DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Andrey Petrov
Date of birth 12.11.1990
Place of birth Makeevka
Schools 1998–2006. Makeevskaya general education school ¹ 72

2006–2008. Makeevka city lyceum ¹ 1

Universities Undergraduate: 2008–2012., Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of electrical engineering, major in "Power Plants"

Master: 2012–2013., Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of electrical engineering, major in "Power Plants"

Average score 4.4
Languages English (basic), Russian and Ukrainian – fluent
Personal achievements persistence, concentration, activity, responsibility, punctuality.
Hobbies and interests I enjoy reading literature (scientific and art) historical and science-fiction oriented
Professional and computer skills The average level of major office applications. Basic level programs Mathcad, Autocad, Compass, Matlab languagein C++.
Future plans Start work on a specialty
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