- Introduction
- Objective and tasks
- Relevance analysis of the transition operators to the femto-based networks
- Conclusions
- References
The development of wireless communication is accompanied by a continuous change of technology, which are based on cellular standards GSM and CDMA, as well as standards for data transmission systems IEEE 802. Historically, wireless communication developed along two independent directions - the telephone system (cellular) and data transmission systems (Wi-Fi, WiMAX). But recently there has been a clear trend to merge these functions. Moreover, the volume of packet data networks, third generation mobile communication (3G) already exceeds the volume of voice traffic, which is associated with the introduction of technologies HSPA[1]. In turn, the modern communication networks provide a predetermined required level of service quality (Quality of Service - QoS) for different types of traffic. Implemented support prioritization of individual information flows, both at the network / transport levels (TCP / IP), and the MAC level (standards IEEE 802.16). This allows their use for providing voice, multimedia, etc [2]. Current trends in the telecommunications linked to the emergence of new services, more demanding of existing networks. With each passing day, these services are becoming more relevant to users. Thus constructed, modern multiservice wireless network is a very cost-effective solution for existing providers, ensuring the involvement of even more customers and thus increase revenue. Recently in Ukraine is projected to increase in demand for additional mobile services, especially Internet communication. In this regard, the concept of next, third generation (3G) is inextricably linked with the creation of universal mobile multimedia communication networks.
Objective and tasks
Objective: To improve the quality of services the mobile operator through the use of femto-network third-generation networks. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problem. 1) Review the existing third-generation technology. Analyze their features. 2) To consider options for moving to 3G networks and evaluate their effectiveness. 3) To analyze the relevance of the transition to the femto-based networks and possible transition. 4) To formulate and justify the QoS requirements of a femto-based networks. 5) Conduct a simulation mobile network based on the femto-network and analyze the results obtained in terms of QoS parameters, and cost-effectiveness.
Relevance analysis of the transition operators to the femto-based networks
Femto - prefix meaning (0,000000000000001), that is, the amount is very small. Femto-cell is called cell mobile networks as small as a few tens of meters, and femto-cell sites - the base stations that provide communication in these cells. With the advent of cellular technology of third generation (3G) position has deteriorated significantly. The fact that the signaling 3G use higher frequency (in UMTS is about 2000 MHz, and GSM can be either 1800 or 900 MHz), which attenuation when passing through the wall is substantially increased [3]. Users of devices with support for 3G are often faced with the fact that within the premises of the unit automatically switches to communicate via EDGE or GPRS - better "penetration" through walls, but less speed. Even worse is the case with next-generation technologies (HSPA, WiMAX, LTE). They are mainly used in high-order quadrature modulation (e.g., QAM-16 and QAM-64). At the same time, many mobile phone users have home access to the Internet via a wired broadband channel - cable or ADSL. This channel can be used to access a cellular mobile network through a special device - like joining a Wi-Fi-Router. It is such a device and a femto-CS. It switches itself on the subscriber's phone when entering a zone of its actions, and its further interaction with the network operator has been going through it (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - femto-network station in a mobile communication network:
- a) traditional makro-cell
- b) Joint makro-femto-cell
- UE - the user equipment
- femto - femtocell station
The idea of using a single apparatus for communication outside the house and inside is not new. At the time, used the attempts to introduce DECT / GSM-phone, however, such devices are widely used for a variety of reasons have not received. Today you can enjoy at home wireless broadband (broadband) using phones and smartphones equipped with modules Wi-Fi.
The analysis in this section shows that a solution based on femto-3G networks will help operators to solve the problem with high-speed access to the "last mile." However, you must solve a series of technical problems. Since the femto-network belong to the class home network, you need to station easily attached and tuned, and its price was comparable to the cost of Wi-Fi hotspots. It should also provide a reliable and stable operation of the femto network and broadband communication lines to which they are connected, in accordance with the standards of quality of service (QoS), the limits for operation of the mobile communication systems. This master’s work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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