Summary on the theme of master's work
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the research, the expected results
- 3. Scientific novelty
- 4. Review of research and development
- 4.1 Overview of international sources
- 4.2 Review of national sources
- 4.3 Review of local sources
- 5. The current status of work
- Conclusion
- References
1. Relevance of the topic
Now when training students the subject of enhancement of professional skills is actual more than ever. Existence of ready training and learning system considerably would simplify training activity, and also would allow to visualize a lecture and theoretical material. Besides, for students and cadets of flight academies existence of the universal flat panel aviasimulator would allow to accelerate process of adaptation to a real air vessel and to have an opportunity to fulfill the skills on training system.
2. The purpose and objectives of the research
The main objective of the project is creation of own training and learning system oriented on simulation of flight of the aircraft. As model of the aircraft use of model of a biplane - the airplane with two bearing surfaces (wings), as a rule, located one over another is supposed. The purpose of this operation is creation of the interactive application for enhancement of knowledge of the student on technique with possibility of viewing of the gage board of the estimated aircraft. This application can be used in training activity on specialties of flight academies. Increase of practical experience of interaction with instruments at students shall become result of operation of a software.
3. Scientific novelty
With the increasing popularity of flat panel devices is important to achieve the ability to function training systems on devices such as tablet computers or touch phones. The choice of technology Unity3D allows the development of two - or three-dimensional application running under any operating system: Windows, OS X, Android, Apple iOS, Linux.
Unity3d is the modern cross-platform engine for an application creation, calculated that all development process will happen in an integrated development environment delivered in a set. The development environment contains the editor of scenes, objects and scripts. In Unity3D there is a postponed lighting, the built-in editor of shaders, a standard set of post-processing effects. The main concept of Unity3d is use in a scene of manageable objects which, in turn, consist of a set of components. Creation of separate objects and the subsequent extension of their functionality by means of adding of different components allows to enhance and complicate the project infinitely. [1]
4. Review of research and development
Today, unfortunately, practically there are no the professional training tools, capable to imitate behavior of instruments and the aircraft during flight.
At the time of this study it was found and considered several software tools.
4.1 Overview of international sources
The first interactive application has a format of the game oriented on knowledge of basic skills of piloting. Application is called X-Plane and is an aviasimulator developed for Mac OS X. The composition Includes some commercial, military and other airplanes, and also the global scenario which envelops the most part of Earth. Also delivery of an aviasimulator includes the software for creation and setup of models of airplanes. X-Plane has the system of plug-ins allowing users to expand functionality of a simulator and to create own patterns or copies of real terrain that allows to examine real models of aircrafts, but in a mode of limited functionality. The example of the interface is given in a figure 1.
Figure 1 – the Interactive application X-Plane
X-Plane is different from other simulators using the blade element theory, developed to assess the behavior of a propeller. Each wing and propeller blade is broken down into sub-elements, each of them counted operating aerodynamic forces and moments, and then they all add up, and the general result. X-Plane extends this model to all aircraft (helicopter and other aircraft), working with the fuselage, wings and tail, with both elements creating lift.
Advantage of this method in comparison with the models using beforehand shortchanged data arrays, theoretically consists that it isn't necessary to write any data on behavior of the real device. Itself simulates his behavior, based on data on geometry, mass, layout and characteristics of engines.
Another application may be viewed as more specialized, aimed at improving the skills of interaction with devices for pilots. p>
Microsoft Flight Simulator - flight simulator, manufactured by Microsoft. From the X-Plane, he has a very realistic flight physics and, therefore, the great complexity of control of the aircraft. Provided by the presence of almost all the major airports of the world with realistic data, the actual terrain, realistic weather conditions, excellent graphics. p>
MSFS allows you to master the initial piloting skills in simple and adverse weather conditions in the various phases of flight, from the pre-flight preparation, takeoff and flight before the descent and landing. Can be considered regular and irregular situations, including in the exercise to test the interaction of the crew of emergency situations in accordance with the flight manual for each aircraft type. On the basis of training systems that use MSFS as a platform, made some tests and ekzameny.The example of the interface is shown in Figure 2.
![Microsoft Flight Simulator](images/MSFC.jpg)
Figure 2 - The online application Microsoft Flight Simulator
4.2 Review of national sources
In Ukraine outside DONNTU of similar software on subject it wasn't found.
4.3 Review of local sources
Since 2010 in DONNTU development on three-dimensional simulation of mine complexes on which materials performances with reports at conferences were carried out are carried, and also articles for logs on this subject by such authors, as prof. Anopriyenko A.Ya. are written. доц. Karabchevstky V. V., Trofimov V.A. доц. Nikolaev E.B. [2]
5. The current status of work
At present some options of estimated textures are developed for an aviasimulator. In a consequence is planned to implement opportunity to switching of textures in real time. The main concept of Unity3d is use in a scene of manageable objects which, in turn, consist of a set of components. Creation of separate objects and the subsequent extension of their functionality by means of adding of different components allows to enhance and complicate the project infinitely. Influence of a component on behavior or the provision of this or that object in a scene decides on the help of variables of a component.
The first stage of practical implementation of the project.
As resources to create an image of the sky in the project have been used more conventional images, the combination of which will create a panoramic effect of the sky. The result is shown in Figure 3.
![The effect of the panorama of the sky](images/2.jpg)
Figure 3 - The effect of the panorama of the sky
When any resource, for example a geometrical 3D model, is used in an application scene, it becomes game object in Unity terminology. All these objects, initially, have at least one components, setting its situation in a scene and possible conversions (Transform component). Variables of the Transform component are defined by situation (position), turn (rotation) and scale (scale) of object in its local Cartesian rectangular coordinate system of X, Y, Z. Existence of variables at each component causes possibility of the address to them from the appropriate program. [3]
As one of the territories for simulation of flight of the aircraft the sea surface was selected. To increase effect of reality of a sea surface was decided to create some options of movement of waves and chromaticity change. All these details are created by means of the Unity3d components expected operation with geometrical 3d - object.
For interaction establishment between the created geometrical objects it is necessary to add to them appropriate physical properties. Physical kernel of the environment use system of dynamics of solid bodies, for creation of realistic movement. It means that instead of the static objects being in the virtual space of a scene, we have objects which can have following properties: mass, gravitation and others. The result is shown in a figure 4.
![Formed sea surface](images/testcap.gif)
Figure 4 - Formed sea surface (animation, size 692 KB)
Creating an application with Unity3d technology allows 3D-visualization of the project, simplifying the development process, the ability to run on multiple platforms such as game consoles and desktop operating systems, for example, Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. The kernel has a Unity3d component architecture that allows to replace or expand some more specialized subsystems of the engine components, for example, to simulate the physical nature of the interaction of sound or rendering. p>
In the future we plan to implement a fully interactive application simulator with the ability to use different scenes and landscapes filled with a virtual 3D space is a lot of static and dynamic 3d-objects. Unity3d technology features will simulate various physical phenomena and the state, for example, the dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies.
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- Unity3D по –русски [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www/ URL:
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