
Рicture 1 – One of Donetsk waste dumbs
The Contents
- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Purpose and tasks of the research
- 3. Main part
- Conclusion
- References
The ecological situation in the region largely determines the state of socio-economic life of the population. There is a trend of deterioration. One of the main reasons is the development of mining and processing industry in Ukraine and the related process of urbanization in many regions of our country, Donbass in particular.
Donbass is a major industrial region, which provides 12% of Ukraine's GDP by industries, which are related with the maximal violation and pollution of the environment.
Coal mining industry, which plays an important role in the national economy of Ukraine and the energy independence, is one of these sectors. The result of the coal mines is the extraction of coal and the formation of of new mining waste dumps.
1. Theme urgency
600 mining waste dumps located in Donetsk region occupy about 4,000 hectares. The area of natural reserve fund for the effective functioning of the ecological network should be at least 10% for each geographic area according to the criteria of sustainable development of the European Union. At the beginning of 2009, there are recorded 84,882 hectares of natural protected areas in the Donetsk region, accounting for only 3.2% of the total area. To achieve the regulated rates without attracting posttechnogenic areas in industrial areas is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the possibility of using the territory of the waste dump for the extension Donetsk region econet.
2. Purpose and tasks of the research
The purpose of the research is development and justification of the rational use of lands which are subject to anthropogenic influence according to their intended purpose.
Main tasks of the research:
- To determine the influence of waste dump on environmental depending on the application of different methodic to the establishment of the sanitary protection zone.
- To establish the optimal size of the sanitary protection zone, on the basis of the research findings.
- To justify criterias to include the territories, which are occupied by the waste dumps into the eco-network of Donetsk region.
Research object is the processes which occur as a result of creating waste dumps and their impact on the land condition.
Research subject is the land occupied by the waste dumps of mining enterprises.
Possible outcomes:
- The determination of the real zone of influence of waste dumps on the environment.
- The establishment for the optimum size of the waste dump sanitary protection zone.
- The definition of criterias to facilitate the inclusion of the waste dump territory into the eco-network of our region.
Main part
Waste dumps have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, to protect residential areas, other facilities and zones of urban development from the effects of pollutants entering the atmosphere with emissions, enterprises or their branches should be separated by free territories called sanitary protection zones.
Currently, waste dumps in Ukraine are seen as a point (not spatial) object of pollution and disturbance of natural environment. During the research it was found that in some cases, mechanical protection zone waste dump is larger than the regulated sanitary protection zone. Therefore, in our opinion, it is more reasonable and objective to consider mining waste dump as a volumetric object and set the sanitary protection zone in regard to the boundary of the area occupied by the waste dump. Our researches have shown that the size of waste dumps' sanitary protection zone is increasing in 1,6-2,25 times as a result of the proposed approach.
When defining the length of the sanitary protection zone prevailing wind directions must be taken into account. It means that sanitary protection zone may have different lengths in different directions depending on the wind rose, but it should not be lower than the minimum (normative) length.
There are ways to use industrial wastes to produce building materials, build roadways, get new minerals as a result of wastes processing, etc. However, today these directions of processing industry are not in demand. The main reason is the financial aspect as the production should be restructured and re-equipped, which requires large capital investments.
Steps that are required to preserve the lands:
- to assess the state of lands, which are disturbed by anthropogenic impacts (monitoring);
- to develop and validate directions of the land preservation and use (eco-network, assignment to the sanitary protection zone, recreation);
- to determine ecological, economic and social results of land preservation and use.
Waste dumps should be viewed not only as technogenic mineral deposits, but also as objects which can makes it possible to extend the ecological network of the region at the expense of their sanitary protection zones` territories. In our opinion, the best way is to use waste dumps as additional elements of the eco-network in the process of its formation, which is especially important for Donetsk.
Eco-network is a single territorial system, which is created to improve conditions for the formation and recreation of the environment, increase the natural resources potential of Ukraine, preserve landscape and biological diversity, places of settlement and growth of valuable species of flora and fauna, genetic stock, migration routes of animals by combining territories and objects of natural reserve fund, as well as other areas of particular value for the environment in accordance with the laws and international obligations.
Specialists of the Institute of Natural Resources and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed scientific and practical basis for the use of lands disturbed by mining activities for the formation of recreational elements of the eco-network. Such landscapes are able to function as buffer and binding elements at the initial stage of their development, and as core elements in future.
- Coal mining industry is one of sources of environmental pollution, most of which is caused by formation and existence of coal enterprises` waste dumps. Such objects are concentrated mainly in Donetsk region.
- Methodology of establishing sanitary protection zones for waste dumps, which is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, has its drawbacks. One of them is the sanitary protection zones` width, which in some cases is insufficient to cover the zone of waste dumps` harmful influence on the environment.
- A large number of anthropogenic landscapes which were created as a result of mining can become the basis to maintain functioning of ecological network corridors.
- The lands occupied by waste dumps, are taken out of use, but are recreated and can be used for other purposes (recreation).
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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