DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Alexey Kisel
Date of birth Jul 3, 1990
Place of birth Krasnoarmeysk town
Schools School №10 1997-2003
Krasnoarmeysk gymnasy 2003-2007
High school bachelor (2007-2011 gg.), spec. Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Institute of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Masters (2011-2013 gg.), spec. Artificial intelligence systems, Donetsk National Technical University
Average score 4.99
  • Russian - native
  • Ukrainian - Medium
  • English - at the level of reading and correspondence
Hobbies and interests Books: Zamyatin "We", Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago," "The First Circle" by George Orwell. "1984" by Anthony Burgess. "A Clockwork Orange" Sergey Minaev. "Duhless."
Skating Rink, Swimming
Personal qualities Rational, motivated, punctual
Computer skills

A. Programming Languages:
Object C
Ruby on Rails

Two. Database Management Systems:
Microsoft SQL Server
Mongo Db

Three. Source code management:

4. Integrated Development Environmen:
IntelliJ IDEA

Additional courses, internships, grants Professional courses, internships abroad, international conferences.
Experience JetThoughts, Донецк, since Jul 2010 year. Web Dev, iOS Dev, HR-manager Tigrest, Frelance remote work, Jan 2010 - March 2010, WPF dev Xitex, Donetsk, Feb 2010 - May 2010 Js coder
Future plans Continue to evolve as developer. Also involving in Project Manager's work. Learn English to speaking level. Traveling.
Contact information skype : alexey.kisel
ICQ : 417411515