The Contents
- Introduction
- 1. Concept Smart Drid
- 2. Purpose and research problems
- 4. Analysis
- Conclusions
- List of sources
- the Analysis of existing used means and relaying and automatics standards, and also means of monitoring and the control over work of a power network;
- Creation of the automated device, capable to carry out function of means of a relaying, monitoring and the control;
- Creation of the software for the developed device.
- the Analysis of technical decisions applied in the industry a structurally-linguistic method [3];
- Working out of the microprocessor device (a complex of devices), focused on performance of functions RPA, monitoring and the control;
- Creation of the necessary software for the developed device;
- Definition of scopes and possibilities on introduction of the created device.
- Working out and creation of the automated device focused on performance of functions RPA, monitoring and the electric power system control;
- Creation of the software for the developed device of APCS "MCR".
- Smart Grid - Энергетика будущего [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.smartgrid.ru....
- "Энергобаланс" [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.energybalance.ru....
- Никифоров А. П. "Выбор между "простыми" и "совершенными" конструктивными решениями, формирующими объект управления и защиты, структурно-лингвистическим методом".// Научные труды Кременчугского национального технического университета. Серия: "Електроэнергетика и электротехника", выпуск 8 (140).- Кременчуг , 2009.- С. 236-240.
- Инженерный центр "Энергосервис" [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.ens.ru....
- Дж Ту, Р. Гонсалес. Принципы распознавания образов, М: "Мир", 1978. - 411 с
- Никифоров А. П. "Диспетчер смарт-грид в каждом устройстве потребителя. Технические и экономические задачи." / А. П. Никифоров // Научные труды Донецкого национального технического университета. Серия: № 12(200);.- 2012.- С. 236-240.
- Никифоров А. П. "Анализ и синтез устройств защиты на основе построения иерархической линии "от простого к совершенному" структурно-лингвистическим методом." / А. П. Никифоров // Научные труды Кременчугского национального технического университета, выпуск 9(158). - Донецк , 2009.- С.169-174.
With the advent of new technologies sharply there is a question on their application in modern industrial production. Since the Ukraine's main part electric power stations and substations works on old technology, the relevant question at this point is necessity to connect to the work new, high-tech security devices and devices of monitoring and control. Such devices are considered today in concept Smart Grid.
1. Concept Smart Grid
Drawing 1 – Concept Smart Grid
(Animation: 6 shots, delay 1 sec., 6 cycles of repetition, 32 KB)In the most general sense concept Smart Grid can be defined, as a certain concept of the organisation of a power system of new generation. Computer and other modern technologies are involved in work of such system for gathering and information processing, for example, information on behaviour of suppliers and energy consumers. It is the system working in automode, capable to raise efficiency, reliability of power deliveries, to improve an economic component, and also to adjust steady manufacture and electric power distribution. The essence of the power system constructed on principles Smart Grid, consists that it transfers not only energy, but also the information. In this case the consumer, besides energy, receives a number of possibilities on interaction with an electric power system, in particular more flexibly to choose tariffs, to plan the power consumption and, as consequence, to reduce an expense for the electric power. The given concept also does not exclude consumer possibility to act in an electricity supplier role. I.e. at observance of some conditions he can sell himself the energy developed by his personal energy sources (wind-driven generators, solar batteries etc.) In a network. At high-grade expansion of a power system on the basis of concept Smart Grid, the consumer has a possibility of a choice of the supplier. Therefore the companies will be compelled to struggle for the consumer, to offer it the most favourable conditions of cooperation, to raise quality of services. Such scheme means active participation of the consumer in system work. Thus for the power companies there is a risk of probable passivity of the consumer. After all participation in work of system demands time, regular monitoring, the analysis, forecasting. While the economy on the electric power in a standard time interval is insignificant. As a result the consumer can simply refuse to change the habits, a life rhythm, to be arranged under "favourable" the tariff plan for the sake of economy. Smart Grid it is represented, how the progressive concept which practically does not have lacks and called to become by pledge of economic growth for the country. Despite existing risks, concept Smart Grid comprises considerable potential for development not only branches, but also national economies as a whole. The embodiment of the new concept demands creation of innovative technologies, carrying out of scale scientific researches in power, in IT sphere, professional trainings of corresponding qualification [1].
However, in difference from the USA and the countries of Europe, Ukraine only becomes on this way and consequently demands as much as possible fast creation or studying of another's equipment ready to work with the new concept. My degree work is devoted creation of such equipment.
.2. Purpose and research problems
The Research objective is working out of the new multipurpose system which are carrying out functions of construction of automated monitoring systems and management by distributed objects of power appointment.
The Primary goals of research:
Research object : the Ukrainian power systems.
Subject of research: association RPA and monitoring and control means in one multipurpose microprocessor device.
In frameworks of Master's work there is planned to reception of actual scientific results in following directions:
4. Analysis
The structurally-linguistic method [3, 6] has been applied to purposeful synthesis of steadily working system (are considered above) with demanded characteristics. Smart grid network can be represented as a set of related objects protection control SROPC [5]. All streams of semantic information are located on the general structural diagram in Fig. 1. According to structurally-linguistic method the general semantic stream of the information concerning SROPC, is displayed on really possible almost realised quantity information sensors TS and structural elements NТS.
At each hierarchical level of processing of the information the unified algorithm of processing of information components under the general name "For-against" [3, 6, 7] is applied.Drawing 2 – the Structurally-logic scheme of information components of system SROPC
Semantic signals S(t) separate devices or a hierarchical chain of several incorporated devices it will be transformed by multithreshold elements ρ in additional NTS. Such NTS are the entrance information for SemA of higher hierarchical level who can be in other devices. Set of SemA of the general information field form uniform semantic signal SOZZ (t). In relation to semantic signal S(t) the system of automatic stabilisation of a normal mode (SASNM) [3, 5 - 7] is under construction. On sense it is possible to present management system SASNM (fig. 3).
Drawing 3 – network System SASNM smart grid works on information components
Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a smart-analyzer system of APCS "MCR".
Drawing 4 – the Block diagramme a smart-analyzer system of APCS "MCR"
The Known description of analyzed devices (the structural or basic scheme) are led to elementary structural elements TS, NTS the generalised tree of structural interrelations [3]. From a tree the list of certain rules РN is written off. The weight k each rule РN, proceeding from its contribution to the general result S Further is accepted. All devices as follows are placed in the table of hierarchical ordering. On a horizontal axis devices in a direction of perfection of rules of selectivity РSEL settle down. On a vertical axis of the table devices in a direction of perfection of rules РBL blocking (from unstable work of devices, rules of acknowledgement of presence of damage, an unblocking and protection from помеховых semantic situations) settle down. The received lists of rules РN are located in the table in process of involvement of the increasing total weight coefficient K Σ each of devices. Meanings K Σ for everyone РN are resulted on the generalised tree. For strict comparison of devices among themselves it is possible to count up effectiveness ratio KEF of the device under formula KEF=K Σ devices/K Σ the generalised. Everyone РN is carried or to selectivity "With", or to blocking [6]. The result is resulted in table 1.
Table 1 - Hierarchical ordering of devices of the automated data management system Blocking
[A] – "ОИК Диспетчер" PN=10, K Σ =685, KEF=0,5524.
[B] – "КОТМИ-NT", PN=11, K Σ =705, KEF=0,5685.
[C] – "Систел", PN=13, K Σ =735, KEF=0,5927.
[D] – "ES-Энергия", PN=12, K Σ =790, KEF=0,637.
[E] – MicroSCADA Pro, PN=15, K Σ =1010, KEF=0,8145.
[G] – "Generalized", PN=18, K Σ =1240, KEF=1Conclusions
Transition to intellectual control systems of an electropower network is most pressing question in Ukraine at present Working out of control facilities and the control, based on new technologies gives the chance to receive stabler and safe electric power system, and also to reduce electric power losses in a network, at the expense of the best control of consumption.
Proceeding from comparison of the published descriptions of the automated data management system, it is found out that their authors put before themselves the decision of a problem on construction of the so-called "simple" device. In addition it is necessary to notice that authors often connect perfection of "simple" devices of the automated data management system with change of their sensitivity to signals of entrance coordinates. Also the table of hierarchical ordering of devices of the automated data management system specifies a direction for the further workings out in sphere of the control and monitoring of electric power systems.
Magistersky work is devoted an actual scientific problem of transition of the Ukrainian electropower networks to the concept smart grid. Within the limits of the spent researches the analysis of existing, used means and standards of a relaying and automatics, means of monitoring and the control over work of a power network as a structurally-linguistic method is made;
Further researches are directed on following aspects:
At a writing of the given abstract master's work is not finished yet. Definitive end: December, 2013. The full text of work and materials of a theme can be received from the author or his supervisor after the named date.
List of sources