Department CTF   DonNTU   Masters' portal


Name Yavir Ekaterina
Date of birth January 31, 1991
Place of birth Yasinovataya, Donetsk region, Ukraine
School 1998–2006 — Yasinovataya secondary school No.4
2006–2008 — Yasinovataya secondary school No.6
University 2008–2012 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Chemical technology of high-molecular compounds, bachelor
2012–2014 — Magistracy, Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Chemical technology of high-molecular compounds.
Average score 4.82
Languages Native languages: Ukrainian and Russian, on average speak English
Personal achievements Participated in case conferences on chemistry and chemical engineering, philosophy and Ukrainian language, have printed articles (Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk)
Hobbies and interests Literature, needlework (embroidery), basketball, swimming
Personal qualities Responsibility, commitment, curiosity, sociability, honesty, hard work
Computer skills 1. Operating systems: ÕÐ, Vista, 7
2. Applications, programming languages, environments: Pascal 7.0, MathCad, LabView, Adobe Photoshop, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ 3D, MS Office (Word, Exel, Power Point, Visio)
Experience 1. Since 07.2009 — educational practice, Donetsk National Technical University, Dept. of. Chemical technology of fuel;
2. Since 07.2010 — studying practice, Donetsk state plant for chemical products;
3. Since 07.2011 — general engineering practice, JSC Donetsk Coke;
4. Since 09.2012 — technological Practice, Laboratory of Donetsk National Technical University, Dept. of. Chemical technology of fuel.
Future plans In the future I plan to find a decent, well-paid jobs in their field or, if possible, to continue their education in graduate school.
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