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Goal and tasks of the research
Confining pressure, a collective term in the mining geomechanics, bringing together a set of force fields (stress states), formed in the bowels of the earth due to natural and industrial influences. The main causative agent GD is gravity, additional agents, which have a different prevalence, duration and force of action, are the geotectonic processes, and production activities for the extraction of mineral resources, construction of underground and surface facilities. Continuously or discontinuously in redistributing rock masses for various reasons, GD can produce both destructive and useful work (eg, to facilitate the extraction of minerals). The phenomena caused by GD (strain, displacement and destruction of elements of rock masses and the Earth's surface, the interaction of the elements of arrays with engineering works, including loading of mining supports), known in the art as "manifestations of rock pressure," expedient managed represents one of the most important practical problems of mining and mining sciences. Proper positioning, implementation and maintenance of mine workings - a means of effective local management of GD that are widely used in the mines (for example, to deal with the mountain blows through advanced extraction "protective" layers). The concept emerged in the GD 19. Teaching the management of GD is reflected in the writings of M. Protodjakonova Sr., P. Tsimbarevicha, W. Slesareva and several other Soviet researchers. Abroad, significant research conducted K. Bach (Germany), G. Shpakelerom (GDR), R. Fenner (Chile), F. Mohr (Germany), A. Labasa (Belgium), etc. To fix the preparatory workings most widely used metal arch and ring frame supple lining. Capable of yielding lining under pressure to reduce their rock size, and hence the production cross section due to displacement or deformation of the elements while maintaining the bearing capacity and serviceability of the structure. Elements of metal frames are made of malleable spetsprofilya, connecting them with each lap with clamps and bolts, bolting compliance is achieved through the sliding roof support elements in the places of their connection. Mixed Frame lining consists of concrete hollow (tubular and rectangular) and metal racks verhnyakov, connected with the hanging bracket. As an independent lining, especially in the mining industry, coupled with the use by web propping roof bolting. Used (mainly in the ore mines) and hard metal linings (trapezoidal, arched and circular) of the I-beams and used rails with a compound of the elements plates and bolts and nuts, at least - with the help of special shoes. Fixing the frame is installed in the development of typically 0.5-1 m distance from one another. The roof and sides between the frames, making the so-called fenced. bongs - reinforced concrete slabs, metal grilles and screens of various designs, boards, cuts. A frame wooden roof supports (including wooden torque) is mainly used in the workings of a small cross section and with a little life (3-5 years). Production with a significant lifetime, usually fastened with non-combustible materials (metal, concrete, etc.). Trapezoidal frame usually set by 0.5-1 m (vrazbezhku) with fixing the roof and sides of the generation between the wooden frames are positioned at or bongs. With pressure from the soil making use closed (full) frame with Lezhnev. Wooden girth lining being constructed in the pre-vertical and inclined (over 45 °) workings of a small section (pits, winze, ramps, sboykah, etc.), it is solid (Fig. 4c), when the crowns are placed one upon the other, and racks where racks are installed between the crowns of 0.5-2 m long crowns are made of logs or boards, and interconnected by incorporation "in the paw," and stand with crowns - usually in a groove. However, there have been cases of destruction of recommended roof supports, for example, in zones of tectonic disturbances on the contacts of geological units. At the same depth in some cases the strain manifested in the form of dumped and destruction of the roof, in others - in the destruction of the walls and shattering production, swelling of the soil. That, and that there is often a form of assimilation-symmetric dumped in a fixed mines, already called into question the correctness of the spread of existing theoretical approaches to predict all possible locations of mountain vyrabotok.S by projecting diformatsy vyrobotok mountain, you can determine the type of lining to it lutchshey ustoychivosti.Na example, many mines are using exactly the type of lining that is most suitable for geological data usloviyah.No prediction methods also do not stand still and I'll find my work more appropriate for my business.
1. Theme urgency
Fastening and maintenance of the mountain making in the stable state in the period of exploitation is one of the most responsible and ресурсоемких technological processes of mountain production. The choice of крепи with insufficient bearing strength results in growth of risk of the sudden bringing down, probability of unplanned outages. Setting of крепи with superfluous bearing strength becomes reason of height of non–productive expenses. At working mine of minerals of ore knot the applied types of крепей to present tense settled accounts and constructed coming from presentations, that the symmetric in relation to a vertical line field of tensions operates round the underground making. Fastening of the mountain making in accordance with the normative documents worked out on the basis of the described approach provided necessary stability of their contour mainly. However the cases of destruction of recommended крепей took place, for example, in the zones of tectonic violations on the contacts of geological blocks. On a the same depth in one cases of deformation showed up as falls and destructions of roof, in other – in destruction and hold–out of ribsides, troubling of soil. It, and also marked frequently асси–метричная form of falls in the envisaged making, already called in a question the rightness of distribution of existent theoretical approaches on all possible terms of location of the mountain making.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The problem of ensuring the stability of expression preparatory botok excavation sites is one of the major challenges of underground mining of coal seams, without which is not possible to ensure mine safety and increase the technical and economic efficiency of operation of coal mines. Research and practice of Mines show that, at a cost of 1 km and securing development workings in the range from 5 to 9 million USD. modern requirements of a cost-effective and safe in the coal mines of Ukraine, developing capacity of shallow coal seams 0,85-2 m, best fits the workings saving technology for reuse through the use of effective roof bolting, roof supports to strengthen security and artificial structures, however, the practice of the mines , worked through layers of up to 2 m in complex geological conditions (large depth of development, the presence of zones of high rock pressure, layered and fractured rocks of the immediate roof and main roof rock trudnoobrushayuschiesya) susches tvuyuschih of roof bolting and roof supports to strengthen the working load capacity of 50 - 150 kN/m2, and the existing security structures showed their lack of technical and economic efficiency or safety. When choosing their options in accordance with existing regulations state protected openings is often unsatisfactory. Poor condition worsens the conditions of ventilation openings excavation sites, reduces the safety of mining operations, is the need to implement them in the time-consuming and costly repairs, which reduces the load on the working face, and ultimately leads to inefficient mines..
In–process Л.Ф. Damask and В.В. Виноградова it is underlined that the everywhere applied traditional technology of the supporting and подпорного fastening of making a long ago exhausted the possibilities frame–arched крепью. This conclusion is based on researches 60–90, that showed that no economically expedient rigid frame support is in making conducted in weak and to middle durability mountain breeds on no–bottoms, can not counteract to mountain pressure, therefore to contest with formation of zone of destruction by the increase of bearing strength of крепи beside the purpose.

Рис. 1.Chart of setting of bar of strengthening(animation, 6 shot, duration of 1 with, 5 reiterations, size 85,2 КБ)

Fig.&of nbsp;2. State of making on the investigated mine of а) and б) Tests of крепи of КМП–АП3 with the interlocks of ЗШ.000 on the stand of the Donetsk research coal institute(ДонУГИ)
With forecasting dyformatsyy mines, can determine the type of attachment for her lutchshey ustoychivosti.Na example, many mines use the type of attachment that fits most, with geological data usloviyah.No methods of forecasting is not standing still and I my work I find more appropriate for my business.
At writing of this report master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion: December, 2012. Complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the named date.