- Introduction a>
- 1. Review and analysis of existing approaches to the management of ventilation a>
- 1.1 Methods and problems of ventilation shafts a>
- 1.2 Automatic control modes of ventilation of coal mines a>
- 1.3 Mathematical models of elements of mine ventilation network a>
- 1.4 Mathematical modeling of nonstationary processes, ventilation, coal mine workings network a>
- 2. Review of Research and Development a>
- 2.1 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Trolex Ltd
a>- 2.2 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Continental Conveyor Ltd
a>- 2.3 Systems Management Institute
a>- 2.4 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
a>- 2.5 Mining Information and Control Systems (MI&CS) a>
- 2.6 Gas analytical system silo multifunctional
a>- 2.7 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Davis Derby
a>- 2.8 Multi freely configurable measuring system
a>- 2.9 Unified Telecom automated emergency response system (UTAS) a>
- 3. Systems analysis of ventilation mining a>
- 3.1 Methods of ventilation of blind workings a>
- 3.2 The order of operation and location of the mine ventilation system a>
- 3.3 Structure of control ventilation a>
- 3.4 Formulation of the problem a>
- Conclusions a>
- Source List a> Ul>
Mining Industry of Ukraine is under active development and increase the producing fields of rocks and minerals. P>
Extraction of raw materials is in two ways: open (ground - a career) and closed (underground - mines, tunnels). p>
Of course, the underground method of mining is much more dangerous than the first method, because there is a threat to enter the life of miners. And more often than non-safety rules or instructions leading to a disastrous outcome. P> Subject automated control system for ventilation in the actual mining operations at the present time, because the device used in Ukraine do not provide full control of security as well as continuous monitoring of operating parameters of mining equipment, which does not solve the problem of increased security comprehensively and in full for the entire technological cycle of the mine. p>
Another reason is the relevance of the Donets Basin - the area in which we live. In the Donetsk region also has a number of underground mining of mineral deposits, where our countrymen. However, most of them do not have the ability to purchase an automated system of control aerogas as: high cost of the system and require highly skilled workers for the operation of the system. P>
In this paper carried out an analysis of existing devices, revealed their shortcomings and suggest solutions. By automating the process offers a solution to the problem of complete control of environmental parameters on all parts of the object, and transfer all the information manager for the adjustment and operational decisions. P>
1. Review and analysis of existing approaches to the management of ventilation
1.1 Methods and problems of ventilation shafts
Ventilation shaft - a system of measures aimed at maintaining all existing underground workings of the mine atmosphere with the parameters necessary for mining p>
There obscheshahtnuyu ventilation in which air is fed from the surface, washed by the main production shaft, and local ventilation. Means of ventilation of the mine engineering: installing fan, ventilation shafts facilities, air regulators, air lines (usually at the local ventilation), mining, passable special ventilation (air output), a means of reducing aerodynamic drag and the workings of air leaks. The basic scheme of the mine ventilation: central and flank, and their combination - combined scheme. P>
When the central scheme of ventilation air enters the mine shaft and leaves it through the tree trunks in the middle of a mine field. The scheme is applied at a limited scale mine field along strike and a relatively small capacity of the mine, the conduct of works at deep levels, provides a rapid entry into force of the main fan and the creation of a jet through the construction of the mine, is characterized by great length of the path of the air, the presence of parallel streams of clean and polluted air their repeated crossings and, consequently, large leaks and depression of the mine. p>
Variety central scheme - the scheme referred to the central location of the ventilation shaft. In the scheme of ventilation shafts flanking air enters the shaft through the bore in the center of the mine field, go through the tree trunks (pits) are located on the flanks. The scheme is applied to the shallow pits, where it is impossible or impractical to maintain a single vent horizon, virtually eliminates the counter-movement of incoming and outgoing jets, the length of the path of the air leakage and depression of the mine is less than the central scheme. However, the scheme requires a minimum of three ventilation shafts and usually at least two fan systems, in preparation for mine ventilation shafts of the field is difficult. Variety flank scheme: wing - to develop a single outgoing stream to all the wing, the group - making for an outgoing stream are passed to each group of sections of the wing, ward - making for an outgoing stream are passed at each site. P>
For small and medium-size mine fields, low power, and gas content of the mine ventilation apply uniform scheme of mine. In large mines with a high volume of gas, when combining the mines and the development of a mine a few widely separated deposits using sectional diagram of ventilation shafts, in which the mine field is divided into separately ventilated section. Methods of ventilation of the mine: the suction, discharge, combined (injection-suction). P>
One of the problems of the mine ventilation - air leaks that occur through the vent structures in the mine and on the surface, milled rock, broken pillars. They reduce the air flow to areas of consumption, may cause a breach of ventilation shafts. To compensate for the leak to increase air flow into the mine. Fighting them is sealed vent installations, insulation worked-out areas, the use of field developments, rational schemes of ventilation, reduced obscheshahtnoy depression. P>
Ventilation shafts provided ventilation of the mine, which is mandated to monitor the correctness of the air distribution on the development and compliance with the air supply to the areas of consumption, control the quality of the air, conducting aerial surveys, and depression, repairs and installations of ventilation openings [1]. p>
1.2 Automatic control modes of ventilation of coal mines
Creating safe working conditions in mines depends largely on the quality of the ventilation shaft workings, as well as setting the control parameters of the mine atmosphere and ability on the basis of the received information to efficiently manage mine ventilation jets. p>
In practice ventilation of mines of Donbass with increasing concentration of methane in the regulation of individual jets of air distribution, as a rule, the installation of windows. However, there is the experience of operational control exercised by the factor of the gas during the entire shift, depending on the concentration of methane in the outgoing jets sites. P>
Basics of computers should be kept to the next. Placed at the nodal points of the ventilation network sensors mine atmosphere parameters (in the first place - the methane sensors on the outgoing streams of lava and sites, speed sensors (flow) of air, and in some cases - the air pressure) provided in conjunction with a remote control system for the collection and transfer of control point information on the status of the mine atmosphere in separate jets and the mine as a whole. External memory device (buffer memory) keeps a constantly updated information about the mine atmosphere and provides at any time by filing it in the terminating communications device control computer (UVM). With the help of converters communication device telemetry data UVM entered in the appropriate cell memory machine with a pre-compiled program with the interconnectedness of the ventilation flow equations for the ventilation network. The main mathematical tool in determining the exact analytical dependence of the interconnectedness of mine ventilation flows in the network based on the measurement data should serve as correlation and regression analysis. P>
In memory of the machine must contain the values of a number of control parameters, among which, first of all, the maximum allowable concentration of methane, the minimum and maximum allowable air velocity, etc. p>
The discrepancy between the actual parameters mine atmosphere with the control that is outside the allowable uses as a basis for calculating the redistribution of mine air in order to achieve the recommended conditions and parameters. Calculations carried out by a certain algorithm, provide data on the required degree of resistance to change mine regulators in some jets, but if you can not provide the required modes of ventilation through the redistribution of air in the mine network - by changing the modes of main fans. P>
To implement a system of automatic control of ventilation shafts (ARPA) requires careful study of the transient regimes gazoaerodinamicheskih mine ventilation network, as an object of regulation, and its mathematical description [2]. p>
1.3 Mathematical models of elements of mine ventilation network
Main elements of the mine ventilation network (MVN) are making: ventilation, haulage drifts, lava, training and development of deadlock. When modeling MVN is a directed graph, consisting of branches (excavation) and nodes (switching places with each other mines). P>
In general, the mathematical model of the development of a system with distributed parameters. But for the simplification of the model with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes may be used chained circuit with lumped parameters, in which each element of the chain - the four-pole, a mathematical model which is a simple differential equation. To ensure the minimum complexity of the model with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes a four-pole plot shows generation of up to 400m. It is experimentally proved that the choice of the four-type has no significant effect on the accuracy of the model and choose only the condition of its ease of switching to other circuit elements. P>
Composition crucial blocks and wiring blocks for the network can in principle be implemented in parallel using M²MO technology. In addition, each of the blocks or their combination can be done in this case on a separate processor [3]. P>
1.4 Mathematical modeling of nonstationary processes, ventilation, coal mine workings network
Coal mines are businesses with high-risk labor. This is due, primarily, the release of methane adsorbed in the coal during its production. Removal of explosive gas from the bottom zone and the adjacent excavation is carried out through proper ventilation openings. Ventilation is also necessary to ensure normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions of miners. P>
Mathematical model of ventilation of the mine workings network is based on assumptions about the one-dimensional motion of gas in the mines straight, complete and instantaneous mixing of streams at the sites of conjugation of straight-line developments. The effects of turbulent viscosity and thermal conductivity are taken into account in the equations in the right side with integrated drag coefficients of mine workings and locations of their intersections, which are studied in detail experimentally. In the mathematical model takes into account the effects of natural convection of non-isothermal gas as it moves in inclined workings. To predict the effects of natural convection on the aerodynamics of the mine workings of the atmosphere in the network takes into account the heat exchange with the walls of the mine workings of the atmosphere, as well as changes in wall temperature during heat transfer. The nonuniform distribution of light impurities in the mine atmosphere also leads to a natural convective motion in inclined workings, and accounted for in the mathematical model. Ventilation processes are determined by the spatial topology excavation, placement and mode of ventilation equipment (main ventilation fans, fans of the local ventilation gazootsasyvayuschih plants, ventilation plants, located in the workings of the mine) [4]. p>
2. Review of Research and Development
2.1 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Trolex Ltd
The proposed system Trolex firm provides a full monitoring and management aerogazyvym state of the atmosphere of the environment (the concentration of methane and hazardous substances), inspection of machines and equipment, ventilation systems and check the status of the pipeline. p>
Installed system requires a complete data acquisition and data transmission systems, including remote data collection and graphing package SCADA. The expert technical backup and support system available for use and operation of the system [5]. P>
2.2 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Continental Conveyor Ltd
This system offers the industrial climate control, filtering, and management of seal, using a range of products of this company. p>
Systems management and monitoring of the mine aerogas environment offers a unique modular design that allows you to connect the device back to the time the work of 30 minutes of mene [6]. p>
2.3 Systems Management Institute
EMAG - Development Institute, founded in 1975. Many years of tradition and experience helped to create an automated system for monitoring industrial [7]. P>
This system uses the equipment of its own Institute of EMAG, such as:
- MM-4 and MM-2PW - microprocessor methane-meters.
- MAKS-DBC - Vibration test equipment and deformation.
- Radio Control Device, and the current climate diagnostics.
- GAMMA NATURA - portable measuring the content of combustible dust.
Institute has certified PN-EN ISO9001: 2001 accreditations and certifications for the department of certification, laboratory testing and calibration. p>
EMAG leads to the development of industrial projects: p>
- Complex, checking fire-prone system.
- Quality of coal.
- Systems for testing, monitoring and visual observation of processes (monitoring and ventilation shafts).
- Telecommunications, information and control systems.
- Design switching and control equipment.
- Check seismic risk.
- Calibration of industrial equipment.
Management System aerogas state mine atmosphere is composed of subsystems: p>
- SMP-NTA - check the concentration of methane and fire risk (the system collects and records data about the processes of ventilation).
- KTC-1 - video inspection of industrial facilities, especially for methane and coal dust explosion at the mine (being a preview of a few cameras, high-resolution low-light, with remote control).
- ARES-5 / E - provides a sophisticated assessment of the possible explosion within the length of the regions.
- ARAMIS M / E - the recording and study of micro-seismic events (the system provides a secure digital data transfer).
- ARP 2000 P / E - vibration test systems for hazardous areas.
- GEOTOMO / E - a seismic change in pressure in coal seam.
2.4 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Company CONSPEC produces a wide variety of gas sensors, gas detectors, and industrial gas detection systems for a wide range of potentially harmful, toxic and flammable plants. The equipment is designed for use in some harsh industrial environments. ð>
Equipment Company CONSPEC allows to provide comfort and protection 24 hours a day.
System status monitoring of mine environment defines an area where toxic gases are or may be accumulated. These areas should be ventilated immediately. In the event that dangerous levels of substances in the atmosphere is detected, the sensors signals about it. The result is that winding occurs with ventilation, while the state of the atmosphere again take its normal state. ð> ð>The cost of the work ventilation will be reduced, because the fans are not all the time, but only in the case of a dangerous situation. Energy savings can be achieved up to 85%. ð>
In case of failure, the sensor activates the ventilation system [8].
2.5 Mining Information and Control Systems (MI&CS)
Securing the management of underground mining operations are currently performed using mine information management systems (SHIUS). p>
The main functions of SHIUS in coal mines are: p>
- Automatic gas control.
- Auto gas protection.
- Automatic control of air flow.
- Automatic control of ventilation door locks.
- Automatic monitoring and control of ventilation of blind workings.
Existing software and hardware systems that allow you to receive information coming from sensors monitoring aerogas cleaning area and store it in the form of databases on servers MI&CS systems. p>
In connection with transition to high coal rock faces and a simple representation of the accumulation of data about the objects of control and is no longer sufficient for the planning of mining operations for coal extraction. In a changing environment of the gas in mines excavation site is paramount operational forecasting of environmental condition. P>
In accordance with the regulations, the maximum permissible concentration of methane in the air flow coming from the working face and the area must not exceed 1%. The automated system when the concentration of methane produces more than 1% of the power outage and blocking its incorporation to reduce the methane concentration is less than 1% [9]. P>
2.6 Gas analytical system silo multifunctional
Gas analytical system silo multifunction
Micon 1p
is designed for continuous measurement of the state of industrial, mining and processing facilities, including the mine atmosphere parameters and microclimate, the state of the rock mass, the state of primary and secondary processing equipment, implementation of local and centralized traffic control manual , automatic, and automatic control equipment, communication with the control station, data processing, display and store it. Scope of the system - underground workings of mines, including dangerous on gas, dust and sudden outbursts. P>Functionality of the system determined by a combination of controlled and controlled parameters, algorithms, data processing, appointment, number and location of data collection, alarm devices, actuators. The main functions of the system when used in coal mines are the following: p>
- Automatic gas control and automatic gas protection in accordance with the requirements of
Rules of Safety in Coal Mines PB 05-618-03
andInstructions for the system aerogas control in coal mines pA 05-429-02
. - Automatic control of air flow in accordance with the requirements of PB 05-618-03 and RD 05-429-02.
- Automatic control of ventilation door locks in accordance with the requirements of PB 05-618-03 and RD 05-429-02.
- Automatic ventilation of blind workings in accordance with the requirements of PB 05-618-03, RD 05-429-02,
operating manual control systems VMP and control ventilation of blind workings of coal mines
, and of "revenue control equipment air in the dead-end development of APTT. manual 0.06.466.044rE".
Software and hardware systems can implement on their base subsystem manual, automated and automatic local, remote and supervisory control main and auxiliary equipment, ventilation systems, electrical, hydraulic, pneumosupply, etc., operating in the component automated systems for operational management dispetcheskogo (ASTD) mines. P>
Main controllable parameters of the system in a mode of PCA is the concentration of methane, the velocity (flow) of air and the concentration of carbon monoxide, which are used to measure the steady-state methane sensors LCA 01, the air velocity SRES 01 and carbon monoxide SDOU 01. Additional controlled parameters in a mode aerogas control are: the concentration of CO2, H2S, SO2, NO2, Cl2, HCl, HBr, O2, NO, NH3, H2, HCN, C2H4OH, PH3, B2H6, SiH4, AsH3, GeH4, HF, F2, COCl2, N2H4, O3, ClO2; temperature of the gas mixture, the dust mode, the pressure in the irrigation and fire protection piping, absolute and differential pressure of gas mixtures in mines and pipelines. Control of absolute, differential pressure for the liquid and gas mixtures by steady pressure sensor 01 RAF's own production, which also allows you to measure the flow of gas mixtures and depression in the degassing pipes and carry out a continuous survey of pressures in underground workings (the results are similar to depression shooting) [10]. p>
2.7 Control and monitoring of the environment aerogas company
Davis Derby
Davis Derby is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of electronic equipment and recording systems that are used in harsh environments. p>
Davis Derby provides a means of checking the equipment controls the state of the atmosphere in dangerous environments. Equipment that is used for work underground - ATEX M1 certified and designed for the European series of standards CENELEC EN50. P>
Need to ensure the safety of work at mining operations can be achieved through effective remote control of the mine atmosphere. Davis Derby provides an extensive range of equipment for the task of monitoring and control of the mine atmosphere. P>
Using the remote control mine atmosphere can significantly improve the security and system performance by storing and reporting on the work of [11]. p>
2.8 Multi freely configurable measuring system
Granch MIS - multifunction freely configurable measuring system with the main measuring channels for measuring the concentration of methane, carbon dioxide, air flow rate and the additional measurement channels to measure the concentrations of other harmful gases in the mine atmosphere, temperature, pressure, and the repetition frequency of electric signals and other parameters. p>
Scope MIS - underground mines, surface mines and buildings, dangerous for the gas (methane) and / or combustible dust, in accordance with the level of protection under the PB 05-618-03, PB-03-533 03. p>
Granch MIS enables: p>
- Measure the mine atmosphere parameters on the main measurement channels and control options for additional measuring channels.
- Collect information about the mine sites.
- To issue control commands to the mine sites for given values of the measured or controlled variables.
- Implement routing and exchange information through communication channels.
- Display on the operator workstation information about the controlled parameters, the work process equipment, troubleshooting and emergency situations.
- Change the number of measurement and control channels in operation.
On the basis of Granch MIS can be implemented automated systems: p>
- Aerogas control.
- Monitoring and control of power cells.
- Conveyor control.
- Office dewatering.
- Other processes, including implying complex control algorithms, data from distributed sites, the transfer of large amounts of information, etc.
Granch MIS consists of measuring and control units based on the measurement of process equipment controllers Granch SBTC2, sensors, autonomous power supply, communication lines, routers, servers and workstations. The exact structure of the MIS project is determined by [12]. P>
2.9 Unified telecom automated emergency response system (UTAS)
The system is designed to provide a comprehensive mine safety by monitoring and controlling the parameters of machines and the environment in the underground workings of mines and automatic control of machines and technological complexes, as well as data on the status of mining equipment and the workings of the atmosphere to the surface of the controller. p>
Scope Systems - coal and mining companies, including the hazardous gas and dust, with the equipment on the surface and underground, as well as other businesses where you want to monitor and transmit on the distance parameters of the equipment. p>
Signals about the state of mining machinery, tools, equipment and the environment come into the system from the respective sensors installed in the mine, and on the surface. These signals are fed to the programmable controller, which they record, analyze and submit commands to disable the alarm, or in excess of the parameters set values, and pass this information on the digital channel in the control room of the mine. Depending on the situation, the dispatcher generates control commands are transmitted to the controller hardware installed as an underground, and on the surface to enable or disable. P>
Main objectives of the system when it is used in coal mines are: p>
- Control parameters mine atmosphere and climate.
- Condition monitoring of main and auxiliary process equipment. Automated management
- mining machines and systems.
- Process Control.
- Condition monitoring of power supply systems, gidrosnabzheniya, pneumosupply and management.
- Local and centralized display of current values of the parameters of analog-controlled facilities.
- Local and central visual warning alarm when a pre-emergency state-controlled facilities.
- Local and central visual and audible alarm on the achievement of the maximum permissible levels of monitored parameters (indicators), or emergency state-controlled facilities.
- Local alarm limit on the positions and the positions of mobile units, machine parts and mechanisms.
- Start (inclusion) of objects in the work of the team manager (operator), including on established algorithms and technology to stop.
- Issuance of control commands for protection switching off or blocking the implementation of the control circuit when the monitored parameters of maximum permissible levels.
- Possibility of centralized control actions (protective shutdowns, interlocks) to prevent the development of emergency situations.
- Transmission, reception, display, recording and storage of incoming information from the constituent parts.
- Selection, processing and transmission of the primary dispatching service of the mine of information and technological information on the safety performance of controlled objects.
- Provide dispatcher information about the state of the controlled object using four types of signals (normal operation, pre-emergency condition, emergency condition, the scan mode).
Is based on building a system based on the following UTAS System Integrators principles: p>
- Compliance with state standards and safety requirements.
- Multilevel and distributed.
- Using standard hardware and software, interfaces and communication protocols.
- Providing high reliability hardware and software.
- Work in continuous time.
- Use of digital processing and transmission of information.
- Compatibility with existing elements of the technical facilities, located in the mine and on the surface.
- Compatible elements of supervisory control any existing and future information systems (including a global information network).
- Simplicity and continuity of the hardware, algorithmic and program expansion and modernization.
- Ability to quickly change and the establishment of specialist services operating system graphical user interfaces.
3. Systems analysis of ventilation mining
3.1 Methods of ventilation of blind workings
Ventilation openings deadlock - a set of measures to ensure the fresh air of blind workings of mines. Ventilation of blind workings produced by means of longitudinal walls, ventilation ducts and parallel workings by the fans and the local chief (obscheshahtnoy depression) ventilation. P>
Ventilation fans, dead-end workings of local ventilation depending on the conditions of penetration by blower, suction, or a combination of ways. In the discharge mode, the most common, and the only allowable gas mines, a fan (more fans) is set through the development of vozduhopodayuschey, ventilated by obscheshahtnoy depression. Combustion air for them to vent pipe enters the wellbore space deadlock generation. P>
Effective ventilation wellbore space provided at the end of the tube removed from the face at a distance of no more than l 4S, where S - cross sectional area of production. Because the jet is coming across a dead-end generation, ventilation should ensure reduction in the concentration of harmful gas emissions to acceptable standards at any point of generation. When the suction method of local ventilation fan installed in the development of cross-cutting, ventilated by obscheshahtnoy depression, and the end of the vent pipe is supplied to the zone face a dead-end output. In operation, the fan air is sucked from the bottom-hole space is given to the pass-through vozduhopodayuschuyu production. Effective ventilation of bottom-hole stub generation is achieved at l = 0,5 S. The amount of space to be ventilation, is relatively small. The proximity of the bottom end of the tube making it necessary to protect it during blasting operations. P>
Combined method of ventilation of blind workings combines the advantages of the discharge and suction methods of ventilation. In this case the suction fan is considered the main, the amount of air coming into the suction piping shall not be less than 30% higher than the consumption of auxiliary fan (blower). Bo all modes of ventilation of blind workings of the local fans to ventilate the maximum performance when installed in a through the development should not exceed 30% of the amount of air flowing to develop (due to depression obscheshahtnoy). P>
When ventilation openings deadlock main ventilation fans longitudinal partitions overlapping a section through the generation, which is due to depression obscheshahtnoy supplied fresh air, and divide the production of dead-end into two parts. According to one of these air flows to the bottom, on the other - is removed. The longitudinal walls are made of hinged panels, boards, bricks and other materials and built up as you go face a dead-end output. Use them when the ventilation of blind workings (of up to 60 m) requires a large amount of air. P>
Ventilation openings deadlock with ventilation tubes is accomplished by overlapping sections vozduhopodayuschey through making a jumper, which passes through the vent, then guided to the bottom dead-end output. Due to the significant drag pipes that pass through the jumper method is used for ventilation of blind workings short. P>
Ventilation with parallel excavations are used in the need for a significant volume of air over long distances. In this case, are close to the main production subsidiary (mainly production of minerals) and connect them together sboykami (every 10 - 20 m) or wells. As the penetration of new sboyki (well) covered bridge back (sealed). Directly into the rock faces air is supplied through the longitudinal walls, ventilation ducts or fans. All dead-end schemes of ventilation openings through obscheshahtnoy depression, because of the continuity of action and lack of ventilation in the development of additional motivators air drafts, have high reliability. P>
3.2 The operation of the scheme, and the mine ventilation system
The functioning of ventilation is shown in Figure 3.1. p>
Figure 3.1 - The operation of the mine ventilation p>
The functioning ventilation shaft shown in Figure 3.1: The air coming into the mine, taken from the atmosphere. For his admission to places of ventilation is necessary first to calculate the required amount of air. After that, the process of selecting the main ventilation fan and the parameters of his work. Fresh air by the fan hits the horizon. At each horizon, there are local ventilation fans, which parameters should also be selected. After which the ventilation facilities, and fixed concentration on: supports the development, working areas, preparatory workings cells. Further, by fixing the concentration of harmful substances into the atmosphere in the mine ventilation and verify the compliance of the selected parameters of AIV and the required rate of VMP. P>
Scheme of mine ventilation system is shown in Figure 3.2. p>
Figure 3.2 - Diagram of the mine ventilation system p>
Principle of the mine ventilation system, shown in Figure 3.2: The incoming air from the air (fresh air) falls on the horizon for ventilation. At each horizon may be present such objects airing as working areas, making preparations, cameras and production support. After that, the exhaust air gets into the general outgoing horizon. From there, the total outgoing shaft and gets into the atmosphere. P>
3.3 Structure of control ventilation
Structure ventilation automated control system for mining operations is shown in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3 - Structure of aerogas control
(Animation: 7 shots, 3 cycles of repetition, 40 kilobytes)
( õ i sub> - the input signals, y i sub> - bits of code, state, z i sub> - outputs)Figure 3.3: DM - sensor methane, DO - carbon monoxide detector, DC - Oxygen Sensor, DC - sensor air velocity, DT - temperature sensor of the environment. p>
As seen in Figure 3.1, each developing mine detectors are present: the sensor methane (CH4), carbon monoxide detector (CO), oxygen sensor (O2) Sensor air flow rate, temperature sensor of the environment. These sensors determine the gas content, the magnitude of the temperature, air speed and send the data to the controller in the control room. Analyzing the data, the automated system decides to increase (decrease) in the fan power and allow it (fans) work at this power level. P>
3.4 Statement of the Problem
Production processes at mining enterprises accompanied by the release into the air harmful to human gases and vapors such as methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2) and others. For safe operation of the miners, the content of harmful gases and vapors in the air of working zone shall not exceed the maximum allowable concentration. Maintaining a safe level in the mine atmosphere is carried out by ventilation, in particular the installation of the main fan installations and local fan installations. P>
Emissions life-threatening gases in the atmosphere of the mine can be spontaneous and in large quantities. To solve this problem, use the automated control system for ventilation. This will allow the steepest way to eliminate gas emissions and prevent an emergency situation. P>
Existing automated systems of ventilation shafts have their own drawbacks, such as: p>
- Ventilation control is limited to visualization of information from the local hardware aerogas control, and analysis.
- Exceeding the allowed rate of methane at the point of excavation, the analyzer off the methane energy from the controlled area, rather than to eliminate gas emissions.
Aim of this work is to reduce accidents in mining, automation control ventilation, reducing the proportion of human involvement in the management of ventilation. The objectives are achieved by local means of controlling ventilation systems (MVS). P>
Objectives of this work is to develop an automated system aerogas structure control algorithm for the formation of its work, algorithms, software implementation and testing. p>
Automated control system for ventilation, mining operations, it is necessary to reduce accidents and create safe working conditions of miners, so the content of harmful gases and vapors in the air of working zone shall not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations. p>
The mining enterprises manufacturing processes accompanied by spontaneous emission into the air harmful to human emissions, and therefore in each formulation is necessary to control the gas content, temperature, size and speed of air flow. P>
Best solution to this problem is to use automated control system for ventilation. This will help eliminate gas emissions and prevent an emergency situation. P>
Aerogas control systems used in Ukraine can not cope with the task of managing rapid and economical operation of systems, and therefore they need to improve and refine. p>
In this paper, an analysis of existing approaches in the management of ventilation, as well as the analysis of ventilation of mining enterprises. p>
By automating the process offers a solution to the problem of complete control of environmental parameters on all parts of the object, and transfer all the information manager for the adjustment and operational decisions. p>
ventilation automated control system allows mining companies to provide a quality shift from disaster recovery to prevent them, by recognizing the critical parameters of mining equipment and state of mine atmosphere. p>
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date. P>
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- 1. Review and analysis of existing approaches to the management of ventilation a>