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This abstract is used as an example, with the permission of Evgeniy Tatolov.




In the depths of reclaimed and promising coal fields are concentrated much of the world's resources of coal, as well as their satellite – methane, the scale of resources that are commensurate with the resources of conventional natural gas deposits in the world. In this regard, these pools should be considered as coalbed methane, a phased development to be integrated with the advanced large – scale production of methane. The main component of natural gas of coal seams are not affected by weathering processes of the gas (demetanizatsiey) is methane. Its concentration in the mixture of natural gas coal seam is 80–98%. Evidence–based assessment of the role of coal – bearing formations as the major sources and sites of accumulation in the crust metena opens up new prospects for large increases in the resources of hydrocarbon gases. Methane which is the most dangerous companion of coal is valuable minerals subject to an independent commercial mining or extraction of a following in the mines in the operation of the complex phase gas – bearing coal deposits [3]. It is on this topic master, "Tectonics and gas – bearing fields of mine" Cold Beam–bottom "," relevant.

Communication with the programs

The purpose of this paper is to trace the connection with the gas content of the tectonic structure of the object. In accordance with the intended purpose of the following tasks were identified research:

  1. Analiz consisting of problem of forming of gas of coals
  2. Izuchenie connection of tectonics and gas–bearingness of uglegazovykh pools of the world
  3. Detal'no to study the tectonic structure of object of
  4. From data of mirrors of sliding to build the field of deformations of
  5. On the field of deformations to select the areas of tension
  6. Po areas of tension sprognozirovat' the presence of gas traps

In the book "Tectonic coalbed methane deposits of Donbass" are patterns of distribution of tectonic dislocations of different types and origins in the sediment and basement of Donbass. The influence of geodynamic processes on the state of stress, physical and mechanical properties and gas – bearing rocks and coals. The principles of typing the Donbass Coal and Gas Deposits and forecasting are examples of areas of concentrations of methane in different tectonic settings. []Structural and tectonic studies of Donetsk – Makeevka area are described in Korchemagina VA, Pavlov IO [2].

The object –of the mine field of research Cold Beam – Lower

The subject of research – Tectonics and gas – bearing

Research Methods

  1. Tetnonofizicheskiy method
  2. Metody gradicheskogo analysis tensions in the program GEOS
  3. Analiz early conducted robot and estimation of general descriptions of object in the global, regional and local levels

The scientific novelty

  1. in the first is set parameters of the tectonic fields of deformations on the field of mine «Cold Beam – Nizhnyaya»

  2. Vydeleno site of areas of prevailing compression and tension in the array of mountain breeds of

  3. Ustanovleny favourable areas for gas sources

The practical importance of

stretching to identify areas of the mine field of "Holodnaya Balka – Nizhnyaya"

1 Analysis of izuchenosti question

1.1 Mineral Resources of the World

Necessity, possibility and economic feasibility of large–scale commercial production of coal bed methane development is confirmed by experience coalbed methane industries in the U.S., which occupy a leading position in the world in terms of "the new gas industry." In the U.S., the methane production increased sharply from 5 billion cubic meters. m in 1990 to 27.6 billion cubic meters. m in 1995, and in 2009 reached 56 billion cubic meters. m, which was about 10% of the conventional gas production in the U.S.. Also, commercial production of methane from coal seams is conducted in Australia, Canada and China.

Until recently, Russia methane from coal seams was removed only in passing in the fields of mines mine drainage systems, which include wells drilled from the surface. These systems in recent years in the Pechora and Kuznetsk basins extracted about 0.5 billion cubic meters. meters of methane per year. In 2003 "Gazprom" has started a project to assess the feasibility of commercial production of methane from coal seams in the Kuzbass. In Erunakovsky area of the Kemerovo region in the field Taldinskoye Kuzbassaprobureny four experimental wells, set up an experimental test site, where in 2005 – 2008. received the first gas flows. In addition, have been developed and tested technology of methane production, reserves evaluation prepared by methods of coal bed methane, has established a regulatory framework that provides development of coalbed methane resources, and environmental safety of coalbed methane industries. On the whole production cycle – from exploration of the coal gas before it is used – received 31 international and domestic patent sample. In this case two – thirds of the equipment used in the pilot project, the domestic production. Inferred resources Taldinskoye gas deposits are estimated at 95.3 billion cubic meters. m Acquisition of "Gazprom" in June 2007, controlling and communicating in May 2008, a stake of up to 100% of the share capital of OOO "Company Geologopromyslovaya Kuznetsk" (holds the license for prospecting, exploration and production of coalbed methane in the range of the Southern Kuzbass coal deposits with the resources of 6.1 trillion cu m. gas) can begin to create a new sub – industry in Russia, Energy for the extraction of coal bed methane, to expand its resource base of hydrocarbon raw materials and markets, to organize a large – scale gasification of the Kemerovo region of Siberia and southern regions. In 2008–2009, the eastern sector of the deposit Taldinskoye drilled eight wells (one and seven parametric exploration). Currently, started trial operation of exploratory wells to supply gas to CNG stations. As a result of trial operation will be obtained the necessary parameters for the transfer of methane resources in the reserves of industrial categories, technology worked well development, gas gathering and processing necessary for the development of priority areas and areas in the Kuzbass. Initiated the search and evaluation work on the next promising area –Naryksko–Ostashkinskoy area. Stable level of production of methane from coal seams in the Kuzbass is planned in the amount of 4 billion cubic meters. meters per year. In the long term – in the amount of 18–21 billion cubic meters. meters per year to meet the gas needs of other regions of southern West Siberia [3].

1.2 Mineral Resources of Ukraine

On mine it. "Zasyadko" at their own expense to improve the safety of miners' labor, reduce the risk of sudden explosions of methane emissions and implemented a comprehensive program of field drainage and industrial use of methane gas worth 750 million USD. Its implementation is possible in 2010 without a single accident to produce a 651.7 thousand tons of coal, which is 10.1 percent more targets, and nearly 95 tons more than in 2009. The average load on the lava was equal to 1613 tons per day, against 1406 tons / day in 2009, labor productivity of the working mines of coal in 2010 amounted to 105.7 percent of the planned target. During operation the first stage of a cogeneration plant produced nearly 967 million kWh / year of electricity and heat [4].

2 Short – story description of object of researches

Mine is "Cold Beam" was commissioned in 1957 with a design capacity of 600 tons per year production capacity is 450 tons per year. As part of the administrative division of the "Holodnaya Balka – Nignyaya" is located in the mining and Yasinovatskiy administrative districts of the Donetsk region of Ukraine and occupies an area of ? 76 km 2. In the geological and structural section for "Holodnaya Balka – Nignyaya" is part of the Donetsk – Makeevka coal – bearing area and structurally is a gentle synclinal fold, extending from northwest to southeast. The latter is a component (central) part – Makeevka Ryasnyansky syncline. Lot size "Holodnaya Balka – Nignyaya" is located on the southern slope of the watershed of Donetsk, on the left and, in part, on the right side of the river Gruzskoy, which, in turn, a left tributary of the river Kalmius. The surface area being considered is a steppe area, rugged ravines Cold, Kolesnikova, Verbovoy, and Dresnuhoy Kutsoy, and their ridges. In industrialized and economically bowels of the site belong to the SE "Makeevugol." The site is close and conveniently located to the industrial centers and big settlements, railway lines and stations. 8 km to the west is Makeevka with well – developed iron and steel, coke and coal – mining industry. At 20 km to the southwest is the regional and major industrial center of Donetsk. 6 km north – east of the city is Khartsyzsk, employing several factories and other enterprises of local industry. In the area of the site are small farms, and industrial communities. Nedra complex area composed of terrigenous rocks of the Carboniferous period, related to the formation of C 2 2, C 2, 3, 4 and C 2 C 2 5, almost everywhere overlain by Quaternary and partly Paleogene – Neogene deposits.

Technical boundaries of the site are as follows: Along strike in the west – Markovsky thrust on all layers, the stratum g 2 – Smolyaninovsky thrust at deeper levels – the axis of inflection in the rocks of a steep drop – Yasinovka Zhdanovskaya flexure; in the east – to bed Kamenskaya suite, as well as layers of i May 1, h 10 /, h 10 – Dulinsky thrust, minus the 225 m contour line and Verbovoy thrust for 6 h recovery / + h and 6 h 6, h 5, h 4 / + h 4 and h 4 /, g 2 and g 2 N – Verbovaya flexure. In the fall: in the north – Longitudinal thrust. As the uprising in the south – the mountain of abandoned mines in strata h 10 /, h 10 and g 2, for the rest of the layers – the output layers to the surface. Directly to the site's "Holodnaya Balka – Nignyaya" in the north of the site adjoins Khartsyzsk number 1 in the east – Khartsyzsk number 2 and number 1 Ilovajskij in the west – Makeevka – deep prospect and mine field, "East". The beginning of systematic geological research on the area of the plot was laid a group of geologists led by LI Lutugino. The first geological material summarizing their research was a detailed geological map of the Donets Basin scale 1: 42,000. Since 1963, the area's "Holodnaya Balka – Nignyaya" was carried out detailed exploration to study the presence of coal, quality, mining and geological conditions and geological structure of coal seams with 2 suites 2, C 2, 3, 4 and C 2 C 2 5.

Currently, the balance shafts are registered coal seams k 6, k 5, k 4, h 10 /, h 10 and g 2. Formation coal seams Kamensky (k 6, k 5 and k 4) is almost completely developed, the remaining off – balance sheet reserves of this series do not have commercial value and their working out economically feasible. Currently being piloted in the reservoir 10 h. Industrial stocks for layers 10 h /, h 10 and g 2 on 01.01.09 up 47,694 tons of them on the development of layers h 10 – 15 230 tonnes . It is also possible prirezki reserves layers i 2, i January 5, h 6 / + h 6, h 5, h 4 / + h 4, and partly (in the amount of 8205 tons), – g 2. The main factors determining the behavior of the gas content of coal seams, are: the depth, degree of metamorphism and tectonic structure of the complex plot. It is established that the zone of full demetanizatsii reaches a depth of 30 – 50 m, and all the layers are deposited in a methane zone. Natural gas – bearing coal seams is high, the maximum values of – 39 10 – 40, 30 m 3 / t.g.m – layers of h 10 / h and 10. In stratum 2 g maximum natural gas content is somewhat lower – up to 34 80 m 3 / t.g.m. Methane reserves estimated p / of "Ukruglegeologiya" in 1985 (Minutes ¹ 206 technical council). On 01.01.09 ABC reserves category 1 / C 1 are 1380, 40 million m 3, with 2 off – balance sheet categories – 376, 70 million m 3. Gas – bearing host rock within the mine field is practically not been studied.

In general, the mine's "Cold Beam" for 2008 extracted methane – air mixture 17, 721 million m3, of which koptirovano 9 038 million m 3, disposed of 5 643 million m 3. During 10 months of 2009, recovered methane – air mixture 16, 447 million m3, of which koptirovano 6 660 million m 3, disposed of 5 588 million m 3. Given the above, you should consider the field of mine "Cold Beam" as a perspective for the complex and the degasification find clusters of free methane from coal deposits.

3. Fact sheets and research methods

3.1 The description of the actual material

  1. Measurement of slip mirrors the definition of the direction of displacement in the field of mine "Holodnaya Balka – Nizhnyaya"
  2. Geological and tectonic map of the mine field of "Holodnaya Balka – Nizhnyaya."
  3. Hypsometric plan for the reservoir 10 h. .

3.2 Analysis of graphic material

It has been studied geological, tectonic structure of the study area. In the field of mine "Holodnaya Balka – Nizhnyaya" measurements were made of mirrors with the definition of slip directions of displacements

3.3 Research methods

In processing the field data and interpretation of the results used computer programs: XL, GEOS, SURFER. GEOS – a program of reconstruction of stress and strain fields of cracks in the veins of the mirrors and bearings. It is used to estimate the parameters of the deformation field, which caused the formation of gaps in the mine field. The main parameters of the deformation field are:

  1. The orientation of the principal axes of strain ellipsoid normal strains. .
  2. Lode–Nadai coefficient, which reflects the ratio of the axes. This parameter varies from – 1 to +1. Negative values indicate blocks stretching, positive – compression.
  3. Z – component, which reflects proektsiyu vertical axis of the ellipsoid to the vertical deformation. The value of Z – components of less than 1 corresponds to the areas experiencing prideformatsii lowering over 1 – uplift. .

The orientation of the axes of the strain and stress fields allows us to estimate the direction of tectonic movements and the efforts of the variability in the development of geological structures. Values of the Lode – Nadai, the difference between the maximum and minimum deformation and vertical components of the strain ellipsoid, provide an opportunity to evaluate, respectively, the distribution areas of compression and expansion of the array, the intensity of deformation and movement of the earth's surface (uplift, subsidence). To construct maps of the distribution of values of these parameters was used the software package Surfer, which allowed visual display digital information (distribution coefficient values of the Lode – Nadai and the z–component of the mine area "Cold Beam – – Lower").

4 Results

4.1 Arrangement of Lode – Nadai coefficient

From this diagram we see that on the allocated areas of intense intense stretching. Within the northern, central and eastern part of the study area reconstructed the most minimum value, which indicates the dominance of tensile forces. To the north – eastern and south–western parts of the unit received the positive values of the Lode – Nadai. In the central part is quite intense tension zone

4.2 Distribution of vertical component of the strain ellipsoid

It is evident that most of the value of index greater than 1. The lowest value of z–components are located on the north – east of the study area, and there are areas where subsidence abruptly gives way to a show. These gradients indicate the z–component of the active vertical movements.


The calculations were obtained values of the Lode–Nadai and vertical components of the strain ellipsoid. After mapping of which, at the test site have been identified in areas which are experiencing tension and uplift of the surface. Plots in both these conditions may be favorable for gas accumulation (gas trap).


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