- Introduction
- 1. Wind-system communication network through the magnetic amplifier.
- 2. Simulation SIMULINK-model of magnetic amplifier.
- Conclusion
- References
A smart grid integrates the technology level of electrical networks, consumers and producers of electricity in a single automated system that allows real-time monitor and control the operating modes of all participants in the process of elaboration, transmission and consumption. Smart grid automatically responsive to change various settings in the power system and allows uninterrupted power supply with maximum economic efficiency while reducing the impact of human factors. Smart grids can be used vetroheneratorov energy, solar panels and other renewable sources [3].
1. Wind-system communication network through the magnetic amplifier.
The work was based concept miсro network (MicroGrid). The idea miсro network bring evolutionary changes in the legal and operational framework of the traditional power and the emergence of smaller generating systems such as wind elektrogenerator opened new possibilities of electricity by consumers, in connection with the distribution of energy - small generators are usually located in areas of electricity and heat where it is used as a promising option to meet growing customer needs for electricity with an emphasis on reliability and quality [4] In general, the concept miсro network - provide energy distribution of benefits. This is a localized group of production, storage and distribution, which usually operates in conjunction with the traditional centralized network. Miсro network can also work independently. Generation and distribution of miсro network usually interconnected at low voltage. Resources of miсro network may include: traditional fuels, wind, solar and other energy sources. The main objective is to develop management and communications strategies that are suitable building stable and effective work miсro network. In this regard, we consider the use wind elektrogenerator at home with an average electrical load - 0.5 kW. Peak load - up to 5 kW when enabled many powerful appliances. It is assumed that the power of wind power generator is not enough to cover the peak load because the wind generator must be connected to an external power grid for a permanent job. It automatically adjusts power power supplies install the necessary balance of power consumption and external network wind elektrogenerator MicroGrid. The latter requirement can be implemented communication system wind elektrogenerator MicroGrid network-based magnetic amplifier, which has the function of regulating and strengthening capacity for simultaneous smoothing and voltage loaded on the consumer [2]. To implement the model of MicroGrid chosen as a benchmark problem, the dynamic model of the system implemented by using Matlab / Simulink and SimPowerSystems Toolbox. The resulting S-model is used for the research was the network mode. Block Diagram (Figure) S-model (Figure 4) is symmetric relative to the element load consumers (Parallel RLC Load). Represents two identical subsystems that connect the power supply (wind elektrogenerator and network) with the consumer. The basis of each subsystem charged magnetic amplifier, each of which is based on two transformers. Control voltage Uy magnetic amplifier is given DC voltage (DC Voltage Source for branches with wind elektrogenerator and DC Voltage Source 1 for branches of foreign networks). The voltage control is taken Uy = 12 V, a standard voltage, which is part of the control system by wind elektrogenerator. In the simulation mode of communication with the network by wind elektrogenerator seems that changes the automatic voltage control regulator (the S-model is not present). Adjust the voltage control circuit in both branches (sub) tasks carried out by the required voltage value in the parameter block DC Voltage Source.Similarly, the S-model of the regulation voltage that feeds the consumer load (Parallel RLC Load) in windows task parameter block type AC Voltage Source. To simplify the simulation mode is simulated user loads only active constituent.
2. Simulation SIMULINK-model of magnetic amplifier.
MP circuit connections turbines with a network modeled two blocks Saturable Transformer (nonlinear transformer) from the library SimPowerSystem. The main parameters of these blocks are taken parameters of single-phase transformer are required MATLAB SIMULINK (active and inductive reactance winding circuit resistance magnetization). The load is modeled Parallel RLC Load block with a capacity corresponding to the power transformer. Internal resistance of power supply units modeled type Parallel RLC Branch [1].
Library SimPowerSystem:
• Elesthisal Sources - sources of electricity. The structure of the library includes DC and AC voltage and current, voltage and current are controlled and three-phase AC voltage;
• Measurements - Measurement and control devices. Section of the library contains current sensors and voltage measurement unit for three-phase systems, multimeter and measuring the impedance circuit (impedance);
• Elements - electrical items. In the library mutual-inductance is a large set of models of passive electrical elements: single and three-phase RLC-circuit transformers, inductance, Surge Arresters, etc [1].
This master thesis is a study to create models of turbines combination of network-based magnetic amplifier, which can be used to study the modes of the wind farm as a part of a single power system, and offline in different weather conditions.
At the time of writing the essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013 After this date, the full text of the work and materials can be obtained from supervisor.
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