Name | Artyom Shelyuk |
Date of birth | May 8, 1989 |
Place of birth | Snejnoe city |
Scholl(s) |
Average score | 4.16 |
Languages |
Hobbies and interests | Books: historical and detective. |
Personal qualities | Responsibility, analytical mind, honesty, integrity, punctuality, creativity, commitment to training and professional development. |
Computer skills |
OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.10, Mac OS X 10.7; Office's Tools: Microsoft Office. Programming languages: С++, Objective C, Java, C#, HTML. IDEs: Xcode, Eclipse. SDK: iPhone SDK, Android SDK. Technologies: OpenGL, HTML, UML, genetic algorithms, neural network. DNS: MySQL. Modeling packages: Rational Rose, BPWin. Graphics editors: Adobe Photoshop. |
Experience | 1.06.2011 – nowadays(2012) iPhone Developer UNT Games Studio. |
Future plans | Successful completion of a Master. |
Contact information | E-mail: |