Botnet Detection and Mitigation
Автор: Joseph Massi, Sudhir Panda, Girisha Rajappa, Senthil Selvaraj, and Swapana Revankar
This study evaluates
botnet behavior and lays the foundation for the development of a tool to
generate simulated botnet traffic used to investigate the properties of botnets
in large-scale networks. Botnets create widespread security and data safety
issues and are effective tools for propagating cyber-crime. It is imperative
for the IT community to develop effective means of detecting and mitigating the
malicious behavior of botnets. This study enables the investigator: (a) to
model the behavior of bots and botnet controllers via state transition
diagrams, and lifecycle flowcharts; (b) to generate simulated network flow data
equivalent to the behavior of a botnet controller or bots
, and hosts
under attack; and (c) to study botnet topologies, behavior and lifecycle events
and actions.
1. Introduction
Botnet is a common term referring to a collection of automated software robots that run without human intervention. They are mostly malicious in nature; however they can also be associated with a network of distributed computers. This study researched the behavior of botnets and developed a process model that will enable security analysts to design effective anti-botnet tools to mitigate their malicious actions. Given the wide spread negative effects of botnets affecting the security and safety of any given network, or the internet as a whole, it is imperative that we combat botnets with the latest technology and build custom made botnet detection algorithms.
A botnet detector becomes important given the
fact that it may save us billions of dollars every year and deter the bad guys
This study analyzes how botnets work to yield valuable information that could
lead to the development of botnet detectors and, in turn, pave the way for
future work on botnet mitigation tools.
The study was divided into three tasks. The first task was to model the behavior of bots and botnet controllers via state transition diagrams, lifecycle flowcharts, and data flow diagrams. This helped us understand the behavioral patterns of botnets.
The second task was to generate simulated (synthetic) network flow (NetFlow, CISCO propriety technology) [35], [36], [37] data to mirror the behavior of a typical botnet. Large quantities of NetFlow traffic were analyzed from the traffic generator and from the internet to identify and understand patterns of data flow behavior.
The third task was to use this data to study botnet topologies, behavior and lifecycle events and actions. We studied protocols including TCP, ICMP, UDP and HTTP, to isolate the characteristics of a bad botnet NetFlow records. This enabled us to validate the construction of data flow diagrams and state transition diagrams representing the lifecycle of a botnet.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents background information about botnets. Section 3 reviews current research related to this project effort. Section 4 summarizes common attack vectors used by botnets, and Section 5 summarizes three case studies found in the literature. The major components, methodology, and findings of this study are presented in Section 6. Sections 7 and 8 present our conclusions and recommendations for future work. This investigation was undertaken as part of a one-semester capstone project course (IT691) in the fall of 2009 [46]. Dr. Charles Tappert was the course instructor and Mr. Joseph Massi was the project customer [47], [48].
Botnets have been in existence for about 10 years [17]. Security experts have been cautioning the public about the threat posed by botnets for some time. Still, the scale and magnitude of the problem caused by botnets are underrated and most users do not comprehend the real threat they pose [17].
The notorious NetBus and Back0rifice2000 (the first backdoor programs) appeared for the first time in 1998. These were the proof-of-concept Trojan horse programs. They were the first to include a complete set of functions that made it possible to remotely administer infected computers, enabling cybercriminals to perform file operations on remote machines, launch new programs, make screenshots, open or close CD-ROM drives, etc. [13]
2.1. How does a botnet work?
Botmaster |
I |
Most botnets are designed as distributed-design systems, with the main botnet operator (botmaster) issuing instructions directly to a small number of systems. These machines propagate the instructions to other compromised machines, usually via Internet Relay Chat (IRC) [15]. The constituents of a typical botnet include a server program, client program for operation, and the program that embeds itself on the victim’s machine (bot). All three of these usually communicate with each other over a network and may use encryption for stealth and for protection against detection or intrusion into the botnet control network [16].
Command and Control Computer Target Computer Fig 2.1 Example of a DDoS Attack [Source: Riverhead Networks] [9] |
Botnets are effective in performing tasks that would be impossible given only a single computer, single IP address, or a single Internet connection. Originally, botnets were used for distributed denial of service attacks. (See Figure 2.1) Most modern web servers have developed strategies to combat such DDoS attacks, making this use of a botnet less effective [15]. When infecting a computer, the bots connect to IRC servers on a predefined channel as visitors and waited for messages from the botmaster. The botmaster could come online at any time, view the list of bots, send commands to all infected computers at once, or send a private message to one infected machine. This is an example of a centralized botnet [13]. (See figure 2.2)
Fig 2.2 C&C issues commands to Bots |
2.2. Why are Botnets dangerous today?
Botnets today are one of the most dangerous species of network-based attack because they use large, coordinated groups of hosts to execute both brute-force and subtle attacks. A collection of bots, when controlled by a single command and control (C&C) infrastructure, forms a botnet [11], [18], [19]. Since the bots work together in large groups taking orders from a centralized botmaster, they can cripple a large-scale networks in a short time.
A lot of work has been done trying to mitigate the efforts of botnets to avoid data and financial loss. However hard the industry works towards patching the known vulnerabilities in hosts and networks, there are always more unpatched or unknown vulnerabilities that malicious developers and cyber criminals may exploit.
Literature Review
This section reviews selected literature to discuss the current research that has been published about botnets. We first identify the motivations behind building and operating botnets and how these motivations have evolved over time. Then, we discuss the current research on how to track and disable botnets.
3.1. Botnet Motivations
The motiviations and the abilities of cyber criminals have evolved significantly from the early days of computing. Sharing software and information were once the primary motivators for hackers. Computer viruses and worms are simply a step used to gain control over another computer.
Fig 3.1 Attack sophistication vs. Intruder Technical Knowledge |
As Internet users began to shop and bank online the nature of malware shifted from disrupting service to exploiting these technologies for financial gain. Malware may be used to steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and passwords. It sends the information harvested to the botmaster. The botmaster may use the information for further attacks or may sell it to other criminals. Other criminals may use the information for nefarious activities including identity theft. (See Figure 3.1)
Fig 3.2 Tracking a Botnet [40] |
Detecting malicious activity on a network is difficult. The attacker can hide their presence on a machine and only become active under certain conditions. Some vendors publish their findings about detecting botnets but this information is not always enough to effectively track, disrupt, or mitigate botnets.
3.3. Conclusion of the Literature Review
Today, a primary motivation for operating a botnet is the income that can be earned from sending spam email. Ferris Research [1] has found that email spam costs businesses over $130 billion a year worldwide—$42 billion in the U.S. alone. Another popular source of income for online criminals is the installation of advertising software, known as adware, on victim systems. Many adware software companies offer monetary incentives for installing their software [3]. Phishing schemes are also a major revenue generator for botnet operators.
3.2. Tracking Botnets
As the botnet problem escalates, computer security experts have begun to develop ways to detect and monitor the behavior of botnets to gather intelligence that might prove useful in future research. The main benefit of tracking botnet activity is that it allows computer security researchers a direct observation of malicious Internet activity. Also, these observations give a researcher insight into the attackers that create botnets, their profiles and motivations. It is hoped that research in this area will allow network operators and adminstrators to find ways to disrupt botnets or mitigate their effects.
The financial motivations published in previous research show botnets as a growing industry. Botnets are getting stronger by the day. Researchers expect botnet attacks to have dramatic implications for global businesses. It is imperative to develop effective means of detecting and mitigating botnets. The sooner we develop intelligent anti-botnet devices the better for the IT community and the world economy.
4. Potential Botnet attack vectors
A botnet is a tool for malicious users. There are as many different motives for using botnets as there are people with malicious intent. Most are used for financial gain or for destructive purposes [23]. Some uses of botnets are enumerated below.
1.Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks: DDoS is an attack on a network that causes a loss of service to users, typically the loss of network connectivity and services, by consuming the bandwidth of the victim’s network or overloading the computational resources of the victim’s system(s). (See Figure 4.1)
2. Spamming: Some bots have the ability to open a SOCKS proxy—a generic proxy for TCP/IP-based networking applications—on a compromised machine. After having enabled a SOCKS proxy, this machine may be used for nefarious tasks such as relaying spam or phishing email.
3. Sniffing Traffic: Bots can also use a packet sniffer to watch for interesting clear-text data passing by a compromised machine. Sniffers mostly retrieve sensitive information like usernames and passwords. (See Figure
4. Spreading new malware: Botnets are used to spread new bots and malware. This is easy since all bots implement mechanisms to download and execute a file via HTTP or FTP. Some bots may act as HTTP or FTP servers for malware.
5. Installing Advertisement Add-ons & Browser Helper
Fig 4.2 Sniffing Traffic [42] |
In this section we review three case studies into botnet detection and specific botnet vulnerabilities. Study #1: Google's Case Study on Zombie/Botnet Click Fraud [32]: Clickbot.A is a botnet that Google’s Click Quality and Security Teams investigated last year. They published, The Anatomy of Clickbot.A—a detailed case study on botnet-based click fraud—for the benefit of the technical research community. Clickbot.A is an example of a botnet operator attempting a click fraud attack against syndicated search engines. Google was able to identify clicks on advertisers’ ads that exhibited Clickbot.A-like patterns and flagged them as invalid. While Clickbot.A is a specific example of a botnet application that conducted click fraud, botnets can also be used for keylogging, DDoS, and other attacks. This study will help facilitate collaboration between search providers, Internet |
Objects: By setting up a fake website with some advertisements and signing up with companies that pay for clicks on ads a botmaster can generate income. With the help of a botnet, these clicks can be automated (click fraud) so that a few thousand bots click on ads.
6. Attacking IRC Chat Networks: The victim network is flooded by service requests from thousands of bots or by thousands of channel-joins by bots. In this way, the victim IRC network is brought down—similar to a DDoS attack.
Botnets make the above attacks very easy. Botnet are responsible for sending 87.9% of all the spam, according to the data in the Symantec Message Labs Intelligence Report [13]. Detection and mitigation of botnets is needed to prevent cyber crime from reaching a stage where it is very difficult to bring attacks such as these under control.
Botmaster |
I |
Most botnets are designed as distributed-design systems, with the main botnet operator (botmaster) issuing instructions directly to a small number of systems. These machines propagate the instructions to other compromised machines, usually via Internet Relay Chat (IRC) [15]. The constituents of a typical botnet include a server program, client program for operation, and the program that embeds itself on the victim’s machine (bot). All three of these usually communicate with each other over a network and may use encryption for stealth and for protection against detection or intrusion into the botnet control network [16].
Command and Control Computer Target Computer Fig 2.1 Example of a DDoS Attack [Source: Riverhead Networks] [9] |
Botnets are effective in performing tasks that would be impossible given only a single computer, single IP address, or a single Internet connection. Originally, botnets were used for distributed denial of service attacks. (See Figure 2.1) Most modern web servers have developed strategies to combat such DDoS attacks, making this use of a botnet less effective [15]. When infecting a computer, the bots connect to IRC servers on a predefined channel as visitors and waited for messages from the botmaster. The botmaster could come online at any time, view the list of bots, send commands to all infected computers at once, or send a private message to one infected machine. This is an example of a centralized botnet [13]. (See figure
Fig 2.2 C&C issues commands to Bots |
2.2. Why are Botnets dangerous today?
Botnets today are one of the most dangerous species of network-based attack because they use large, coordinated groups of hosts to execute both brute-force and subtle attacks. A collection of bots, when controlled by a single command and control (C&C) infrastructure, forms a botnet [11], [18], [19]. Since the bots work together in large groups taking orders from a centralized botmaster, they can cripple a large-scale networks in a short time.
A lot of work has been done trying to mitigate the efforts of botnets to avoid data and financial loss. However hard the industry works towards patching the known vulnerabilities in hosts and networks, there are always more unpatched or unknown vulnerabilities that malicious developers and cyber criminals may exploit.
This section reviews selected literature to discuss the current research that has been published about botnets. We first identify the motivations behind building and operating botnets and how these motivations have evolved over time. Then, we discuss the current research on how to track and disable botnets.
The motiviations and the abilities
of cyber criminals have evolved significantly from the early days of computing.
Sharing software and information were once the primary motivators for hackers.
Computer viruses and worms are
simply a step used to gain control over another computer.
Fig 3.1 Attack sophistication vs. Intruder Technical Knowledge |
As Internet users began to shop and bank online the nature of malware shifted from disrupting service to exploiting these technologies for financial gain. Malware may be used to steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and passwords. It sends the information harvested to the botmaster. The botmaster may use the information for further attacks or may sell it to other criminals. Other criminals may use the information for nefarious activities including identity theft. (See Figure 3.1)
Fig 3.2 Tracking a Botnet [40] |
Detecting malicious activity on a network is difficult. The attacker can hide their presence on a machine and only become active under certain conditions. Some vendors publish their findings about detecting botnets but this information is not always enough to effectively track, disrupt, or mitigate botnets.
Today, a primary motivation for operating a botnet is the income that can be earned from sending spam email. Ferris Research [1] has found that email spam costs businesses over $130 billion a year worldwide—$42 billion in the U.S. alone. Another popular source of income for online criminals is the installation of advertising software, known as adware, on victim systems. Many adware software companies offer monetary incentives for installing their software [3]. Phishing schemes are also a major revenue generator for botnet operators.
As the botnet problem escalates, computer security experts have begun to develop ways to detect and monitor the behavior of botnets to gather intelligence that might prove useful in future research. The main benefit of tracking botnet activity is that it allows computer security researchers a direct observation of malicious Internet activity. Also, these observations give a researcher insight into the attackers that create botnets, their profiles and motivations. It is hoped that research in this area will allow network operators and adminstrators to find ways to disrupt botnets or mitigate their effects.
The financial motivations published in previous research show botnets as a growing industry. Botnets are getting stronger by the day. Researchers expect botnet attacks to have dramatic implications for global businesses. It is imperative to develop effective means of detecting and mitigating botnets. The sooner we develop intelligent anti-botnet devices the better for the IT community and the world economy.
4. Potential Botnet attack vectors
A botnet is a tool for malicious users. There are as many different motives for using botnets as there are people with malicious intent. Most are used for financial gain or for destructive purposes [23]. Some uses of botnets are enumerated below.
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks: DDoS is an attack on a network that causes a loss of
service to users, typically the loss of network connectivity and services, by
consuming the bandwidth of the victim’s network or overloading the
computational resources of the victim’s system(s). (See Figure 4.1)
2. Spamming: Some bots have the ability to open a SOCKS proxy—a generic proxy for TCP/IP-based networking applications—on a compromised machine. After having enabled a SOCKS proxy, this machine may be used for nefarious tasks such as relaying spam or phishing email.
3. Sniffing Traffic: Bots can also use a packet sniffer to watch for interesting clear-text data passing by a compromised machine. Sniffers mostly retrieve sensitive information like usernames and passwords. (See Figure
4. Spreading new malware: Botnets are used to spread new bots and malware. This is easy since all bots implement mechanisms to download and execute a file via HTTP or FTP. Some bots may act as HTTP or FTP servers for malware.
5. Installing Advertisement Add-ons & Browser Helper
Fig 4.2 Sniffing Traffic [42] |
In this section we review three case studies into botnet detection and specific botnet vulnerabilities. Study #1: Google's Case Study on Zombie/Botnet Click Fraud [32]: Clickbot.A is a botnet that Google’s Click Quality and Security Teams investigated last year. They published, The Anatomy of Clickbot.A—a detailed case study on botnet-based click fraud—for the benefit of the technical research community. Clickbot.A is an example of a botnet operator attempting a click fraud attack against syndicated search engines. Google was able to identify clicks on advertisers’ ads that exhibited Clickbot.A-like patterns and flagged them as invalid. While Clickbot.A is a specific example of a botnet application that conducted click fraud, botnets can also be used for keylogging, DDoS, and other attacks. This study will help facilitate collaboration between search providers, Internet |
Objects: By setting up a fake website with some advertisements and signing up with companies that pay for clicks on ads a botmaster can generate income. With the help of a botnet, these clicks can be automated (click fraud) so that a few thousand bots click on ads.
6. Attacking IRC Chat Networks: The victim network is flooded by service requests from thousands of bots or by thousands of channel-joins by bots. In this way, the victim IRC network is brought down—similar to a DDoS attack.
Botnets make the above attacks very easy. Botnet are responsible for sending 87.9% of all the spam, according to the data in the Symantec Message Labs Intelligence Report [13]. Detection and mitigation of botnets is needed to prevent cyber crime from reaching a stage where it is very difficult to bring attacks such as these under control.
Spam Fig 3.3 Botnet Attack Vectors [41] |
This list of attack vectors demonstrates how attackers can cause a great deal of harm or criminal activity with the help of botnets. As a result, we need ways to learn more about this threat, to learn how attackers usually behave and to develop techniques to battle against them.
Service Providers (ISPs), anti-virus vendors, and other parties on the Internet in managing botnets and similar threats [20].
Study #2: Case Study: Trojan.Peacomm [33]: The
Trojan.Peacomm bot a recently identified peer-to-peer botnet. The Trojan.Peacomm botnet uses the Overnet peer-to-peer protocol to control the bots. The Overnet protocol implements a distributed hash table based on the Kademlia algorithm. Once infected the bot uses the peer-to-peer network, which provides a basic communication primitive from the botmaster to the infected hosts, to download secondary infections that give it the malicious behavior desired by the botmaster. The peer-to-peer network enables the botnet to arbitrarily upgrade, control, and command infected hosts without relying on a central server. This represents a significant step toward botnets that are more sophisticated and difficult to disrupt [21].
Study #3: A Case Study of the Rustock Rootkit and Spam Bot [34]: In this study, the authors present the steps leading up to the extraction of the spam bot payload found within a backdoor rootkit known as Backdoor.Rustock.B or Spam- Mailbot.C. Following the extraction of the spam module the researchers focused on the steps necessary to decrypt the communications between the C&C server and infected bots. Part of their discussion involves a method to extract the encryption key from within the malware binary and using it to decrypt the botnet’s communications. The result is a better understanding of an advanced botnet communications scheme [22].
There are three major components of this study: 1) modeling botnet lifecycle behavior, 2) collecting representative traffic, data and 3) analyzing this data.
The first part of the study included understanding botnet behavior and predicting its life stages. The goal was to define the data flow and state transitions for each phase of a botnet’s operation. (See Figures 6.1 and 6.2)
A typical botnet has three major lifecycle stages: a) Infection Stage b) Recruitment Stage c) Attack Stage
Each stage is controlled by the botmaster through the C&C system. During the infection stage, a vulnerability in a potential bot is identified and used to infect it. In the recruitment stage, each infected system recruits (infects) other systems forming a network of bots. Once the botnet is established it may be used to execute other attacks. Though the pattern of attack may be different for different botnets, all botnets exhibit these three basic phases in their life cycle.
Fig 6.2 Revised Botnet Behavior State Transition Diagram |
Once the behavior of a botnet was understood, our goal was to generate botnet-like traffic, which we could attempt to analyze, thereby paving the way to building detection algorithms. This data would be used to study the particular characteristics of botnet behaviors, which once identified, could be used to develop and test detection algorithms.
We could either design a simulator
to generate NetFlow records traffic or find a generator from the net which
could be reused for traffic generation. Since the objective of the study was to
analyze botnets and find methods to detect and mitigate
them, the team decided to look for an existing tool that would generate
synthetic simulated NetFlow records traffic in large quantities.
Botnet Simulator Dhü DRAFT 2009-11-01 CDJ.R. Mass! 2009 |
Fig 6.5 Study of Botnet behavior |
c |
The team evaluated several off-the-shelf NetFlow generator tools and selected the NetFlow Traffic Generator (NetFlow Packet Generator) from Virtual Console [8] for simulating NetFlow traffic. It was also found that one could use freely available pcap files, with NetFlow records [43], [44]. The team studied the usage of the tool and finalized a procedure for generating synthetic NetFlow records. (See the evolution of the research process from figures 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6). Instead of simulating sample NetFlow data from generators, we decided to look at existing NetFlow records available publicly from the Internet. These data are categorized as good (normal) or bad (malicious), which helped facilitate our study.
We used WireShark® (see Figure 6.3) to inspect data from live network traffic, and downloaded from publicly available data sources (pcap files). WireShark has the ability to track realtime network traffic and its characteristics.
Fig 6.3 WireShark Welcome Screen and Protocol Analyzer Screen Shot
Alternately we could download pcap files and open them using WireShark to analyze.
Botnet Traffic Patterns and
We used captured traffic sample files in pcap format to analyze the bad (malicious) traffic as captured by the given websites [44].
Based on the study, we identified some basic characteristics of malicious network traffic from botnets that are common across some botnet attacks. After some general observation, we identified some unique characteristics of the traffic data in the infected host after an infection.
Fig 6.6 Study of Botnet Behavior - New Process |
Fig 6.4 Study of Botnet Behavior - Old Process
Once NetFlow records and pcap files were available, the team studied the output data description of network characteristics to understand the behavior observed. Among the topics covered under the research were ICMP, HTTP, TCP and UDP protocols, botnet topologies, botnet behavior and lifecycle, prediction of botnet actions and general traffic characteristics. The process we followed is depicted in figure 6.6.
6.4. Characteristics of Bad Dataflow packets
downloaded pcap files generated from bot based traffic and labeled as normal or
malicious traffic and analyzed them using WireShark (Fig 6.7). We examined
network protocols including TCP, HTTP, UDP and ICMP. First we identified the
differing characteristics between the good and bad traffic records and then
verified if the bad characteristics reoccur in other instances of a bad pcap
Fig 6.7 Identification of Botnet Characteristics |
Listed below are attack characteristics we identified as
common among bad data records:
A. Denial of Service attack using IP spoofing: Unique characteristics in Pcap file (see Figure 6.8a).
1) We notice heavy usage of TCP-SYN packet (with seq=0 and len=0) sent to hosts in the network without any corresponding ACK packet sent back from the destination machine to the hosts sending the SYN packets. Hence we see that the different machines are trying to establish connection but we do not see any further communication or activity from the hosts captured in this pcap file.
2) The attacker is using IP spoofing to include a random source IP address in the header and hence is trying to make identification of the source of attack impossible. The source IPs might not belong to the attacker’s network.
Fig 6.8(a & b) Screen-Shot of WireShark analysis of DoS and SDBot attacks |
B. SDBot: Analysis of a pcap file for bot activity: The
screen-shot (Figure 6.8b) shows activity of the bot after infection. Unique characteristics identified pointing to bot activity:
1) The initial traffic activity we notice is the bot trying to connect to and trying to block updates from this site.
2) We notice in Figure 6.8b, line 13, win=0 that traffic from windows update to the victim machine is blocked.
3) After line 14 we notice DNS queries to a strange host. We notice that the bot is trying to connect to the IP address obtained using destination port 5050. When we further follow the stream we notice the “NICK” command used in the data transferred which is an indication of communication with C&C server.
4) Another DNS query to a strange host is noticed and the subsequent HTTP GET request to this host is a request to download SDBot.
Some general characteristics of network traffic after a host infection:
1) The communication pattern between hosts is abnormal: For example: a) TCP SYN packet floods without any corresponding ACK packets b) ICMP echo request/reply packet floods.
2) The number of incoming connections is very large: For example: a) large amount of ICMP packets sent to a broadcast address with the IP address of the victim as the source address. This make all the hosts in the network reply to victim with ICMP reply packets. This is a smurf attack [45]. b) A rise in the number of incoming C&C requests as bots connect to IRC server after infection.
3) An unusual number of outgoing packets: For example: bots carrying out email spamming and denial of service attacks may show this characteristic.
4) DNS queries to unusual servers and establishing other communication with the IP address returned.
5) Hosts trying to connect using unusual ports or protocols. For example, if the network in question is never expected to use the IRC protocol and IRC transactions are observed.
6) Virus or worm signatures observed in packets entering or leaving a network boundary.
Using the approach we developed, one could identify additional characteristics similar to the ones listed above.
This study was a part of ongoing research on the behavior of botnets to find new ways to detect and mitigate malicious activities. Since we were the team working on the initial iteration of the project, our scope was limited to study of the botnet lifecycle and to determine a methodology to analyze the behavior of botnets as observed in data traffic captures or NetFlow records.
We presented the work flow diagrams for our process, (Figure 6.6), based on the state transition diagram (Figure 6.2) used to understand the lifecycle of a botnet. By using the approach we developed as a framework, teams continuing this effort to study the observable traffic characteristics of malicious botnets. We hope that the results of these efforts will be algorithms to detect botnet traffic and alert network operators.
8. Recommendations for future work
This study was limited by the time available during a one-
semester project course. Further research efforts may focus on
the following problems to extend this study.
• Build a list of known botnets and a data repository for associated traffic data samples that may be used to develop and test detection and mitigation algorithms.
• Develop an algorithm using the characteristics identified as common among all botnets as a first order detector.
• Determine if it is practical for network providers to use network flow data to detect and mitigate botnets.
• Investigate whether the ideas developed in this study could be extended to build anti-bot applications that could be applied the way anti-virus or anti-spyware are used today.
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- NetFlow Packet Generator
- Threats That Computer Botnets Pose to International Businesses By Matthew West West - Botnets.pdf
- P. Maymounkov and D. Mazi'eres, “Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the XOR metric,” in 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, pp. 53-62, March 2002
- Botnet Detection Countering the largest security threat by Wenke Lee Cliff Wang David Dagon
- is/botnet.html
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- Botnet Detection Based on Network Behavior : W. Timothy Strayer5 , David Lapsely5 , Robert Walsh5 and Carl Livadas6
- papers/daswani/daswani.pdf
- http://www.usenix.ors/event/hotbots07/tech/full papers/srizzard/srizzard.pdf
- http://www.usenix.ors/event/hotbots07/tech/full papers/chians/chians.html/
- http://www.honeynet.ors/node/52
- http://www. webcasts.php
- Download-132869.html
- Generator.html
- Slasells Research Home/Old Projectsfiles/luo05.pdf
- (From the paper "The Anatomy of Clickbot.A” published at HotBots 2007 Workshop)
- (From Peer-to-Peer Botnets: Overview and Case Study) By Julian B. Grizzard , The Johns Hopkins University; Vikram Sharma, Chris Nunnery, and Brent ByunsHoon Kans, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; David Dason, Geo^ia Institute of Technolosy
- (By Ken Chians, Levi Lloyd, Sandia National Laboratories)
- https://* msmt/netflow collection ens ine/5.0/user/suide/format.html#wp1006108
- wh ite paper09186a00800a3db9.html
- Wireshark-video.aspx
- available PCAP files
- senerates.html
- “Trends in DoS Attack Technolosy”, http://www.cert.ors/archive/pdf/DoS trends.pdf
- blicly available PCAP files
- http://www.cert.ors/advisories/CA-1998-01.html
- J. R. Massi, Idea Paper: An Investisation Into the Application of Network Topolosy Analysis to the Detection and Mitisation of Botnets, Pace University, 2009.
- J.R. Massi, Project Proposal: Development of a Botnet Simulation Tool to Support an Investisation Into the Application of Network Topolosy Analysis to the Detection and Mitisation of Bot-nets, Pace University, 2009.
- Threats That Computer Botnets Pose to International Businesses By Matthew West West - Botnets.pdf