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One of basic concepts, which represents the state of natural environment, tendencies, to the changes in him taking into account interests of society there is a concept of ecological safety. The ultimate goal of nature protection activity of man and management in industry of guard of environment is not only a maintainance of integrity of natural complexes and intercommunications in them but also providing of the state of ecological safety. The environment includes different constituents, in particular a natural environment is a production is society, which have different priorities, different firmness and consist of different components.

1. Theme urgency

On the modern stage of development society came to the conclusion, that civilizations threaten, foremost, ecological problems. It is therefore acknowledged at state level, that ecological safety is one of basic constituents of national safety next to economic and political. The general consisting of ecological safety of Ukraine is difficult enough . There is a wide variety of factors which draw in subsequent complication of its consisting of spatio-temporal aspect. It to a great extent influences on the state of environment and results in worsening of terms of vital functions of people. The resulted circumstances stipulate the urgent necessity of complex study and decision of problems, related to ecological safety [1]

2. Goal and tasks of the research

A research purpose is an increase of ecological safety by development and ground of measures on the rational use of natural resources, on the example of mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. To analyze research in area of providing of ecological safety and rational use of natural resources.
  2. To describe influence of the rational use of natural resources, in the conditions of mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova, on ecological strength of natural environment security.
  3. To ground expedience of the rational use of natural resources for providing of ecological safety of region which tests influence of mountain enterprise.
  4. To estimate ecological and economic consequences from the rational use of natural resources, in particular to methane, in the conditions of mountain enterprise.

Research object: mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova.

3. General terms

Under ecological safety it is necessary to understand the summarizing system of estimation of the ecological state of objects of environment and exposure of changes which can cause worsening of this state with the purpose of their warning and removal. Depending on reasons of ecological security breach distinguish such, which arose up: as a result of influence on the natural object of human activity (socio-political, military, technogenic character); under act of natural processes (earthquake, eruption a volcano, flood, and others like that) [2].

The criteria of natural resource use are the special estimations of natural resource use. They reflect his orientation, quality, efficiency. Natural resource use of region, both rational and inefficient, is estimated from point of quality, efficiency taking into account the use of concrete criterion. As criteria of rational use of natural resources the indexes of change, loud speakers of natural resources, are used taking into account their booty and technogenic changes, and also indexes of damages, inflicted the natural systems at the different forms of natural resource use. The indexes of dynamics of separate natural resources and their combinations settle accounts within the limits of the territorial natural-resource systems.

For every region a few criteria of rational natural resource use, which reflect an orientation, quality of changes of natural-resource potential, are selected, results of booty of natural resources and change of geosystem on the whole.

More complete and complex use of natural resources, development and introduction, must become strategic direction nature protection activity, in the production of low-waste and zero-emission technological processes which enable notedly to shorten or fully eliminate contamination of natural environment and provide more deep processing of primary raw material at an observance governed norms of ecological safety.

4. The region of influence of the enterprise

By the district of influence of the probed object, mines the name of V.M.Bazhanova there is a city Makeevka, which is in central part of the Donetsk area. Makeevka is a typical industrial city, on territory of which there are more than 4 thousand enterprises.

The extrass of methane (to 35%), oxides of carbon (30%), oxide of sulphur (8-10%), nitric (to 7%) and dust oxide, prevail in the structure of extrass of harmful matters of city of Makeevki (14%). An about 1% general amount of extrass is on specific contaminents. The mines of city of Makeevki are thrown out by from 40 to 50 thousand tone of methane in a year, from which 40% extrass are related to degassing of layers and 60% – with ventilation [3]

5. Use of natural resources, in the conditions of mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova

Mine of a name of V. M. Bazhanov enterprise for coal mining by underground way. The mine is the isolated subsection of the state enterprise "Makeevugol".

On mine there are 31 sources of the organized emissions. The total amount of emissions of polluting substances makes 10232,861тонн in a year. Among which such polluting substances as: nitrogen oxides, sulphureous anhydrite, dust, manganese, and its connections, methane, carbon oxide, hydrocarbons.

The total amount of dumpings - 3836,711 tons per year, including 1309,56 tons per year without the dry rest.

The efficiency of stocks of coal makes 0,8, therefore it is used rationally.

As the massif of this mine is dangerous on sudden emissions of coal and gas, a necessary measure of ensuring technological and ecological safety is decontamination and the subsequent utilization of methane. And for increase of indicators of rational use of natural resources it is possible to offer production synthesis gas from coal which is carried to off-balance stocks.

In the conditions of region coal industry at the ground of expedience of estimation of resources of methane by the basic criterion of determination of his industrial setting as the in passing obtained fuel there is a technological necessity (for the decline of outburst-prone and providing of prevention of gas poisoning ) and possibility of degassing mining holes, bored from a surface or from the underground making. The necessity of degassing of high-gas-bearing coal layers and accumulations of free gases for breeds is predetermined also profitability of extraction from them of methane and his use. Herein the of principle difference of in passing extractive methane consists from other passing (and concomitant) minerals a booty of which must be economic prove. The criteria of industrial meaningfulness of resources of methane of coal layers for an independent commercial booty (not dependency upon mining) is profitability of booty, which is predetermined mastering depths, gas-bearingness and lauter properties of layers, and main technology of booty. To basic economic advantages of booty and use of methane it is possible to take the decline of paying for extrass, possibility of sale of quotas on the extrass of hotbed gases, decline or exception of expenses on power mediums, at the use of kaptirovannogo methane on the own needs of enterprise. Also, the use of the energy resource will be promoted by stability of enterprise and will provide independence of him from the market of power mediums.


Grounded increase of ecological safety by development and ground of measures on the rational use of natural resources, on the example of mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova.

Were decided the followings tasks:

  1. Is analyzed research in area of providing of ecological safety and rational use of natural resources
  2. Characterized influence of the rational use of natural resources, in the conditions of mine the name of V.M.Bazhanova, on ecological strength of natural environment security.
  3. is Grounded expedience of the rational use of natural resources for providing of ecological safety of region which tests influence of mountain enterprise.
  4. is Appraised ecological and economic consequences from the rational use of natural resources, in particular methane, in the conditions of mountain enterprise.

And in same queue production of synthesis-gas from coal which is attributed to the off-balance sheet supplies will allow to promote the coefficient of the use of coal. That will be instrumental in more rational use of natural resources.

Consequently principle of unity of ecological safety, conservancies, and its rational use is basic principle in the mutual relations of society with nature. Thus the concept of conservancy is acquired by more wide maintenance. In such aspect conservancy is the necessary condition of the use of its resources and serves maintenance of dynamic equilibrium between the use of natural resources, from one side, and by reproductive possibilities of nature — with the second, that is especially important at high technical equipped of modern production.


  1. Харламова Е.В., Малеваный М.С., Пляцук Л.Д. Теоретические основы управления экологической безопасностью техногенно нагруженного региона// Екологічна безпека – 2012(13). - № 1.
  2. Гетьман А.П. Екологічне право України: підруч. / А.П. Гетьман, М.В. Шульга – Харків: Право, 2005. – 385с.
  3. Доклад о состоянии окружающей среды города Макеевки. Под редакцией Г. Аверина, Макеевка, 2008. – 84с.