- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Review of Research and Development
- Conclusion
- References
In the process of energy generation at thermal power plants, it is important to respect a given load profile. One method of power control unit, along with control of feed water flow rate and fuel injection system is to manage the cold water in the steam path in the interval between the boiler and turbine. In this paper we consider the formulation of the problem of injection of cooling water in the steam path. The substantiation of the necessity of constructing control algorithms.
Facility Management usually consists in the development of teams, which provides a realization of the purposeful change of state of the object, subject to advance due to the requirements and restrictions. Management power generating thermal power plant (CHP) is to ensure production at each time the required amount of electricity in compliance with the requirements for maintaining the normal process (keeping the pressure and temperature steam to a turbine within the prescribed limits, the implementation of conditions of security and trouble-free operation of all mechanisms, the choice of such a regime fuel combustion, which will be provided to minimize its specific consumption, etc.).
A special case management is to maintain a desired state of an object at a time when he gets unexpected exposure to the environment in violation of this condition. Thus, the purpose of managing power unit operating in base load conditions - persistence generated by their power and steam parameters at steam circuit of the boiler, the stabilization of forced-draft combustion mode, etc., in an environment where unexpected changes the quality of fuel, there are occasional deviations of frequency of the alternating current in the power of its nominal value, and so n [1].
1. Theme urgency
Management process at teh.nicheskim elektorostantsii by various methods. In the master's work presents a method of temperature regulation in the steam circuit of supercritical pressure with injections. Temperature control with the help of injections has many variations, many methods have been implemented. To ensure the optimum parameters of steam necessary to develop a controller which will allow to carry out smooth, but a significant effect.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of management units in operating conditions is to ensure that production at each time the required amount of electrical energy (power Ne.) At the same time must be met specified requirements for quality unit operation, which usually boil down to minimize the specific fuel consumption, while maintaining all the performance indicators required by the rules of technical operation of the equipment and safety levels [2-5]. The object of research is the management of steam injection in ramjet tract of the boiler.
The subject of the study are the models and algorithms for process cooling water injection.
As part of the master plan to get the actual scientific results in the following areas:
1. Investigation of characteristics of once-through boiler steam circuit; 2. Analyze the existing system of injection of cooling water in the steam path;
3. Development of structure and algorithm control injections in the steam circuit.
For the experimental evaluation of the theoretical results and the formation of the foundation of further research, as the practical results:
1. Creating a regulator of software package with MatLAB.
2. The implementation is developed by the method of regulation.
3. Check the results.
3. An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA
3.1 Siemens AG
Work on the complex reconstruction of block № 1 Zuevskaya power plant (JSC "Vostokenergo") has successfully completed. The signing of the act of readiness blokau commercial operation on 14 May.
"This is the first project of its kind that we have successfully implemented in Ukraine. SPPA-T3000 system is allowed to provide a high level of automation, as well as the full switch from analog control circuit power unit, which were used in the past century, the modern distributed control system. " As part of the reconstruction of block № 1 Zuevskaya TPP was upgraded turbines, boilers and electrical equipment, as well as a full-scale introduction of PCS. Active participation in the project group took Siemens, the company "Siemens Ukraine" and CJSC "Interavtomatika." The scope of responsibility of Siemens AG was part of the delivery and commissioning of software and hardware complex SPPA-T3000, development and implementation of control algorithms for power production equipment, including regulators, step program, ABP, lock and protect. Despite the scale and the high technical complexity of the project, the reconstruction of the block was completed in a short time ahead of schedule of works. According to General Director of LLC "Vostokenergo" Gennady Turanova, resulting in the reconstruction of installed power unit № 1 Zuevskaya TPP increased from 300 MW to 320 MW range of mobility - from 135 MW to 170 MW. In this case the specific consumption of fuel has decreased from 364 g / kW / h to 342 g / kW / h, and the efficiency increased from 33.8% to 36% [6,11].
The total cost of work performed was 183.7 million UAH. "Reconstruction of the power unit № 1 Zuevskaya TPP is part of an ambitious program to modernize the electric company" Vostokenergo "up to 2016 worth U.S. $ 900 million - said the executive director of" DTEK "Yuri Ryzhenkov. - These funds must be spent on upgrading units at three thermal power plants "Vostokenergo": Kurakhovskaya, Lugansk and Zuevskaya. In the near future to begin the modernization of power generation capacity of "Dniproenergo." "Siemens Ukraine" - 100% subsidiary of the international concern Siemens. Is one of the leading technology companies in Ukraine. Provides equipment, integrated solutions and services for industry, energy, transport and health [10].
3.2 DeltaV
DeltaV digital automation system will help you improve the efficiency of your business thanks to modern technology forecasting that give your staff a simple, intuitively understandable way to interact with technological processes and production. Justification projects today is extremely complex, and any change in the system should offer greater value to the business, which means lower installation costs, lower life cycle costs, while at the same time, provide greater flexibility and the ability to use rapidly emerging business opportunities. End users are also constantly feel the need to reduce downtime, both planned and unplanned. Representing the DeltaV process automation system Version 11, the company Emerson Process Management has taken a big step forward to address issues related to such projects and the life cycle of the enterprise.
Almost completely redesigned hardware architecture with the principles "in the center of attention - user", Emerson has transformed the function of I / O (input-output) DCS in a completely modular format for each individual channel features characterize modules (CHARMS), which can be configured to any point, regardless of location. DeltaV Version 11 eliminates the need for terminal blocks and the huge number of ancillary wiring, as well as in large enclosures, associated with traditional DCS. This, among other things, reduces labor costs for installation of all wiring and contacts. Also, by reducing the amount of equipment and workload, reduced the start time [7].
The new concept of "I / O on demand" provides an unprecedented opportunity to provide flexibility in the connection of field signals of the I / O (input-output), for ease of integration and to enhance operational readiness. Costs and concerns about the availability of components, failure of which is critical for the entire system, jumpering, power and ground segments FounDation tM fieldbus, and that are associated with late changes in the list of signal I / O or tehproekte, may disappear entirely. Regardless of the type of signal I / O (the traditional type, FounDation fieldbus,, Profibus DP, Devicenet, aS-i bus, or even a wireless back-up), you can add a new signal and start using the new information much faster and with less effort for the engineering, design and field work. You choose the signal that you need, we provide the convenience of its entry into the system. I / O on demand, your signal I / O, any type, anytime, anywhere. Technological equipment and installations differ in size and level of complexity. To ensure maximum return on investment, automation system must be easily scaled without creating additional difficulties.
As part of Architecture PlantWeb ™, developed by Emerson, DeltaV ™ system is built with the requirement of maximum scalability. Regardless of the size of your installation, the DeltaV system will look and function the same way. This reduces administration costs and training, as well as to optimize the initial investment and the cost of subsequent expansion. From desktop to the pilot project and then to the full-scale production of 25 channels of I / O to over one million. Reliable and safe operation of equipment for production optimization - all this provides a DeltaV system with built-in automated instrumentation and maintenance aMS ™ Suite: intelligent Device Manager. Exceptional quality built-in intelligent control provided prognostic capabilities of intelligent field devices in combination with advanced management technologies. Whether it is an anticipatory signal, an adaptive tuning control loops, or the management of predictive models [12].
3.3 The advantages of working with Emerson
Emerson offers a wide range of automation solutions with a full range of intelligent field devices, specially designed for use in the energy sector. History Unit Power & Water Solutions (automation systems for energy and water) begins with the company Westinghouse Electric Company. She became the first company introducing digital systems for control of gas, steam turbines and power boilers, a fully distributed computing systems for data acquisition and control using a single platform hardware and software. To modernize the plant developed a complete solution, beginning with the electronic part of the regulatory system and ending with the modernization of the hydro. An example would be the modernization of power plants in Scandinavia, operating on fuel oil, using PTK Ovation. As a result of the project were received: - Digital Power Architecture PlantWeb; - Ovation DCS control logic and automatic control of power boilers, turbine, turbo and nutritious; - A comprehensive modernization of the blasting device management, ignition management, hydro-mechanical part of the regulatory system, vibration monitoring, turbine speed controller and system protection. Ovation expert system allows you to combine different processes within a process control system. Managing all the equipment, not just mechanical, so kA turbines, boilers, pumps and mills, and electrical, is performed based on a single platform. Ovation controller combines the technology of Profibus DP V2, IEC 61850 b Ethernet.
This ensures that communication with the various equipment of low and medium voltages. With Ovation can manage different types of actuators, frequency drives, and provide communication with excitation systems, transformers and electrical protection of generators. Kurakhovskaya TPP - one of the oldest thermal power plants in Ukraine. In 2007, Kurakhovskaya TPP, a project of reconstruction of equipment, production started improving performance. Units Kurakhovskaya TPS put into operation in 1972-1975. Working while maneuvering, is currently on selected vyrabotadi resource and need to be updated. The best solution for extending the life of the equipment for 15-20 years and to improve its efficiency has been recognized principle pouzlovoy upgrade with the replacement of the most important elements [8, 13, 17].
4. Fuzzy Control paraohladitelem ram CHP boiler
In the process of energy generation at thermal power plants is important to respect a given load profile. One method of power control unit, along with control of feed water flow rate and fuel injection system is to manage the cold water in the steam path in the interval between the boiler and turbine. The aim is to reduce equipment wear and fuel consumption through the development of control systems in high-pressure injection desuperheater supercritical boiler.
To design a fuzzy controller performed a formalization of input and output variables, fuzzy rule base is developed using Matlab [9, 14].
During the formalization were derived input and output linguistic variables are defined by their terms. The input variables are:
1. Water consumption, G ε [200, 500] t / h
2. The vapor pressure, P ε [180, 250] kgf / cm 2
3. Inlet temperature, Tv ε [470, 530] ° C
4.The temperature at the outlet, Tvuh ε [520, 570] ° C
5. The temperature of the metal, Tme ε [480, 570] ° C.
Figure 2 gives examples of the terms of the linguistic variable "temperature of the metal."
Figure 2 - Input variable «Tme»
Output variables are:
1. Water consumption for the first shot Gvp1 ε [0, 45] m / h
2. Water consumption for the second injection Gvp2 ε [0, 25] m / h Figure 3 shows an example of the output linguistic variable terms "water flow to the second injection"
Figure 3 - The output variable «Gvp2»
Job control will be developed on the basis of fuzzy rules, some of which are listed below.
1. If the "flow rate" - small and "pressure" - small, and the "temperature at the inlet" - low, and the "temperature at the exit" - below 545, and the "temperature of the metal" - low, then the "flow-injection on the 1" - the minimum "flow-injection on the 2" - is minimal.
2. If the "water flow" - above the small and "pressure" - small, and the "temperature at the inlet" - low, and the "temperature at the exit" - below 545, and the "temperature of the metal" - low, then the "flow-injection on a" - minimum, "to flow injection 2" - is minimal.
3. If the "water flow" - above the small and "pressure" - above the small, and the "temperature at the inlet" - low, and the "temperature at the exit" - below 545, and the "temperature of the metal" - low, then the "flow-injection on a" - the minimum, "to flow injection 2" - is minimal.
4. If the "water flow" - above the small and "pressure" - above the small, and the "temperature at the inlet" - the average, and the "temperature at the exit" - below 545, and the "temperature of the metal" - low, then the "flow-injection on a" - the minimum, "to flow injection 2" - is minimal.
5. If the "water flow" - above the small and "pressure" - above the small, and the "temperature at the inlet" - the average, and the "temperature at the exit" - below 545, and the "temperature of the metal" - low, then the "flow-injection on a" - the minimum, "to flow injection 2" - the minimum, etc.
Based on the input and output variables, and fuzzy rule base was developed by a fuzzy controller which is shown schematically in Figure 4. The basis of the work of the regulator put Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm.
Figure 4 - Fuzzy control
(Gp - steam consumption, Gvp1 - water flow to the first injection, Gvp2 - water flow to the second injection, P - pressure, TdoVP - temperature up to the injection, TposleVT - temperature after injection, Tme - metal temperature)
Application of fuzzy control has made possible a couple of temperature control with fewer fluctuations, which provides reduced wear and tear [15, 16, 22].
In the process, an analysis of steam circuit. A scheme of the steam circuit of power, as well as its design is a description of individual functional blocks. In reviewing the accuracy of temperature data were used combined with ICS Okur. In the statistical analysis of data from the third power units № № 4, shows that the current regulator does not meet the requirements, there are increase and decrease in temperature within the tolerance limits. In a review of existing systems have been considered the system SPPA-T3000, concern Siemens, digital automation system DeltaV, the expert system Ovation.
The above system can effectively upgrade an existing enterprise is also possible to complete the reconstruction of power plants, thereby reducing energy costs, or railway station and maintenance facilities. These systems are economical, but the costs of upgrading or reconstruction can not allow each company to an integrated upgrade will require at least 700 mln UAH. one unit.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date [19, 20].
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