- Introduction
- 1. Purpose
- 2. The relevance of the research topic
- 3. What affects the result that we want to get
- 4. Methods of achieving this goal
- References
Single-column system and combined developments require preliminary preparatory works that entail large financial and material costs that are not very suitable for the poor and unprofitable mines. After all, these mines do not have enough funding to keep driving and drifts, cutting and mounting of lava. In pursuit of quick profits cut into lava and practicing direct the course of the site to quickly give the coal and the cost of mine lost a lot of money to maintain the excavation because of the low velocity of the sewage treatment works and poor geological conditions. Currently, all agree that the pole-and the combined systems to develop more cost-effective than solid.
1. Purpose
Choose a rational way to prepare columns, depending on the natural and technical factors. To establish the influence of natural and technical factors on the conditions of application of these methods of training posts based on actual prices and tariffs.
2. The relevance of the research topic
Counting the cost parameters and the cost of 1 ton of coal for various development systems is very long and complex process which requires great concentration and attention. And in order to simplify as much as possible and increase the accuracy of the calculations necessary to develop a program based on EXCELL with which you can easily and accurately find the way of preparation that is best suited for these or other natural and technical factors. On the topic of choosing a rational method of preparation of the pillars were employed many scientists have been written many books, articles and desertatsy. In 1991 Zborschik M.P. published in the edition of his book on the subject (the protection of the workings of deep mines in the discharge zones), and later in 1994 (Improving the development of coal bed). In 1989, Ostapenko A.F. wrote a book (Experience of shallow lava beds to the rise and fall in the mines of the Donbass). Bratenko M.A. in 1985 published a book (How to autopsy, training and development system of mine fields). Pereyaslavets E.P. 1990 (a system of coal seams). However, clear guidelines, the conditions in which to apply a particular method of preparation no. The paper discusses options for preparation of 6 pole figures 1-6.
3. What affects the result that we want to get
The result of the choice of method of preparation of the pillars the following factors:
-the depth of the development H;
-rock properties Rc;
-volume of gas q.
-time-maintenance workings;
-time-pillar mining.
4. Methods of achieving this goal
The method of mathematical calculation to determine the effect of technical and natural factors on the choice of method of preparation of the pillars, by comparing results of different methods of preparation under identical conditions to select less costly.
The cost of a tonne of production consist of:
1. The cost of a precinct workings.
2. The cost of maintaining the district mines.
3. The cost of a sloping (trunk) workings.
4. The cost of maintaining the inclined (trunk) workings.
5. Costs of transportation of coal.
6. The cost of clean-up activities.
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