- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Analysis of means of mechanization for the mining of thin layers
- 4. The proposed scheme is to combine intensive mining of thin layers
- References
To date, the main raw material and energy base of all branches of the mining industry. Ukraine has significant reserves of coal, which is the basis of its fuel and energy complex. Total reserves, concentrated primarily (96.0%) in the Donets Basin, is estimated at 110 billion tons, industrial – 7.13 billion Analysis of the distribution of industrial reserves of coal seam thickness and elevation of the groundwater shows that in a very thin (0,55-0,7 m) and thin (0.7-1.2 m) of shallow reservoirs are 83.2% of the industrial coal reserves[1].
According to specialists, layers of less than 0.8 m will be developed for 110 years. Therefore, the term will develop thin (less than 0.8 m) and a very thin (0.4 m) layers.
1. Theme urgency
In total, there are 669 Donbass shahtoplastov with very thin layers, of which 243 are flat, slanted 57, 369 high-angle and steep. Within the mine fields of power reservoir does not change: the oscillations, not usually reach 0.2 m very thin layers deposited coal quality. Thus, seams least 0.8 m of average ash content is within 13% whereas ash produced in coal currently 2-3 times higher.
Failure to use low-power fields will increasingly negative impact on the technical and economic performance of the mines and the social situation in the region. Therefore, the creation of technological schemes recesses of very thin layers of Donbass mines remain in the coming years, the most urgent problem.
Existing equipment and technology of coal mining on thin layers, largely exhausted their technical capabilities, and for the development of thin seams of coal – are unsuitable. So, in very thin layers of concentrated 20.1% of the industrial coal reserves, and the number of complex-mechanized faces is only 5.0% of their total number.
This situation is largely due to the unresolved problems of the present time, the establishment of effective shearers capacity for recovery 0,55–0,7 m share mechanized faces in seams 0.71 ... 1.2 m (54.4%) also lower than the share of stocks (63.1%), and in seams 1,21-2,5 m, on the contrary - the proportion of mechanized faces (39.4%) exceeds the reserves (15.2%). These data reflect the current industry trend of more intense development of medium bed. However, the layers up to 1.2 m are the most complex in the world is estimated geological conditions. This implies the high cost of coal production.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The Goal of this work is to validate the structure and parameters of the cleaning machine for intensive excavation thin layers 0.5–0.8 m
Main objectives of the study:
- Analyze existing mechanization in thin layers
- Out the main requirements for the cleaning machine for intensive mining of thin layers
3. Analysis of means of mechanization for the mining of thin layers
Currently, as a means of mechanization in thin layers are applied uzkozahvatnye KA200 type harvesters, plows and K103M (fig. 1).
Combine cleaning KA200 has executive authority in the form of vertical drums and is designed for the extraction of coal breakage faces, moved across the strike of the reservoir capacity of 0.8–1.25 m with an angle of incidence of 35 °. Corps is to combine the goaf side of the conveyor, which in combination with the design of the executive body provides front samozarubku anywhere lava. The machine is operated at the seams with a fragile roof. Has staked supply system. The imposition of supply management system is carried out with the remote control combine [ 5 ].
Harvester K103M working in the right and left faces without rewiring by shuttle pattern without preparation niches with self (oblique stars). Machine is equipped with remote feed system, two screw executive bodies on the edges of the body. The drive is located in the executive bodies of the ledge of the face between the screws in the whole body. Above the face conveyor pans are portal and support system combine [ 5 , 10 ].
In USSR, to a small extent, in especially difficult circumstances: when removing the very thin coal seams and weaknesses of the host rocks where it is impossible to apply the powered roof supports, Wide-employed excavation of coal. As a winning machine for wide field of excavation using wide-type harvesters "Kirovec" (with executive authority in the form of a circular bar) and КЦТГ (crowned with the executive authority). The value of the capture of these harvesters 1–1.8 m large width of bottom-hole space calls for propping and use collapsible bottom-hole assembly line. With wide field of mining excavation machine is located on the ground; This technology is highly labor intensive and, therefore, the broad prospects for application no. At the same time as delivering cars used collapsible conveyor. Wide-notch features a large volume of work on bottom-hole mounting space, dismantling, transporting and installation of collapsible face conveyor.
As on date, the longest in the lavas from 150 to 250m in seams with removable capacity of 0.4-2m and the incidence angle of 25 degrees in resistance of the coal cutting up to 300 kN/m, plow systems are used SN75, SО75, USV, UST2М. Plough operates in conjunction with mechanized roof supports or individual. Plow recess gives the best grade of coal, lower specific energy consumption and reduced dust generation, a safer environment for developing reservoirs, hazardous gas and dust, and especially of sudden coal and gas. The possibility of effective seizure of very thin layers with capacity of 0.4-0.7 m, simpler scheme of work on the length of the lava, less sophisticated means of mechanization and automation of production processes in the working face.
However, the combine harvester has a recess technology turn certain advantages. Domestic and international operating experience and design shearers shows screw actuating organs that have several fundamental advantages over other types of blocked.
At the same time, worm harvester working in a thin flat seams, have a significant organic disadvantage – the asymmetry potential system failure and unloading, consisting of abuse in many cases, the potential performance degradation of coal over the potential performance of his discharge. Performance harvesters in these circumstances, even today made a relatively low level of energy available, significantly limited due to the lack of a loading capacity of screw executive, and the actual flow rate does not exceed usually 1–3 m/min. Furthermore, in this case the working zone screw actuators of an intensive circulation of coal to warrant additional grinding destroyed coal and reducing its grade, as well as additional dust generation and environmental degradation workspace. Moreover, the actual increase in drive power of the executive bodies without other measures does not allow them to significantly increase the loading capacity [9].
This poses a high cost of coal production, reduction of which can be achieved through intensification of its groove up to 5 tons and is sick a day, which makes it necessary to increase the rate of penetration openings up to 20 meters or more per day by raising the technical level of tunneling machines. Analysis of the known approaches in the literature to solve this problem let formulate a conclusion that the traditional methods and ways to increase the loading capacity of the screw of the executive bodies of treatment combines virtually exhausted and can not be an effective basis for achieving the demands, today the level of intensification of coal mining.
So, from the above analysis, highlighted the main problems and shortcomings of these mechanical aids. Struga: good prospect mining of thin seams, but requires constant power formation, poorly regulated by hypsometry. Uzkozahvatnye Harvesters: The main disadvantage of screw uzkozahvatnyh combines a low loading capacity, that does not achieve the necessary volume for the extraction of coal, it eliminates the intense groove.
Accordingly formulated the following basic requirements to a combine for intensive mining of thin layers:
- increased loading capacity of the executive body and the simplicity of the design of its drive;
- short length harvester providing reduced time to perform additional operations.
These requirements are capable of increasing the time net work of excavating coal miner in the lava.
4. The proposed scheme is to combine intensive mining of thin layers
When analyzingconsidered processors of different types. In a review of the existing mechanization of thin layers. Formulated the basic requirements for the shearer for intensive mining of thin layers. The analysis examined processors of different types. Based on these requirements has been developed under the reduced structure of the shearer (fig. 3) for the intensive mining of thin layers.
- Crowns, the executive body of the winning machine;
- Cutting chain;
- Guides the cutting chain;
- Star, shrinking the chain;
- Gear z1 = 28;
- Fear z2 = 12;
- Case winning machine;
- Wheel z6 = 14;
- Motors 1 and 2;
- Gear z4 = 37;
- Gear z3 = 13
- Bearings;
- Gear coupling;
This unit has been designed based on large working harvester 2KTCG, it has castellated executive body 1, symmetrically located on the sides of the machine, which provide samozarubku combine and ship the waste rock chutes on the cutting conveyor belt 2, which loads have to muck scraper conveyor, just this circuit gives shape to develop. The chain tensioner is a device consisting of two poluzvezd 4 and hydraulic jack. Combine a 3-stage gearbox with gear ratio u = 24,6 (fig. 4)
Harvester has staked delivery system that reduces its size and metal, allowing you to work in small dimensions of the face. The machine provides intensive beznishevuyu recess coal on thin and very thin seams 0.5–0.8 m
This led to the following conclusions. On the territory of Ukraine and other CIS countries large reserves of coal in the thin layers, and cost of mechanized systems for their development does not currently exist, combines with a screw and a drum executive authorities can not provide the required load and performance respectively. On that combine to create an intense seizure of such layers is important. The proposed structure has all the prerequisites for further use and improvement. Combine provides intensive notch seams 0.5–0.8 m, due to the small time for auxiliary operations.
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