The depth of mining in many enterprises of coal industry of Ukraine over 1000–1200 m at these depths in the rock around the mine workings under the influence of rock pressure are destroyed, displaced in the production, after a certain period of time to develop not respond to the technological requirements. This reduces the efficiency of the development of reservoir minerals and safety of operations at great depths .. The length of the workings of cross-sectional area that does not meet the requirements of MI, is constantly increasing.
The need for making repairs (perekreplenie compliance with the exhaustion of the soil lining and podryvka with swelling of more than 250–300 mm) is not only the high cost of this event, but also affects technology to work excavation of the site. For mining companies increased the level of concentration and intensification of mining technology is impossible without improving mining facility, a high-powered roof supports compliance. Currently in use with the suppleness lining up to 1,000 mm in the legs lining up to 400 mm in the castle compound verhnyaka and legs.
Decisive impact on the mining technology provides facilities, which should provide protection from harmful manifestations of rock pressure in the intact and subjected to the influence of an array of clean-up operations. Conducting making inflated section requires additional costs for the construction of generation, however, at high frequency perekrepleniya compliance lining decreases, and perhaps in some cases to do without perekrepleniya. Such content is called making bezremontnym.
One of the biggest challenges in choosing the selection of the entire complex of equipment for development workings a combine is the most complete use of the significant opportunities inherent in the design combines the continuous destruction and loading rock in the mine workings. These opportunities increase with the increasing power of the executive body, with increased reliability and durability of the combine and durability of the tool, as well as the implementation of other measures aimed at improving the design of combines.

Animation 1 – Penetration virobki prohіdnitskim combine PCB-32
(6 циклів, 6 кадри, затримка 0,5 с., розмір 34 КБ)
Features combine to destroy the rock mass in the most fully characterized by its so-called theoretical (or maximum) capacity of the separation of the executive body of solid rock within 1 min of continuous operation in the pit generation combine to average conditions for the rock strength and size of the cross section for which the technical characteristics of this processor is designed.
In fact, the capability and performance combine to destroy the rock mass is much smaller than the theoretical. What happens due to a technical need to perform at work combines a number of auxiliary operations, in which the slaughter stop the destruction (such as tool change, maneuvers to move the harvester in the pit generation, re-compilation of loosened rock and soil on the walls of the production, destruction of large pieces of coal and rock) as well as perform other operations associated with the construction of the combine.
In addition to technologically necessary costs of time on auxiliary operations, defined by structural features of the combine, there are also direct loss of working time due to the combine breaks for various reasons, determined the level of mechanization of the other processes of the tunnel loop and the overall organization and production technology for the production of work, and and other organizational factors. Causes of interruption can be set-up operation at the beginning and end of the shift, a change of trolleys, the lengthening of transport, energy and air communications, the installation of permanent roof supports, etc.
Relevance of the topic
The urgency of the work can not be questioned, since the cost of repairs at the workings of today's design depths in many cases exceed the costs of their conduct.
The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim is to establish the scope of the development of the precinct inflated section in which perekreplenie life-cycle generation is not required.
The cost of tunneling depends on the development of many components, one of which is the value yielding a metal arch support, with an increase in compliance lining grows and the price of the lining that the price of 1 meter of the production impact in the form factor.
If Spo = 11 m2, making the length of 2000 m with a total lifetime of 2 years and the N 27 spetsprofile perform the calculation of the cost of repair information for making the event of default after the lava and its application to display the outgoing jets, and the calculation of the costs of production. In this case we consider the cases of different sizes cost of a 1 m3 of production – from 400 to 600 grn/m3.
Here is a graph of the price of the workings of the flexibility of bolting.

Figure 1 – Graph of the price of the workings of the flexibility of bolting
Sets the minimum cross section of production necessary for normal functioning, if the bias has led to the cross section was less than the minimum there is a need perekrepleniya. On the other hand can be avoided by selecting perekrepleniya lining with a higher ductility. It is also important during development of the service, because the processes of displacement of rocks occur quite slowly, and may not be necessary to mount an expensive bolting with more suppleness.
Here is a graph of the workings of the price of repair compliance lining.

Figure 2 – Graph of the workings of the price of repair compliance lining
The idea of
The idea of the work is to establish the dependence of the displacement of rocks in the depth of the production design, the properties of the wall rocks and the lifetime of the generation and comparison of the cost of making repairs to the cost of its implementation, depending on the section of development. Comparison of these two types of costs and will set the conditions (depth of the work, the properties of rocks, the period of existence of the development and compliance of roof supports) at which an inflated production cross section is economically justified.

Figure 3 – Graph of prices and rates of compliance from the lining perekrepleniya
Figure clearly shows that an increase in compliance costs for repair of lining 1 m production is significantly reduced, and the costs of production increase of 1 m is much slower.
The goal can be achieved provided the following tasks:
To establish the relationship of costs to repair (perekreplenie) develop the depth of work, the properties of rocks, life development and ductility lining;
To establish the relationship costs of production and its cross section in terms of the flexibility of lining;
Develop a mathematical tool to compare these costs and finding the sound of "bezremontnogo" maintenance workings.
The main parameter generation facility, taken into account when calculating the cost of its implementation and maintenance of the value adopted compliance lining.
Subject of investigation – Precinct excavation.
The object of study – the costs of maintaining and developing.
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