- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Review of existing research and development on the subject
- Conclusion
- References
At the present time in the world and domestic practice, there is the realization of the concept Mine-Lava
, which is the tendency to reduce complex-mechanized force lava to one or two high on a single enterprise. Under these conditions, timely reproduction of the lines longwall faces, assembly and disassembly becomes an integral part of a continuing process of coal mining. It should be noted that the preparation of lava to the dismantling and removal of the mechanized complex itself is the most time-consuming and costly process.
1. Theme urgency
At the mines are widely used two main schemes of preparation for the dismantling of mechanized complexes [1]: P>
- Preparation of cell dismantling mechanized complex.
- Enter mechanized complex in a pre-prepared dismantling the camera.
The first scheme is the most common. The second – to enter the mechanized complex in a pre-prepared dismantling the camera is the most promising in terms of minimizing the time required to dismantle the mechanized complex. This scheme is developed in two directions. The first area includes the preparation and conduct of dismantling the camera to the approach of the lava under the beams and winding sections of mechanized roof supports at maturity pillar between the lava and dismounting the camera. The second area involves the holding of two demolition mines, separated by the entire coal [2–4].
In the run-up cameras in the rear sight must be repaid to create a continuous protective overlap with punctured. Appointment interchamber pillar is reduced to reduce the load on the supports dismantling cameras during input mechanized production complex.
With increasing depth of mining coal deposits increased rock pressure and the amount of trudnoobrushaemyh roofs. In this regard, the study of rock pressure in the management of demolition work are among the urgent tasks. Research in this area will identify the characteristics and nature of the manifestations of the stress state of rock mass at the approach to the dismantling of lava chamber and the safety parameters to justify mining operations associated with the dismantling of mechanized cleaning systems [5].
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
Purpose – study ways to ensure the sustainability parameters of preliminary dismantling excavations.
idea work is to ensure the sustainability of preliminary dismantling the camera due to the collapse of forced breeding console from the mined-out space with non-explosive depleting substances (NRW).
Tasks, solved in the master's work:
- Establishing analytical dependences for calculating the distance between the charges shpurovymi NRW. Development of a modified mixture
- NRW, which allows to reduce the destruction of species, and study its properties.
- development process scheme of repairs to excavation in the destruction of species by means of NRW.
Object of mfster's work – an array with a capacity of mining.
Subject research – the processes of destruction of the main roof rock quasi-static effect of NRW.
Methods – ordering, mathematical modeling, physical modeling method, the method of statistical processing of data.
3. Review of existing research and development on the subject
Research has shown that the resistance of the lining roofs trudnoobrushayuschihsya effect on the stress state and the bundle only the lower layers up to 2 m increase in the resistance lining has almost no effect on the stress state of the more remote sections and hangs trudnoobrushayuschihsya rocks. Consequently, we can conclude that the management trudnoobrushayuschimisya roofs by increasing the resistance of lining will be ineffective.
In the coal industry to improve the management of heavy rock of the roof is used several ways of softening. Known, and the following main ways of softening the roof to reduce the pressure on the safety of mining pillars [6]:
- way of undermining;
- unloading of large diameter wells;
- forward torpedo;
- hydrotreatment;
- explosive hydro processing;
- forced the collapse of the roof Blast-hole charges;
- forced the collapse of the roof Blast-shpurovyh charges;
- explosive hydro processing a borehole;
- wedge destruction;
- directional hydraulic fracturing.
The purpose of the application of these methods is the reduction or complete elimination of the severity of manifestations of rock pressure on the safety pillars and manifestations of the precipitate in a dynamic form roof.

Figure 1 – Distribution of equivalent stresses in the model, calculated by energy theory
Current and future results of studies on the topic. The basic research is the prospect of the use of the work in the coal industry of Ukraine.
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