- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Review of scientific works on mass appraisal of city territory
- Conclusion
- References
At present, more and more attention is paid to the implementation of regulatory pecuniary valuation of land settlements. This is due, primarily, the objectives for which the assessment of land. Thus, according to the Law of Ukraine On Land Assessment
[1] normative money valuation is performed for:
- to determine the amount of land tax;
- to determine the size of the state fee for mene, inheritance and donation of land under the law;
- to determine the size of the rent for the land of state and communal property;
- to determine the losses of agricultural and forestry production;
- during the development of indicators of economic incentives and sustainable use and conservation lands.
Since the economic relations related to land, as well as taxes and rents from the land are the main source of the budget, as well as settlement of the state as a whole, the problem of inaccuracies, errors and uncertainties in the regulatory conduct of monetary value will influence the magnitude of this item of income of the state and its substructures.
1. Theme urgency
The existing regulatory procedure to date cash value of land settlements has several disadvantages, among which are:
- justification of calculations based on approximate figures, which do not take into account the data of the existing land market;
- lack of consideration of the economic situation in the village.
So is the question of changing the existing methods, which could be based on data from sales of real estate as an integral part in the share of the cost of land settlements, and these show the real value. This technique is used in Western European countries, and countries that were part of the Soviet Union, too, are moving towards such a methodology. However, in Ukraine, this question is almost never considered. Now there are Russian and foreign publications, which reflect the need for massive monetary value, and offer a solution to this problem by using the method of correlation-regression model (CRM). But this method has a number of shortcomings: selection of unique objects and their attributes is subjective in nature, ensuring the absence of gross errors in the sample and the normality of their distribution in the MRC method leads to amputation of proposals for real estate, for the MRC method is undesirable introduction of a large number of factors, so they are mostly minor [11]. This raises the problem of choosing such a method in which these defects would be absent.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
Goal: To select a method of creating a model of mass appraisal and use of spatial analysis to perform zoning for the purpose of monetary valuation of land settlement.
To achieve this goal have been formulated the following objectives:
- The choice of method for creating models of massive monetary value;
- The choice of factors affecting property values;
- Performing the evaluation of zoning, using existing tools of spatial analysis.
The idea works: Choose the method of creating a model of monetary mass estimate, and a group of factors affecting property values, and use them to create a model of the monetary value of the mass Yasinuvata.
An object: The object of research is to estimate land zoning of the city Yasinovataya. The subject of research is the assessment methods of zoning.
Scientific novelty of the work lies in the justification of the method of mass valuation of real estate cash settlements, the rationale for the choice of factors that take into account the real estate market data, and displays the current economic situation in the village. And on this basis to create a model of the mass appraisal Yasinovataya Donetsk region, capable of further use for tax purposes.
3. Review of scientific works on mass appraisal of city territory
Many authors of scientific works on the valuation of land in Ukraine, such as O. Drapikovsky[2], I. Ivanov, M. Palekha, M. Krivobokov[3] criticize the current regulatory assessment methods in Ukraine. After all, this estimation method is useful only because the territory that is massive, but this method does not take into account market conditions and current economic situation, does not operate real and normative rental income, considering the land separately from real property located on it, and takes into account land improvements carried out only at the boundaries of the land.
The task of reviewing the available scientific investigations of the mass appraisal of urban areas is the establishment of the state of study and investigation of this issue in Ukraine.
Selected research papers can be divided into Russian and Ukrainian, which can also be classified according to the orientation of research activities (pic. 1).

Picture 1 – Classification of scientific works
All of the above research work can be classified into domestic and Russian, while among these works can also provide thematic focus. The urgency to consider the implementation in Ukraine methods of mass appraisal, based on market data, listed in Article O. Drapikovskogo [2]. The analysis of the scientific literature only confirmed that Ukraine has almost all the existing publications, based on efficiency evaluation of urban areas is still attached to the approved regulatory method of monetary valuation of lands of settlements, and not go beyond this technique.
As for the Russian scientific works, they are also based on existing legislation, and yet based on the assessment and taxation of urban land, using market data. However, most of the performance evaluation of the proposed methods are based on the use of correlation-regression analysis, without taking into account other existing methods of analysis that are more accurate, taking account of the action of a larger number of factors, and hence more likely reflect the economic situation in the city ranked [4].
In conclusion we can say that the current regulatory procedure in Ukraine monetary value does not reflect the real state of the situation on land and property market, as a component in a fraction of the cost of land. This research has indicated the existing literature. But at the same time, there is little research in Ukraine, which would be offered to completely change the existing methodology.
In overseas, particularly in the Russian, publications widely practiced mass execution of monetary value of settlements by the correlation-regression model (CRM). However, in the practical application of the method of KRM for mass valuation of real estate there are a number of methodological shortcomings, which greatly complicate the achievement of the final result, but also make greater subjectivity in the valuation.
There is an alternative method that does not include deficiencies in the MRC, and easy to use, however, has shown good results. An alternative method is a discrete space - parametric modeling (DPPM), based on cluster analysis.
Based on the method of creating mass DPPM monetary value, the task of future research is to implement the zoning of the settlement based on the analysis of the resulting model using existing spatial modeling tools (GIS).
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