Mukimov Shahboz Sobirjonovich
Faculty of computer information technologies and automatics
Department of automatics and telecommunication
Speciality «Telecommunication systems and networks»
Research and development of methods of designing a distributed network to provide digital services
for corporate clients as
an example of "Tajik Sodirot Bank"
Scientific adviser: Boyko Vitaliy
The analysis of existing architecture of a network
Purposes and tasks
Analysis of layout of offices and determination of services
Architecture and network topology
List of sources
Today rates of development of branch of telecommunications are one of the promptest. Along with lowering of growth rates of client basis of telecom operators, traffic growth at the expense of implementation of new technologies and increase in a share of services on the basis of IP technologies is watched. Recently the organizations and the enterprises build the Data processing center or lease part of computing resources in the Data processing center. Important part of the enterprise is the data communication network, as a basis for creation of a common information space of the enterprise that allows to use effectively shared locations of the company, irrespective of a geographical place of their application.
To creation of a corporate network using a data processing center need of steady and high speed connection to the Internet and smooth operation of the equipment pushes. Further development and enhancement of the equipment show how by means of the Data processing center implementation at the enterprise it is possible to reach smaller housekeeping overheads of IT and to receive almost fault-free system. Uninterrupted power, cooling systems allow to work the Data processing center 24 hours per day, 365 days in a year. Powerful argument for use the Data processing center is that virtualization which cuts down expenses on purchase of more productive equipment on workplaces is possible. Question of information exchange of bank and its branches and separations - one of the defining moments of development of a network of interbank calculations. Today the most important development of credit system of the country is not creation of new commercial banks, and their merge and formation of a corporate network of branches and separations of banks for the purpose of penetration on the regional market for increase in number of clients and extension of a range of represented services.
Logical consequence of the organization of widely extensive network of structural subdividing’s is need of creation of the distributed banking system.
The analysis of existing architecture of a network
Due to the continuous growth of customers on banking services, the last years Todzhik Sodirot Bank develops a branch network of bank in the territory of the country. Every year opens new branches and is implemented new services. The existing architecture of a network is constructed on basis the equipment which aren't capable to give information from bigger throughput. Also the technology on a basis by which the existing network on many parameters is implemented, doesn't respond on the requirement of the modern telecommunication networks, and isn't actual for corporate networks. On an existing network there are following types connection:
– on the radio relay line (for connection of branches being in regions)
– on the ADSL technology (for connection of branches which are in the cities)
– on the GPRS/EDGE technology (3G modems for connection of ATMs) on the basis of these technologies technically not possibly to implement a distributed network which would respond with all requirements on quality service and reliability.
Is planned to expand a branch network of bank (as on it there is a demand) and to implement new services. In this regard there is a task to develop a distributed network which would promote opportunity significantly to accelerate operation of a banking system, increase in processing of transaction, the organization of a uniform data processing center. And also for improving quality service and reliability of system.
The Purpose of this operation is network development for improving of quality, reliability and extension of a range of telecommunication services to the staff of Todzhik Sodirot Bank bank.
For achievement of a goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:
- analysis of layout of offices and determination of services;
- traffic measure definition;
- development of a technique of design of the effective network calculated on a matrix of inclination.
Analysis of layout of offices and determination of services
The network is projected for the Todzhik Sodirot Bank bank which branches are distributed in all territory of Tajikistan. Central node is the Data processing center which is located in the city of Dushanbe. The central node is connected to the international communication links (The Internet, a telephony), through an extensive network it provides to branches access to the internal corporate Data processing center resources and wide area networks. The existing network is restricted to throughput, especially transport communication links between branches in this connection the range of information services, such as, the Internet, the IP telephony and observation video is limited. The impossibility of service is connected to low indexes of QoS. Types of offices represent three-level structure: - the central office which is center of all management system, with it communicates branches on all territory of the country; - branches which are located in the large cities of the country; - ATMs, in each branch are on one ATM. Below the table of branches and their subscribers is provided. Network resources of central node provide an exchange of various corporate traffic. As traffic of employees it is possible to separate on subscriber groups. In an analysis result of needs of the enterprise 5 subscriber groups and 6 types of traffic which are provided in table 1.1 are received.
Table 1.1 – Subscriber base the enterprise and types of used services
ATMs |
Security |
Administrator |
Office |
Cash |
In total |
Internet |
280 |
1960 |
2240 |
Video |
280 |
280 |
1960 |
280 |
2800 |
Video surveillance |
280 |
280 |
560 |
Database |
160 |
280 |
280 |
1960 |
280 |
2960 |
File exchange |
160 |
280 |
1960 |
280 |
2680 |
Video surveillance for ATMs |
160 |
160 |
Architecture and network topology
In design process it was considered different network topologies. The main selection term of network topology is cost. The best decision appeared opportunity to use existing communication links of providers of the country.
Renting channels the enterprise it gets rid of capital expenditure for construction of trunk infrastructure in sizes of all country, and in turn the considerable saving of means. And proceeding from traffic volume the enterprise doesn't have special need for creation of own network as communication links the modern technologies provide throughput 10 times more necessary.
Such network will stand idle in case of invested in it therefore opportunity to use provider services which provide own communication links in rent will be the best result. Having used provider communication links we receive backbone network topology – a star which envelops the capital and regional centers of the country. For connection of the neighboring cities and regions the bank builds own network infrastructure on topology – a star. The three-level architecture of a network, figure 1.2 is as a result built:
- backbone network
– leased channels of provider; - distribution network
– own region network of bank; - access network
– connection of branches and bank offices.
Figure 1.2 – the Topological diagram of banking network.
(Animation: 5 frames, the delay between frames 1000 ms, the number of cycles of repetition - endless, size 288 kb, created using gifovina.ru)
For creation of the most economic network it is necessary to restrict, first, throughput of communication links in estimated digits, and secondly, it is possible to apply enlargement – merge of channels from several small separations in one general flow. Thus throughput of the general is required less, than summary throughput of all separations integrated in this flow at the expense of what essential saving can be reached. The method of calculation of throughput of the integrated flow also is the further purpose of researches of this master's thesis and will be executed during the forthcoming period.
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