a metal arched roof supports pliable, about 90 %. In Ukraine the status of their mines is that 17.5 % of them are in need of repair, due to the strain. The results produced by the analysis found that the major source of unwanted states is small workings bearing capacity of roof support frame, and also disparity performance lining with geological conditions where it is installed.
2. The aims and objectives of the study, the expected results.
To all the variety of existing trends, which can improve the mine support, the most progressive is strengthening, including through the use of anchoring. As a result, the scientific experiments conducted in this area are greater scientific value. Their goal is to determine the specificity of the deformed solid in the workings of the combined fixed bolting, to establish a satisfactory working condition.
3. Review of research, the expected results.
The number of developments, which worked out issues related to the nature of the interaction of different designs bolting from the array is large enough. Among them are the following sponsors A.P. Shirokova, V.T. Glushko, A.A. Borisova, N.I. Melnikova, L.M. Erofeev, A.N. Zorina, I.A. Kovalevskoy, B.K. Chukuna, A. Remezov, I.A. Yurchenko, A.N. Shashenko, V. Vinogradov, A. Yugona, A. Kosta etc. [5-9]
Based on the analysis of works, which dealt with questions about the study of interaction of the combined lining and the array, resulting in the developed method for calculating their parameters, and also highlighted three types of interaction:
- The first type of work takes into account the presence of roof bolting, reinforcing the frame, with a coefficient of reduction of the displacement, which is introduced into the formula for calculating the expected displacement of the contour generation and depend on the density of the installation of anchors[2];
- Second type of work considering a single load-carrying structure consisting of a frame and frame reinforcing lining, as a single load-carrying structure, the design parameters which are taken depending on the expected displacement of the contour floating production, geological and mining factors that characterize the condition of its inception [3];
- The third type of work considering a frame and the reinforcing lining a single coherent structure, whose parameters are calculated theoretically using the method of forces [1].
However, all known work, considered for the analysis, have a series of shortcomings. This is
due to the fact that they do not have distinct boundaries between the existing structures of
combined roof supports, which are based on the anchor system, no data on the mechanism of
interaction of the combined lining and host an array of time. Also, load distribution, perceived
individual constituent elements of the mounting frame - the shell of the fortified rock
in existing methods of calculation of parameters of combined roof supports is not defined, which makes
it impossible to calculate their options carefully.
In this context, the purpose of this paper is to study the effect of enhancing roof support frame anchors on the process of developing a zone around the damaged trees (ZRP).
4. The presentation of the material.
Ongoing research on the structural models show the effect of strengthening frame anchors for bolting resistance develop, depending on the size of the ZRP, established for the period set anchors. In structural models, which are based on wooden blocks of various sizes (scale models 1:50), ZRP simulated different sizes formed in the vicinity at the time of making the installation of anchors (ZRP size – from 1 to 6 m), depth of anchoring (anchor length from 1 to 6 m). Simulate various circuits installed anchors (radial, cross-shaped and two–stage).
Depending on the transformation of the relative displacements of the contour generation when developing the model, evaluated the effectiveness of gain-frame anchors lining. The dependence of the displacement path of the development of the relative size of ZRP, formed at the time of installation of the anchors provided in the form of graphs in Figure 2.

Figure. Bias circuit making the size of the damaged zone of rocks that formed at the time of installation of anchors, in relative units
Produced analysis of studies proving the loss of efficiency gain frame lining anchors, bearing in mind that by the time the construction of the anchors, formed around the development of ZRP with a size comparable with the depth of anchoring.
Conclusions and directions for further research.
Through experiments conducted in laboratory conditions may determine the level of influence enhance frame bolting stiff anchors in the process of forming zones of broken rock around the development and provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of these interactions. Specificity of deformation processes in the production of which holds an array of previously established, will be applied to the problem of theoretical reasoning and justification of the calculation scheme to determine the rational parameters of the combined lining.
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