Name | Vorobiev Artem Pavlovych |
Date of birth | 18.10.1989 |
The birthplace | Sosnivka, Ukraine |
School | Comprehensive school ¹124, 1997 – 2007 |
High Scool | Donetsk national technical university: the bachelor – 2007 – 2011, the master – 2011-2012 |
Mean score | 4,87 |
Possession of languages | Russian, Ukrainian – in perfection, English – base level |
Hobbies | Sports, modern choreography, music |
Personal qualities | Determination, perseverance, diligence |
Possession of the computer |
- Operating systems: Windows, Linux
- Programs: Microsoft Office Pac(Word, Excel, Asses, Power Point), AutoCAD
Plans for the future | Complete their studies, to apply their knowledge to work |
The contact information | |