- Introduction
- 1. Significance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objective of the research
- 3. Scientific novelty
- 4. Importance and usage of the products
- 5. Experimental and methodological part
- 5.1 Formation methods of majolica products. Their advantages and disadvantages
- 5.2 Raw materials
- 5.3 Research Methods
- 5.4 Manufacturing technology of majolica
- Findings
- The list of references
Clay has always been a building and raw material for the production of articles for various purposes.
Clay puddle recipe was changed in different countries and at different times. People were trying to use clay, lying under their feet, and to adapt for crockery and other household objects. Thanks to these efforts and researches of our ancestors the first ceramics and pottery appeared and began to develop many centuries ago [1].
The history of ceramics accounts the centuries. Manufacture of pottery made of baked clay is dated back several thousand years ago in ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Persia. During the archaeological excavations many clay pots, plates and crockery there were found there [2].
One fairly common species in the world of ceramics is majolica. Majolica is a special kind of fine ceramic with opaque porous crocks, covered with a shiny glaze and adorned with decorative patterns. This term refers to the ceramic products based on low-melting clays, baked at low temperatures (1000 – 1100 °C) [3].
The word Majolica
comes from the Italian one that meant the old name of the Spanish island of Mallorca, from where in 1115 the Italians taken pottery and irrigation boards, which served for the potters of Italy as the samples in their ceramic experiments of that time.
Lightness, elegance, precision and beauty. These associations occur in the contemplation of the craft called majolica. Majolica is featured by its decoration that provide uniqueness and value to the each made from this material.
1. Significance of the topic
Easy technology and the availability of the raw materials make majolica very common and often used in everyday life. It is also often used for the decoration of the facades and interiors, for facing of any residential areas with normal humidity.
Nowadays majolica are experiencing its second revival. And this is not occasionally. People has always sought to elegant, artistic and beautiful. One way to satisfy this desire is multi-colored and warm tile, decorative sculptures and painted crockery.
The low baking temperature (1000 – 1100 °C), a simple manufacturing process and technological equipment make majolica cheap, affordable and widespread material, but also attractive, elegant and valuable in the context of art.
In addition, one of the main advantages of majolica ceramics technology is the possibility to use overburden and waste heaps of rocks, waste coal, slag and ash, damaged glass and ceramic as an alternative raw materials.
Today, the problem of rational use of natural resources, waste minimization and their beneficial use is very important. Therefore, consideration of the involvement of industrial waste and the use of low-grade raw materials in the production process is very important.
2. The purpose and objective of the research
The purpose of the research work: to get majolica products using technogenic raw materials of Donbass.
The objective: involvement of low-grade raw materials, secondary resources, as well as industrial waste into the production of majolica.
3. 3. Scientific novelty
Usage of unconventional for majolica raw materials – technogenic by-products of various productions.
4. 4. Importance and usage of the products
Majolica represents fine ceramic items with porous opaque white or colored ceramic body, which in its turn can be produced on the basis of white or colored clay.
We differ the following types of majolica: household objects – crockery (Fig. 1), objects for decorative and artistic purposes – a monumental sculptural images (Fig. 2), and objects for construction purposes – facing slabs and tiles, stove tiles, decorative panels, high relief, bas-reliefs (Fig. 3).

Figure 1 – Household objects

Figure 2 – Objects for decorative and artistic purposes

Figure 3 – Objects for construction purposes
High porosity and water absorption, insufficient (30,0 – 50,0 MPa) bending resistance, tendency to education цека glazes, flexural strength, the tendency to form a cracks skin are disadvantages of majolica and they limit its usage [3].
But, despite of this, majolica is always in demand due to its high decorative benefits that are associated with the old and popular tradition.
5. Experimental and methodological part
5.1 Formation methods of majolica products. Their advantages and disadvantages
p>Depending on the shape and configuration, type and purpose of products majolica technology supposes two production lines: plaster mold casting or plastic molding.So for the products of simple configuration and shaped as bodies of rotation we use plastic molding. For the products of complex shape characterized by high decorative properties, we use plaster mold casting, as it is impossible to produce such products using the plastic molding [3].
Dry pressing also can be used for the formation of majolica tiles and tamping method is applied for the manufacture of complex decorative sculptures and monumental images. But in the frame of the research work the plaster mold casting is preferred as the studied mass composed predominantly of low-plasticity oversanded clay loams. This method of formation is the most suitable for such kind of masses.
5.2 Raw materials
All the raw materials for making ceramics are divided into three groups: plastics, nonplastics and flux agents.
In this work as the plastic component we use the mixture of clay loam named carbine of kaolin deposit Belaya Balka
and refractory white clay of Druzhkovka field.
It should be noted that the sanding of the selected clay loam is used as well as nonplastic agent. This allows you not to use additional nonplastic materials, but significantly impairs the quality and molding properties of the component.
If it is necessary, we can add special flux agents into the mixture, they are substances which promote the formation of low-melting compounds during heat treatment and result in the reduction of the products firing temperature, which in its turn can significantly reduce the fuel consumption [3].
In the frame of the project ceramic materials will be produced, in which the plastic component is combined with several different additives of technogenic origin and waste of ceramic production. Such additives are granulated slag, nepheline screenings, waste and breakage of ceramic production, classic chamotte and chamotee of red clay brick, etc.
5.3 Research Methods
For the selection of the optimum process conditions of production and determination of its characteristics, the project is planned to carry out a series of experiments: the definition of hardening water, air, fire and total shrinkage determination of viscosity and speed of the weight setting for the ceramic body and water return of ceramic slip.
Moreover, with the purpose to find the optimum combination of raw materials, and select the best one (in terms of processing characteristics of the obtained products), we must also determine the optimum firing temperature and the sintering range, water absorption, porosity and mechanical properties of the obtained samples.
According to the critical thermal point of the ceramic body for the obtained products we must to choose the proper glaze. Glazed products are tested for heat resistance and chemical resistance, they defined an indicator such as gloss glaze coating analyzed decorative properties (color quality, monotony, etc.).
5.4 Manufacturing technology of majolica
Regardless of the method chosen for the formation of majolica products the technological cycle of majolica production starts the same and involves preliminary preparation of raw materials, ie their crushing, grinding, sift and weigh them in accordance with the mass fraction of the mixture composition. The difference is in the degree of moistening of the raw materials mixture, depending on this it is possible to prepare semi-dry mass (molding powder), the plastic mass (dough) and the liquid weight (slurry).
After the preparation the weighted components are directed to the mix. Mixing will be carried out in a laboratory ball mill, where we can also get additional grinding and homogenization of mass.
In order to prevent the deformation of ceramic products and cracking during the drying process, you must airing-off – the slow drying of just formed raw body in vivo.
After the airing-off process the products are dried in a drying cabinet [dryer]. Duration and mode of drying process depends on physical and technological properties of the mass, primary and semi-finished and final temperature of coolant, size, type and configuration of the products, as well as the design characteristics of the used dryers.
The next stage of the production cycle is firing that is the most important stage of any ceramic manufacture. During the firing all of the changes and transformations in clay can be observed: complex physical and chemical processes of dehydration, decomposition components of weight and burning of organic impurities with the release of gaseous products, the reaction of the mass of the components to form a new crystalline phase, low-melting eutectic melting to form a glassy phase, polymorphic transformations and other ceramic material after which condenses and becomes as solid as stone. The physical meaning of the firing process is sintering [12].
In the frame of the project the firing of the majolica samples will be carried out in a laboratory muffle furnace with silicon carbide heaters.
The final phase of the cycle - selection, preparation and application of glazes, as well as the synthesis of ceramic pigments for paints and decoration coating. The glaze and decoration are also fixed by firing.
Thus, on the basis of the research work and the analytic review of the literature it can be noted the following:
- Painted and glazed majolica tableware has sufficient mechanical, chemical and thermal stability, which allows to use it at home for meal preparation and presentation. Sculptures and the object of stylized forms are real works of art, are graceful and aesthetic decoration of any interior. Wall tiles and decorative panels can be quite simple and extremely beautiful for wall decoration of kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms and dining rooms.
- In addition to the high aesthetic properties majolica is widespread due to the relatively low firing temperatures, simple production technology, the ability to use low-grade and readily available raw materials and simple equipment. All these benefits make the majolica products affordable and accessible, but at the same time attractive, elegant and beautiful.
- Getting majolica products based on sanding clay loam overburden and by-products of various industries is one of the ways of the waste utilization, and the rational use of material resources of the country.
Currently this master's work has not been completed yet. Its final completion date – December 2013. The full text of the work and the materials on the topic can be provided by the author or her scientific advisor after the mentioned date.
List of references
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