DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Anna Bilyk
Date of birth 22.08.1990
Place of birth Krugloe city, Belarus
Schools Novoekonomicheskaya secondary school
Universities Donetsk state university of informatics and artificial intelligence, faculty of computer information technology, specialization "Software systems", 20082012's (Bachelor)
Donetsk national technical university, faculty of computer science and technology, specialization "Software systems", 20122014's (Master)
Average score 4.45
Languages Ukrainian (native), russian (native), english (intermediate level)
Hobbies and interests Arts, literature, sports, choreography
Personal qualities Communication skills, diligence, commitment, curiosity, politeness
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows
2. Programming languages: C + +, C #, JavaScript, Lisp, Prolog
3. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS
4. Database management systems: MySQL, Microsoft Access
Mathematical packages: MathSad, MatLab
Graphics packages: Adobe Photoshop, 3D Max Studio
7.Packages modeling / design: Rational Rose, StarUML, BPWin
8.Development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse
Future plans Successful completion of the university and the defense of master's work as "excellent". Professional and creative self-development, learning several languages
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