Table of contents
- Introduction
- 1. Aims of energyaccount
- 2. Tasks of the checking and account systems
- 3. Functions of АSKUE
- 4. Variants of organization and construction of ASKUE
- 5. Meter of АЛЬФА
- References
Swift development of digital communications created pre-conditions for the revision of the before used principles of construction CASS of commercial account of electric power. Appearance of new measuring devices containing at once a few digital interfaces are for reception-communication of data, allowed to give up the difficult systems of telemetry, having in the composition mass of knots of conversion of analog data in a digital form acceptable to further collection and treatment to information.

Figure 1 - Power System Operation
(animation: 4 frames, 5 cycles, 90 KB)
1. Aims of energyaccount
It is possible to distinguish two aims arrived at by means of control and account of consumption of энергоресурсов, without depending on used for this purpose technical equipments:
- Providing of calculations in accordance with the real volume of their consumption.
- Minimization of productive and unproductive expenses.
Due to the different ways of achieving the goal of minimizing energy costs can be implemented without a reduction in energy consumption and the reduction of energy consumption.
These objectives are achieved through the following energy accounting and control their settings [1].
2. Tasks of the checking and account systems
- Accurate measurement of energy consumption to ensure payment for energy resources in line with the actual level of consumption and minimize non-production costs for energy resources, in particular through the use of more accurate measuring devices or synchrony of primary data collection.
- Diagnosis of completeness to ensure payment for energy resources in line with the actual level of consumption by improving the reliability of the data used for financial settlements with suppliers and sub subscribers business and management decisions.
- Control of energy consumption on all power mediums, points and objects of account in the set temporal intervals (5, 30 minutes, areas, changing, days, ten-day periods, months, quarters and years) in relation to the set limits, regime and technological limitations of power, expense, pressure and temperature with the purpose of minimization of expenses on energoresursy and providing of safety of energy supply.
- Fixing of rejections of the controlled parameters of energoresursov, their estimation in absolute and relative units for the analysis of both energy consumption and production processes with the purpose of minimization of expenses on energoresursy and renewal of production processes after their violation from going of the controlled parameters of energoresursov beyond possible limits.
- Signaling (by a color, sound) about the rejections of the controlled sizes from the possible range of values with the purpose of minimization of production expenses on energoresursy due to acceptance of operative decisions.
- Prognostication (kratko-, sredne- and long-term) of values of sizes of energyaccount with the purpose of minimization of production expenses on energoresursy due to planning of energy consumption.
- Automatic control an energy consumption on the basis of the set criteria and priority charts of including/disconnecting of users - regulators with the purpose of minimization of production expenses on energoresursy due to the economy of hand labour and providing of management quality.
- Maintenance of single system time with the purpose of minimization of unproductive expenses on energoresursy due to providing of the synchronous measurings.
Majority of operating ASKUE of industrial enterprises by virtue of the structural and functional limitations is decided only part of the considered tasks.
3. Functions of АSKUE
- Permanent monitoring of sizes of power and energy.
- Track after exceeding of limits of sizes of power and energy with the voice and/or visual signaling an operator.
- Construction of the load-graphs and consumption.
- Additional visual control is possible, in real time, yet and followings parameters: current of loading, tension of feed-in network, frequency of feed-in network, change on a phase between a current and tension
- Creation of database on all measureable parameters.
4. Variants of organization and construction of ASKUE
Will consider the variants of organization and construction of ASKUE on the example of the systems of account of electric power.
- Organization of ASKUE is with canvassing meters through optical port.
It most simple variant of organization of ASKUE. Meters are not incorporated between itself. Between meters and center of capture of data there is not connection. All meters are polled consistently at the round of meters an operator. Questioning is produced through optical port by the program placed on a portable computer, which forms the file of results of questioning.
The lacks of this method of organization of ASKUE is large labour intensiveness of capture of data from meters and impossibility of the use in the system of induction or electronic meters with an impulsive output.
Organization of ASKUE with canvassing meters through optical port allows to decide the followings tasks:
а) exact measuring of parameters of consumption;
b) commercial and technical account of energoresursov on an enterprise, his infrastructural elements (boiler room and objects of zhilkombyta, workshops, subdivisions, subsubscribers);
c) control of energy consumption on points and objects of account in the set temporal intervals (30 minutes, areas, changing, days, ten-day periods, months, quarters and years) in relation to the set limits and technological limitations of power;
d) processing of data and forming of reports on the account of electric power;
i) description of electric connections of objects and their descriptions;
f) maintaining a single system clock.
- The organization conducting the survey with AMR meter portable computer via an interface converter, a multiplexer or modem.
Counters, united by a common bus RS-485 interface or "current loop" on the multiplexer (such as MPR-16), or a device to collect and prepare the data (DRC) may be located in different distribution systems and interrogated one or more times per month with program placed on a portable computer, which generates a file of survey results. Between meters and data collection center has no permanent connection. The DRC serves as a media server. On a computer center for the collection of data necessary software modules that form a file reference to the survey and download the information into the main database. Time synchronization counters are in the interview process with the time the laptop. Time synchronization is a portable computer with the time data collection center is made upon acceptance of the job files to poll counters. Dedicated computer for data collection center in this embodiment may also be absent, it can perform the role of a portable computer.
The organization conducting the survey with AMR meter portable computer via an interface converter, a multiplexer or modem allows you to:
а) exact measuring of parameters of consumption;
b) commercial and technical account of energoresursov on an enterprise, his infrastructural elements (boiler room and objects of zhilkombyta, workshops, subdivisions, subsubscribers);
c) control of energy consumption on points and objects of account in the set temporal intervals (30 minutes, areas, changing, days, ten-day periods, months, quarters and years) in relation to the set limits and technological limitations of power;
d) processing of data and forming of reports on the account of electric power;
i) description of electric connections of objects and their descriptions;
f) maintaining a single system clock.
- AMR organization with carrying out automatic query counters a local center of the collection and processing of data.
The counters are permanently linked to the center of the data collection and direct communication channels are sampled according to the schedule the interview. Initial information from the meters is recorded in the database. Time synchronization counters are in the interview process with the time machine data collection center. As a computer center for the collection of data using a local PC. It's going data processing and database management. Depending on the number of users, number of intervals and counter profile training users of mathematical processing, etc. local database can function as either a MS Access, or a database ORACLE8.X. Collection of data in the database is periodically at predetermined intervals.
AMR organization with carrying out automatic query counters local center data collection and processing of the following tasks:
а) exact measuring of parameters of consumption;
b) commercial and technical account of energoresursov on an enterprise, his infrastructural elements (boiler room and objects of zhilkombyta, workshops, subdivisions, subsubscribers);
c) control of energy consumption on points and objects of account in the set temporal intervals (30 minutes, areas, changing, days, ten-day periods, months, quarters and years) in relation to the set limits and technological limitations of power;
d) processing of data and forming of reports on the account of electric power;
i) description of electric connections of objects and their descriptions;
f) maintaining a single system clock [2-5].
5. Meter of АЛЬФА
A1700 ALPHA meter - Elster Group is the development in the field of energy and organization of AMR. Area A1700 ALPHA meter application - a complete and accurate commercial and technical accounting in a large industrial and small engine sector. In the A1700 ALPHA meter first used the modular design and the independence of interfaces. Counter A1700 may additionally consider the consumption of various types of resources and energy, taken by telemetry channels with other meters (water, heat, gas). Because of this, as well as a wide range of functions A1700 ALPHA meter makes completely new opportunities for accounting and organization of AMR systems.
Microprocessor-based multifunction electricity meters A1700 ALPHA designed for active and reactive power in three-phase alternating current transformer connection, in both single and multi-rate modes with accuracy class 1.0, with the number of tariff zones can be up to 16. A1700 ALPHA meter works in a wide range of operating voltages and currents, has a high sensitivity. A1700 ALPHA meter measures and displays the electrical installation - the phase voltages and currents, active, reactive and apparent power of three-phase systems, and service data.
Provides completely new possibilities for the organization of counter A1700 AMR. For communication counter A1700 can be used independently pulse inputs / outputs and digital interfaces, and even built-in GSM-modem. An interesting feature of the A1700 ALPHA is that the additional interfaces are connected without disconnecting the meter and the violation of the metrological seals.
All measured and calculated data, including received from other channels via pulse counter, counter ALPHA A1700 stores in nonvolatile memory. Opportunities A1700 ALPHA meter can store graphics load of 16 channels, with the shelf life of graphs can reach more than 900 days. In the A1700 ALPHA meters incorporate technology embedded in the ALPHA series of counters, long proven its high accuracy and reliability.
Alpha Counters A1700 transformer including all modifications can calculate measurements on the primary side with the transformation ratio of current transformers and voltage. In the measurement of the quantity of primary energy and power are automatically multiplied by the transformer voltage (KV) and current transformer (KT) at the point of registration.
One of the main advantages ALPHA A1700 counters is that they can keep the load curve at 16 channels. The duration of the interval schedules can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 30, 60 minutes, which is set by software AlphaPlus100. Storage depth charts in the counter memory can be up to 900 days, and all information is tied to either standard time or daylight saving time to go after the meter clock for daylight saving [6-7].
Counter Alpha A1700 placed in a comfortable and safe plastic. Mounting holes and dimensions of the housing allows for easy installation in almost any computer control cabinet. Counter ALPHA A1700 is versatile three-element meter, which may be included in both the 4-wire circuit and a three-phase three-wire network.
For the A1700 ALPHA meter series developed advanced software AlphaPlus100. Application software provides opportunities for measuring and control devices (modification of the program counter, and commercial diagnostic reading data logging, communication, change the schedule of tariff zones and other features). AlphaPlus100 software also allows you to view the configuration parameters of the meter and the measured data. With the AlphaPlus100 can change the configuration of the counter, ie add features that were not specified in the original programming of the counter or cancel them (special task).
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At this stage, the abstract is only part of the master's work, which will be completed later. The full version can be obtained from the author's work in early 2014.