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Personal formation

So, we will begin. Allow to be presented: I, Fomenko Filipp was born on May 10, 1991 in the city of Donetsk. On zodiac sign - the Taurus.

Parents as well as all other members of the family - doctors. Mother - the doctor the pediatrist, and at present time is the manager of infectious office in children's city hospital No. 2. The father - the surgeon, the associate professor of children's surgery. The brother this year try to enter the Donetsk National Medical University.

I was the restless child, energy directly burst forth, but over time became patient, quiet and counterbalanced. Since the early childhood possessed good memory and was quite sociable. Went to 2 kindergartens, from the first I was removed because of closing.

I went to school when was 7 years old.My school was School No. 11 with a bias in learning of foreign languages .

At school strongly was fond of mathematics, biology and chemistry. And even acted on the city and regional competitions.

Went to a molding classes from clay where my imagination created marvelous things - dragons and towers. At school there was a period when us tried to learn to embroider, at first it was pleasant, but then understood what not mine and left this ignoble occupation.

In the 11th form I understood that the biology and chemistry ceased to influence so strongly on me, it is possible was connected with change of the teacher. But as a result I understood that it is necessary to look for myself in others the directions, and then there was a choice where to aspire further, on economic or technical specialties. After long thoughts I understood that economists much, and here working in the sphere of high technologies it is much less than people, and it is much more possibilities and respect.

Professional Formation

Receipt in university was a hard task. Year of my receipt 2008, was year when External Testing was entered. Ukrainian and literature, were not subjects which me strongly interested, but the decision of the ministry of Studing, they were obligatory for all. Fortunately preparation and good luck allowed me to hand over successfully ZNO and to arrive on the budget in DONNTU on specialty Information Control Systems and Technologies.

However later our specialty transferred to KNT faculty that was very amusing for me, and for all university, especially confusion with sheets at faculties of physical development and English languages.

In each subject which I studied, I tried to find something interesting. Because - I consider - each subject is important for the student and forms his system of scientific outlook to some extent. And even the humanities gave me something new and interesting. I understood the benefits of the specialty from the very beginning of the training therefore treated training process quite responsibly.

During studying at university, in 2011 and 2012, held work practice in department of technical providing DMZ. Where get an extensive experience in work with computer equipment, and in acquaintance with program providing the large enterprise.


Hobby and hobbies In 2010 my friends acquainted me with the fascinating world of desktop role-playing games. Then it were small meetings in a warm friendly circle, but then to us the idea gradually came that it is necessary to expand a circle of contacts and to acquaint bigger number of people with ours hobby. In our club it is authorized all but alcoholic beverages. Further our meeting developed into something bigger and we began to be called as club of board games "Artefact". This year we decided to be registered and become officially official establishment, and already made some steps for realization of this idea. First we found a room and we rended it, secondly created the charter of club and in July we file documents on registration. We hope that we will manage to realize our project.

Objectives, plans and vision for the future

At present a main objective in the future is the successful thesis defense and work in the specialty.

And further I plan to continue to develop in areas of information technologies. It would be desirable - at least for 3-4 years - to get job in serious firm (with the developed and various IT infrastructure; mature culture of IT production; to work under the direction of skilled engineers and heads; it is desirable - with prospects of career growth and welfare).