- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Deskribe of principle of enrichment of coal, when removing it from the sludge.
- Conclusion
- References
Recently for coal mining began using wide swath harvesters, which considerably increased the output of small particles of coal. As a result, when the process of enrichment of the mountain mass of these particles leave together with the breed that can degrade the economic effect for the mine. To resolve this problem was developed a special device – concentrate deck. On it from the sludge, which is caused by the concentration on the sieve, remove the remaining coal. Also coal can be extracted from the slurry tank are conducted, where coal enters together with the wastewater mines. Due to this problem, many mines have already engaged in the processing of their waste heaps and slurry tank are conducted. Created complexes on processing of waste production in the mines. Because the technology of wet enrichment with concentrate decks is a brand new, at present there are no means and systems of automation of this process. In the master's work will be discussed the questions, connected with automation of processes at a concentration desktop and methods of their solution.
1. Theme urgency
In the conditions of modern production is increasingly use the term «non-waste production». Its essence is that all waste from the main process has been processed in a consumed product. But at the mines of Ukraine, such an innovation was impossible as there was no relevant technologies and equipment. But for the last 5 years, science has made a significant step forward in this direction. Sets of exercises that process piles. In consequence of the application of shearers greatly increases the output of coal in the form of crumb and small stone, and these fractions loose in the process of enrichment of coal, or lost directly in the face, getting in waste water, and from there. The loss of such a type of coal could be mine in millions of hr. annually. Because of this, generated processing complexes that extract the coal from waste. The main equipment of such complexes are concentration deck. Because these installations are novelty in our country, that automation had been drafted. In master’s work will consider the problems of automation of the concentration decks and the possible ways of creation of means of automation.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The main purpose of the master's work is to create a system of automatic control of concentration deck.
Main research tasks:
- Parametric identification of the concentration deck, as an object of controling.
- Definition of dynamic characteristics.
- The Choice of method of automatic control.
- Synthesis of automatic control system and software development.
The Object of the research: coal enrichment at a concentration deck.
The Subject of research: the choice of the optimal method of automatic control and synthesis of control systems.
The master's work it is planned to receive topical scientific results in the following areas:
- Parametric description of the concentration deck and processes on it.
- The Use of automatic control systems for enrichment of coal in thin layers of the fluid.
For experimental evaluation of the obtained theoretical results and establishing a basis for future research, as practical results it is planned to use the data obtained in laboratory testing, the concentration deck generated by the theory of similarity of objects. The laboratory sample is in the laboratory of the chair of mineral processing.
3.Deskribe of principle of enrichment of coal, when removing it from the sludge.
To explore issues of automation of the installation, you must consider in detail the design and operation of the concentration of the table. Buffet concentration deck (ACS) is an inclined plane (hereinafter deck), which has a number of strips across the width of a height of 0.5-1 mm. This plane is fixed on a support with the help of shock-absorbers on the Foundation side. With smaller Boca rigid hitch to deck mounted drive, which is unbalanced gearbox. Himself gearbox is also attached to the support with the help of shock absorbers. When working gearbox creates fluctuations, which are transmitted on the deck.
Technological process on this equipment proceeds as follows. Slurry, which is a mixture of water and coal together with ore and soil, served in the top left corner of the deck. Length at equal distances are 3 water source operating continuously. Under vibration sludge engages with the stripes are on deck, and moves along these bands. Coal, as they have low mass, washed off in the direction of the tilt of the deck where the acceptance tray. Sludge reached the end of the strip, gets on a flushing space, on which it gets in the Bay of waste.

figure 1 - ACS.
A significant problem of operation of such installation is a need for continuous monitoring of the technological process, flowing on it. Parameters such as ash supplied slurry, consumption may change unexpectedly, due to the fact that the supply of the slurry provides coal pump the substance, which he is currently processing identify the composition impossible, then the presence of the operator is necessary. But the process of enrichment refers to the category of dangerous to human health. And therefore, the development of the control system of the work of the concentration of the table is very topical.
Master's work is devoted to actual scientific task of developing innovative automation equipment installation. The research performed:
- Conducted a critical review of the process at a concentration desktop.
- Held the parametric identification of the concentration deck.
- Defined the future direction of research on this topic.
When writing this abstract master's work is not finished. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after the specified date.
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- Справочник по обогащению углей: под редакцией Благова И.С., Коткина А.М., Зарубина Л.С. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Недра, 1984. – 614 с.
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