Table of contents
- Introduction
- 1. Tasks of work
- 2. Purpose of this work
- 3. Research method
- 4. Article of research
- 5. Idea of work
- 6. Possible scientific and practical results which are expected at implementation of work, novelty and value
- 7. Actuality of work
- Conclusion
- Literature
For our country it is necessary that the sufficient was dobychya coal, as main source of enriching. The high level of technology of building of vertical barrels was a long ago attained in mining industry of Donbassa [1].
Tasks of work
- To execute analytical researches of water resistance of monolithic concrete support of interfaces of vertical barrels;
- To execute laboratory researches of properties of concrete mixture taking into account waterproofings additions;
- To create the computer model of interface of vertical barrel with an okolostvol'nym court with the use of method of eventual elements in a programmatic complex Lira 9.0;
- To develop technological regulation on erection of monolithic krepi of interfaces of vertical barrels in the conditions of enhanceable water productions.
Purpose of this work
Ground of parameters of the monolithic reinforce-concrete fastening of interfaces of vertical barrels in the conditions of enhanceable water productions
Research method
Interface of vertical barrel in the conditions of enhanceable water productions
Article of research
Concrete mixture, in-use at erection of interfaces of vertical barrels.
Idea of work
Account of influence of plastificiruyuschikh and waterproofings additions to concrete mixture at erection of interfaces of vertical barrels
Possible scientific and practical results which are expected at implementation of work, novelty and value
- Determination of dependence of increase of water resistance of the reinforce-concrete fastening from a kind and percent correlation of additions;
- Determination of dependence of change of prochnostnykh properties of concrete for fastening of interfaces from a kind and percent correlation of additions;
- Drafting of technological regulation of erection of the reinforce-concrete monolithic fastening of interfaces of vertical barrels.
Actuality of work
Presently building and driving of new vertical barrels of very long duration and not nearly economic procedure. In this connection a necessity increases for strengthening and renewal of barrel. This strengthening must be effective, accessible and the most important economic advantageous. A main problem on operating mines is a large inflow of water. In this connection a task costs in erection of vertical barrels, but taking into account enhanceable water productions in a mine.
Interfaces of barrels with the okolostvol'nymi making (rice. 1) are the most responsible areas of mine barrels, on the state of which unceasing work of coal enterprises depends.

Picture 1 Okolostvol'nyy court
In a kind a presence in the barrels of aggressive mine waters all materials for preparation of concrete mixture must conform to the followings requirements:
- Astringent. As astringent sulphate-resistant portlandcement of brand of M400, proper Gostu 2226-76 must be used. It is forbidden for preparation of concrete mixture to mix up cementy of different kinds and brands.
- Shallow filler. Sand for a concrete must answer requirements GOST 10268-80 [4]; GOST 8736-77 and to contain no more than 1% admixtures as clay, silt, dusts and pr. Recommended module of largeness of sand 1,5-2,5. Before a load in a concrete-mixer sand must be sifted through a net with the cell of 5*5mm;
- Large filler. As a large filler a granit macadam, answering requirements GOST 8267-82, must be used, GOST 8268-82; GOST 10268-80 and SNiP Ii-28-79 with maintenance of otmuchivaemykh particles no more than 0,5%. The largeness of macadam of 20-40mm is recommended;
- Water. For shutting of concrete mixture water must be used without contamination as salts, butters, blight;
- - Chemical additions. With the purpose of acceleration of grasping and processes of hardening of concrete mixture application of chloride of calcium of Sacl2 is assumed (liquid glass) [5].
A task to find perspective structural-technological new suggestions which would provide maintenance-free maintenance fasten interface and barrel on all term of service of mine is thus put. From one side krep' of interfaces must be reliable enough, and from other – to be to a great extent more remontnoprigodnoy.
It is needed to pick up such mixture and such additions to concrete mixture, that it all to provide [9]. These cracks are related to destruction of breeds, at passing of interface carried out through drillings and blasting.
Mine waters wash a laitance, that loses property of cement instantly, such being does not must. Exactly this factor it is needed take into account in-process [10].
A concrete is involved in the special device which is presented on a picture 2.

Picture 2 is Concrete-mixer
In master's degree work it is suggested to do the whole complex of laboratory and practical researches on determination of different introductions (waterproofings additions) in the complement of concrete, which are used exactly for mines with the enhanceable inflow of water, and also to consider composition of water, which is used directly for the premix of cement [8].
Exactly a nabryzg-concrete is component part of work, it is resulted on animation 1.

Animation 1 – Reinforce-concrete fastening of interface of vertical barrel
For implementation of these aims and tasks, researches will be conducted in a laboratory, at the use of certain devices and with the observance of preset parameter and standards. On results the done work, it is possible it will be to draw conclusion that one of waterproofings additions will rotin the best result, most rapid term of grasping, and exactly this addition can be applied in strengthening of barrel, especially interfaces [7].
On this stage of writing of abstract, my work is in the stage of development. The last of peat-time of completion will be in January, 2013.
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