- Introduction
- 2.The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3.The history of eco-villages abroad
- 4.Experience ecovillages CIS and Ukraine
- 5.Consideration of proposed types of innovation, and the reasons for their use
- Findings
- List of sources
Living in cities, people are forced not only to breathe polluted air, but also eat foods in the creation of which was actively involved chemical component. In such circumstances, this exotic looking to spend some time in a clean, minimally contaminated area businesses, with the ability to eat healthy nutritious food in the manufacture of which man himself would be involved. It was such a corner of paradise and are currently ecovillage. They are settlements established for the organization of environmentally friendly living space for a group of people, and usually emanate from the concept of sustainable development and to organize food through organic agriculture. In this paper, the influence ecovillage on environmental and economic situation of the region, allows us to consider the prospects and the development of eco-villages from different angles, and emphasizes the importance of this work.

Drawing 1 – Ecovillage Dawn
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim is to study the development of "green" businesses in the environmental conditions of an industrial settlement in the region.
The main objectives of the study:
- Analysis of the state of ecovillages in the world and the region.
- Consideration of the ecovillage as an influence on the ecological and economic situation in the region.
- Identify problems and future development paths in ecovillage.
- Range of possible solutions for the creation of opportunities in the ecovillage development of green business.
- In the economic analysis of the effectiveness of green businesses in the ecovillage, and summarizing conclusions on the basis of the work done.
The object of study: ecovillage.
Subject of study: Ways to develop the business in the ecovillage.
3. The history of eco-villages abroad
Isolation of the movement "foreign settlements" in the social movement, which is branched over the experimental creation of alternative economic forms of economic and social activity in a capitalist society. 91 foreign settlements can be divided very roughly divided into municipalities, communities, and ecovillages.
"The first wave" of the settlement in the form of "community", "commune" refers to the end of the Second World War, the "second wave" - to the 60-70s (the Vietnam War protest marches). So actively developing alternative economic models to attempt their practical implementation in the form of self-settlements on the social economic structure, a more appropriate definition of "community", "commune". In the U.S., about 2,000 settlements are formed as "communes" in a period of political fashion of the communist and anarchist ideology. "Third Wave" will be marked movement create ecological communities. Their formation is associated with the transition of the survivors "communes" and "communities" in the status of "environmental". There is an allocation of groups of people who want to not urbanistic lifestyles historically united tribal or regional characteristics, living in conditions of minimal use of traditional energy sources, or their complete absence in the status of "ecological villages" [1].
Today there is a communal settlement in the form of communes, cooperatives, family businesses, teams, small and medium-sized private and corporate businesses, and rural communities and urban. They are united or public ownership of the means of production, or general business applications. The core community resides on the land allotted to them territories and act within the law. They are today the most successful, dynamic and steadily growing forms of alternative means of economic and social existence of large formations of people in Western society. Today, these settlements are distinguished environmental settlement.
The main differences of ecological communities from other types of settlements are to their problems: the lack of political or religious orientation, ideology, aiming at creating a self-sustaining ecological, technological, energy-saving and life-support settlement of the economic cycle on the basis of harmony and respect for nature, the environment, the use of alternative biotechnological systems providing bioutilizatsiyu waste, cleaning and protection of the environment 92; rational use of natural resources jet. Members of the environmental settlements are characterized as intelligent, highly educated individuals who have a positive lifestyle, taking an active part in the political, economic and social life of the country[2].
4.Experience ecovillages CIS and Ukraine
The central theme of all current and future eco-village is the educational aspect. Distance from urban civilization requires an educational center in the settlement. The reproduction of the number of social groups on the basis of today can appeal to young? Ms new way of life, a healthier more open, cleaner.
In Russia there are also quite a commercial environmental projects: summer campgrounds, summer school education, outreach summer workshops, summer camps, there are dozens of independent educational groups, both in the form of urban designer projects, and as a summer training workshops and seminars.
In Ukraine there are 15 eco-villages, "Buda" (Cherkassy region), "Spring song" (Kharkiv region), "Valley of Jerel" (Kiev region), "Valley of the Masters" (Chernihiv region), "Emelyanovka" (Zhytomyr region), "Robin "(Kherson region)," Polesskie Dew "(Chervonoarmejsk district)," Breaking Dawn "(Donetsk region)," Rodnikovoye "(Zaporozhye region)," native "(Kiev region)," Rosy "(Kyiv region)," Light "(Crimea), "The tract Tartak" (Zhytomyr region, "" Southern Sokolniki "(Kherson region), Sumy region (17 km from Krolevets). biggest in the number of families can be considered" Jerel Valley ", home to 15 families , and is located 56 sites, and the remaining counts from 2 to 7 families. ecovillage in Donetsk region is located in Debalcevo. Taking into account the growing public interest in environmental settlements, we believe this is a promising direction of environmental activities and requiring the attention of the public authorities.

Drawing 2 – Map Ecovillage
Global Ecovillage Network International, a confederation uniting and coordinating the activities of the environmental movement and most of today's major international environmental settlements, records the presence of about 66 ecological communities in the United States, 16 in Canada, 24 in Australia, five in Finland, 19 in Germany, 10 in Spain, 12 in Italy. The figures recorded by 42 countries of the world, are mostly either the largest and most long-lived (at least 10 years of age) ecovillage or on coordinating environmental centers. For example in Russia claimed only 3 ecovillage, though, at the moment, according to various sources, in the last two years here was created and operates more than two dozen design teams creating alternative settlements, which according to many criteria fall into the category of "environmental settlements."
Fig. 1 is a list of potential activities that are offered for sale in an environmental settlement. In the Donetsk region, since 2010, we are working on a project to create environmental Kalmiusskogo settlements on the territory of the reserve. On the territory of the ecovillage eliminated the use of all the tools, technologies, products, and materials to pollution of the environment:
- packaging materials, utensils and containers made ??of plastic, polyethylene and other refined petroleum products;
- detergents and cleaning products of the chemical industry (the only exception - soap);
- construction materials are not subject to the natural decay - not subject to decay and decomposition by microorganisms living;
- is all the means of processing plants: herbicides, pesticides, growth regulators, feeding, supplements and all that is a product of the chemical industry. Are allowed only natural, natural products: manure, hay, straw, leaves, seaweed, etc.,
- polluting fuels: coal, rubber and all kinds of petroleum products.
In addition, prohibits any actions that harm the environment. Creating ecovillage in the Donetsk region presledet several objectives, namely: the harmonious development of human society and nature, environmental management, aesthetic enjoyment of people around the world, raising the environmental awareness of society and the educational level, the achievement of environmental and economic balance through the development of environmentally-oriented businesses.

5.Consideration of proposed types of innovation, and the reasons for their use
For a normal existence ecovillage must maintain an active economic activity. However, as a general rule the use of most cost-effective projects implies the necessity of disturbed ecological balance that nepreemlemo in ecovillages, because the obvious is the need for a so-called forms of "green" business. "Green" business - it is the enterprise, companies and entrepreneurs that their activities do not harm the environment, society and economy on a global and local scale. This is a business aimed at obtaining three-pronged result: providing economic benefits while maintaining the ecological processes and without causing harm to the person. The criteria by which a business can be classified as a "green business":
- Business takes into account the maintenance of eco-balance in kazhdombiznes-solving;
- Business manufactures products, friendly environment, which replace conventional products or services that do not meet the requirements of sustainability;
- Business does not change the commitment to the principles of sustainability in their business activities[3].
The development of green business implies the necessity of selecting the most effective schemes of financing the project, which allows for the financial feasibility of an innovative project in the area of ??social importance such as ecology, economy and social life. Solving problems profitability of the project can be found by considering several possible types of businesses, but as shown by the domestic and foreign practice of eco-villages (Lepota - Russia, Dawn - Ukraine, Crystal Water - Australia, etc.) is the most effective way to achieve economic independence of the settlement is the use of innovative methods of development agribusiness. This approach allows us not only to provide residents of the settlement with food and finances, but also can rightfully be called environmentally friendly.[4,5]
The economic effect is expected to make a profit from doing a "green" business in ecovillages allows to satisfy the biological, social and material needs ekoobschestva; Social intended effect is to create a society which is based on not a fight for survival and achievement opportunities for most people to live safely without mutual rivalry. And this should be achieved without violence against man and nature. It is necessary to optimally take advantage of what we actually have. The main material basis of our country - black soil, climatic conditions, hardworking people. [6] he expected environmental effects: 1.zaklyuchaetsya in creating the conditions for minimizing the cycle of self-healing ecosystem 2.Zhelatelno to all settlement as a whole was surrounded by a natural forest protection area, or a river. The settlement should be situated away from urban, industrial plants, landfills and industrial waste, chemical poisoning or contaminated areas, which will reduce the incidence. 3. Branch road, having a large load of road transport, additional plantations or take them beyond the settlement. After the settlement should not pass through the highway. Wide roads within settlements should always be planted with trees, located along the pedestrian and vehicle parts, thus reducing noise and emissions impact on human beings. [7]
Thus on the basis of studies and economic evaluation will assess the prospects for the development of "green" business based on experiences and abroad, and taking into account the examples of the creation of domestic eco-villages. On the territory of ecovillages, determined the most effective approach to the development of "green" business, bred new technological scheme for agribusiness as a type of green business, which will make it possible to improve the ecological and economic situation in the region and the country as a whole.
Список источников
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- Что такое «зеленый бизнес», нтернет ресурс: svojodelo.com
- Экономика домашнего хозяйства. Полезные советы. Коробковский Г. В., Смирнова Г. А.. Лениздат, 1991. - 345 стр.
- Эко группа. Руководство по домашней экологии.Валентин Емелин. "Либра" 2001. - 155 стр.
- Экопоселения в России: социальный андеграунд или перспективные «точки роста», интернет ресурс:cloudwatcher.ru
- Список жилых поселений, интернет ресурс: www.eco-krug.ru