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Goal and tasks of the research
In Donbas one of the deepest mines in the world. Some mines conduct mining on a depth a 1000 -1300 m. Pumped out waters to 11 meters cube on one ton mine coal. Cokings coals are obtained in the Donetsk-Makiivka district, in ON " Павлоградуголь"-низкометаморфизированные coals. On mines near-by the cities of Торез, Шахтерск, Sverdlovsk is developed by полуантрациты and антрациты. Coals of all brands are developed in Donbas - from brown to антрацитов.
1. Theme urgency
Fastening and maintenance of the mountain making in the stable state in the period of exploitation is one of the most responsible and ресурсоемких technological processes of mountain production. The choice of крепи with insufficient bearing strength results in growth of risk of the sudden bringing down, probability of unplanned outages. Setting of крепи with superfluous bearing strength becomes reason of height of non–productive expenses. At working mine of minerals of ore knot the applied types of крепей to present tense settled accounts and constructed coming from presentations, that the symmetric in relation to a vertical line field of tensions operates round the underground making. Fastening of the mountain making in accordance with the normative documents worked out on the basis of the described approach provided necessary stability of their contour mainly. However the cases of destruction of recommended крепей took place, for example, in the zones of tectonic violations on the contacts of geological blocks. On a the same depth in one cases of deformation showed up as falls and destructions of roof, in other – in destruction and hold–out of ribsides, troubling of soil. It, and also marked frequently асси–метричная form of falls in the envisaged making, already called in a question the rightness of distribution of existent theoretical approaches on all possible terms of location of the mountain making.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of master's degree work is an improvement of methods of fastening of the mountain making taking into account a choice and analysis of the most rational method of guard.
In–process Л.Ф. Damask and В.В. Виноградова it is underlined that the everywhere applied traditional technology of the supporting and подпорного fastening of making a long ago exhausted the possibilities frame–arched крепью. This conclusion is based on researches 60–90, that showed that no economically expedient rigid frame support is in making conducted in weak and to middle durability mountain breeds on no–bottoms, can not counteract to mountain pressure, therefore to contest with formation of zone of destruction by the increase of bearing strength of крепи beside the purpose.

Рис. 1.Chart of setting of bar of strengthening(animation, 6 shot, duration of 1 with, 5 reiterations, size 85,2 КБ)

Fig.&of nbsp;2. State of making on the investigated mine of а) and б) Tests of крепи of КМП–АП3 with the interlocks of ЗШ.000 on the stand of the Donetsk research coal institute(ДонУГИ)
Due to the experiments conducted in mine terms, it maybe to educe the level of influence of strengthening of frame крепи hard anchors in the process of forming of zone of the destroyed breeds round making and to give a quantitative, and quality estimation to interactive data. To specificity of development of deformation processes in a containing to выработку array, set before, will be applied for the argumentation of theoretical task and ground of calculation chart on determination of rational parameters of combined крепей.
At writing of this report master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion: December, 2012. Complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the named date.