Path Planning and Navigation of Mobile Robots
in Unknown Environments
Torvald Ersson and Xiaoming Hu
Optimization and Systems Theory / Centre for Autonomous Systems
Royal Institute of Technology, SE 100 44 Stockholm Sweden
For a robot trying to reach places in at least partially
unknown environments there is often a need to replan
paths online based on information extracted from the
surroundings. In this paper is is assumed that the sens-
ing range of the robot is short compared to the length
of the paths it plans and the environment is modeled as
a graph consisting of nodes and arcs. The replanning
problem is solved using the network simplex method .
The applicability of the planner is demonstrated by inte-
grating it with a navigation control strategy. Simulation
results show that the approach works well.
1 Introduction
Path planning and navigation for mobile rob ots, in par-
ticular the case where the environment is known, is a
well studied problem, see, for example, the bo ok by
Latombe [4] and the references therein. In practice,
however, one problem is that often no complete knowl-
edge about the environment is available. Having a de-
tailed map with all the obstacles marked seems to be
unrealistic for most situations. In many outdo or appli-
cations the robots can determine their co ordinates by
using, for example, GPS. However the knowledge about
the surroundings may often be very limited. Under such
conditions there is to o much uncertainty for a very de-
tailed plan to make sense. For preplanning purposes a
coarser choice is probably go od enough. Additionally it
is important to be able to replan the path online based
on new information obtained by sensors while navigat-
A natural way of updating plans is to ?rst select a path
based on the present knowledge, then move along that
path for a short time while collecting new information.
Based on the new ?ndings the path is then replanned.
This methodology is often used in the literature for path
planning in unknown areas. One of the original moti-
vations for studying this problem was the terrain acqui-
sition problem, where a robot is required to produce a
complete map of an unknown terrain. In many publica-
tions graph methods are used for solving the task. For
example, [6] considers disjoint convex p olygonal obsta-
cles and presents proofs on convergence. [5] does not use
any constraint on the shape of the obstacles and tries to
minimize the length of the path during the operation.
In [7] results for more general graphs are presented.
In this paper an online path planning algorithm, based
on the so-called network simplex method, is proposed.
Compared with the aforementioned graph metho ds, the
information stored about the environment is strictly in-
tended for path planning and less details about the ob-
stacles are needed. Although the algorithm of this pa-
per to some extent is similar to the
algorithm [8, 9],
the two strategies di?er in a number of ways. Firstly,
here a di?erent discretization scheme is used. Instead of
modeling the environment as a set of squares this paper
uses a graph representation. Secondly, while producing
a path from the start to the goal
has to solve the
shortest path problem for every possible starting p oint.
The algorithm of this paper does not require these ex-
tra solutions. Here the shortest path problem is thought
of as a minimum cost ?ow problem and solved by the
network simplex metho d. Furthermore, in this paper
the feasibility of the algorithm is justi?ed by integrat-
ing it with a generic navigation control strategy, since
the topic here is
path planning.
It is worth to mention that as a contrast a completely
di?erent online path planning approach is presented in
[11]. There a path is computed using steepest gradient
descent on an up dated harmonic function.
It should be emphasized that in this paper the range of
the sensors is assumed to be limited. A requirement for
the metho d to work is that the sensing range is longer
than the length of the longest arcs of the graph. I.e. the
lower the sensing range the closer the no des need to be