- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goals and objectives of the research
- 3. Problem solving
- Conclusion
- References
Today the market of information and communication services to customers need a wide class of different services and applications involving a wide variety of protocols , technologies and data transmission speeds . The user preferably selected service provider based on price and product reliability.
In the current market situation overwhelmed by information and communication service providers : they are filled with numerous clients interfaces , network layers and too controlled a large number of control systems. Moreover, each service seeks to create its own network , causing operating costs for each service that is not conducive to the overall success and leads to the creation of a complex network of thin layers and low
1. Theme urgency
Building a high-speed multiservice network with the provision of a set of relevant modern standards of service quality requires the use of the equipment which supports bandwidth and quality features that are not yet widely used and confidently , at least today. The project of this type is relevant and appropriate, particularly in the new high-rise buildings, where there is no old networks and implementing DSL technology is not feasible .
2. Goals and objectives of the research
To the problem of building projects multiservice networks is providing the potential customers of such services , which are interesting for them today and for a certain period in advance and utility is for them to use these services. On the other hand return object design determines what is possible or even building a network that option when it makes sense.
The big problem with most access networks is the inability of other services, but access to the Internet, because the technology to build these networks do not support the required quality of service for real-time parameters of QoS. It also makes the network design problem based on the use of FOC and modern technology FTTx- date.
The aim is achieving certain social and economic impact. Social effect is to provide subscribers with services that satisfy their needs , leading to improved living and working conditions . Scope - private subscribers housing types in high density placement. The network can be used to transmit information of any type that provides fiber , which gives the following link, which will work and will be beneficial for years to come . An important characteristic of the network also support easy transition to new technologies in the future.
3. Problem solving ;
In today's broadband networks, selecting the most appropriate model of service delivery tend to have far-reaching and largely determines the amount of capital and operating costs of the operator on the development of the network, as well as, consequently, its further exploitation. There are two main ways : the service VLAN (S-VLAN) and client VLAN (C-VLAN). The model S-VLAN is a separate VLAN for each of the services: Internet access , IP- Telephony (VoIP), IP- TV (IPTV) and video on demand (VoD). IGMP protocol packets to control traffic subscription multicast (multicast), are always transmitted in the same S-VLAN, as the associated traffic IPTV.
Because of the population density is appropriate to use architecture C-VLAN.
The most significant advantages of PON are:
In terms of this project , these benefits are more important than the disadvantages of passive networks : high operating speed of data transmission , the need for data encryption, and reliability is lower than Ethernet P2P due to the fact that multiple users using the same channel.
In our day to build PON- system operator may use equipment that is based on two groups of standards. GPON systems based on Recommendation ITU-T series G.984. The second group of solutions (GEPON) is based on the standards IEEE 802.3ah. Equipment GPON or GEPON has important technical differences , especially in terms of the operator. But consumers will find more similarities . For example , to distinguish terminal equipment GPON or GEPON is not possible. They have shared the same set of interfaces and functions , enabling the user to connect to the same port terminal equipment using the same connectors. According to experts, the Ukrainian market , technology GPON, based on standards ITU-T, provides better bandwidth usage of optical communication channel and ensures quality of service (QoS), which is important for transmitting video . Since GPON transport protocol based on Ethernet, it is unpredictable length packets may be a significant factor that reduces the quality of service, latency- critical . In order that subscribers have access to all services and service quality are required backbone network , which must maintain a certain level parameters of QoS.
The main criteria when choosing a solution for building the core network is performance, fault tolerance and supporting QoS. With the development of multimedia -intensive services such as IPTV and VoD, trunk segment operator infrastructure increasingly resembles the backbone , which fits network traffic. Therefore, the capacity of highways is a key characteristic that determines the choice of equipment.
A typical PON-network consists of:
Network Management System AMS (Access Management System), which is used to control and monitor equipment PON.
In order to provide telecommunications services to the subscriber uses a technology WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing), when signals to the subscriber and the subscriber's transmitted at different wavelengths (1490nm and 1310nm respectively). For some types of ONU / ONT, with private access to TV video signal may "mix" in Optical Fiber cable TV signal on a separate wavelength of 1550 nm. Direct the flow level optical signals are broadcast. Each ONT, reading address fields, highlights of this total flow assigned to him only piece of information.

Рисунок 1 – Organization of forward flow
All subscriber units ONT drive transmission in reverse flow on the same wavelength, using the concept of multiple access time division TDMA. In order to exclude the possibility of crossing signals from different ONT, for each set their individual schedule data transmission c considering amendments to the delay associated with the removal of the ONT to OLT. This problem is solved by the protocol TDMA MAC.

Рисунок 2 – Organization backflow
OLT in turn using the uplink port connected to the broadband remote access router (BRAS), which routes the traffic to / from the OLT to the network provider. BRAS is in the core of the network provider and aggregates traffic from the network access layer. It is BRAS provider can use policy routing and quality of service (QoS).
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- Телекоммуникационные системы и сети. Том 3. Мультисервисные сети. Учебное пособие. Величко В.В., Шувалов В.В. – Москва: Горячая линия – Телеком, 2005;
- Habrahabr - сообщество людей, занятых в разных сферах компьютерных технологий [Электронный ресурс] , - http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/internet/85331/
- Сайт посвящен обсуждению и обслуживанию линий передач [Электронный ресурс], - http://www.fiberman.ru/articles/passive-fo/fo-equipment
- «Сонет» — один из лидеров дистрибуции телекоммуникационного и монтажного оборудования для построения структурированной кабельной системы (СКС) [Электронный ресурс],- http://www.sonet.ru
- Обзор технологии PON,ее услуги и сеть как единое целое [Электронный ресурс],- http://asp24.com.ua/obzory/pon-uslugi/
- Обзор технологии G-PON и предоставляемой услуги Triple Play [Электронный ресурс],- http://integrator-tele.com/telecoms/oborudovanie/G-pon/
Access Technologies is a technology GPON. Services will be delivered to subscribers by model C-VLAN, so the network will present several VLAN groups in the number of subscribers.
To connect nodes to a central switch to use technology 10GBASE-LX4.
For network connections to external networks will be applied technology 10 Gigabit Ethernet, for cost savings, technological channels to rent in existing operators.
When writing this master's work is not completed. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the materials can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.