- 1. Goals and objectives
- 2. Relevance and motivation
- 3. Scientific innovation
- 4. Planned practical results
- 5. A review of research and development on
- 5.1 Global (World)
- 5.2 National
- 5.3 Local
- 6. A summary of individual results available at the time of the completion of the author's abstract
- Conclusion
- References
1. Goals and Objectives
Today the topic of fire safety and the rules of conduct miner in developing is relevant. Conducted numerous studies for the prevention of accidents in mines, hosts a variety of lectures and seminars. But also necessary visualization.
The aim of this work is to create an interactive application to test the student's knowledge on safety in the mine. There should also be an animation. It demonstrates sequence miner in emergency situations. This application can be used in the training process for a mining-geological department.
2. The urgency and motivation
Recently Ukrainian mines are more and more dangerous. According to the statistics of Whites Communication, with 2011 the mines were killed about 160 miners. Ukrainian mines are considered the second most dangerous in the world after China. Most accidents occur by inattention, carelessness. [1]
Simulation of dangerous situations in the mine will demonstrate the rules of conduct miner in mine in a particular situation, to teach by the rules of basic safety in the mine. A clear demonstration, together with the practical fastening allows the learner to fix the basic safety in the mine and in the workplace.
3. Scientific novelty
Scientific novelty of the design is the method of solving the problem. The essence of scientific innovation in the use of the modular structure of in design software tools. This structure allows to optimize and speed up application by avoiding repetition of graphic elements of the simulated mine.
4. Planned practical results
At this point the program has been created for the complex modeling of coal mines in two-dimensional and three-dimensional form. The software package consists of two applications: a program constructor and a program simulator. The constructor is to create a plan of coal mines by means of two-dimensional graphics. A simulator converts the plan into a three-dimensional model according to the rules.
Among the shortcomings of the existing program, the simulator can be noted the poor quality graphics, a small amount of simulated safety violations, as well as an insufficient number of simulated devices mining equipment. In addition, at this point it does not hold control of the character of collisions with mining equipment.
The lack of constructor is crude the functional part that needs to be improved.
Thus, it is clear that existing solutions can serve as a basis for further development, but require significant improvement.
The main areas of the developed simulator are:
- increasing realism of visualization through the use of high-quality textures and lighting, add a soundtrack, etc.;
- improving performance by optimizing the three-dimensional models, and dynamic loading of the stage;
- create a complete model of the existing mine Donetsk;
- development and implementation of scientific and real-world scenarios;
- realistic simulation of emergency situations in the mine workings.
To improve the constructor have chosen the following areas:
- creation gallery of finished model units to form a model of real mines;
- a more detailed mapping of mine workings;
- creating opportunities to develop their own objects and add them to the library.
5. A review of researches and developments
To date, unfortunately, there are very few resources, both physical and software to demonstrate the working conditions in the mine to teach a person.
At the time of this study was examined and found only two software tools.
5.1 Global (World)
The first interactive application is in the format of quests (the user performs the tasks set by the application), created in the programming language PHP. The application has no animation, but to demonstrate that the work is carried out in a coal mine there were used simple images. This application is not suitable for learning and is a primitive game. Example its interface in Figure 1. [2]

Figure 1 – The online application "Quest"
The following interactive application with three-dimensional graphics called "Miner Simulator." The application is built by German developers of Astragon Software GmbH. The original name of the program in German - «Untertagebau Simulator 2011». The program has a German-language interface. This complicates the use of his Ukrainian users. [3]
The program has a wide range of diverse mine equipment available for use game character (Shakhtar Donetsk). Also acceptable three-dimensional graphics, realistic physics, and provides a variety of locations: the coal mine, salt, iron and gold. An example of the interface is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – The online application "Simulation Miner"
To install and use this program requires the following system requirements:
- system: Windows XP / Vista / 7;
- memory: 2 Gb RAM.
This program is the same as the previous one.
The downside of the program is the lack of visualization of hazards and violations in the mine. That’s making this program as unfit for teaching students.
5.2 National
In Ukraine similar or thematically similar software was not found.
5.3 Local
However, similar developments since 2010 are maintained inside DonNTU. There was wrote a number of articles for conferences and journals on the subject by authors such as Anoprienko A., Karabchevstky V., Trofimov V., Nikolaev E., Babenko H., Navka E., Overchik O. and students: Stepnih A., Kokhanova J. (it’s me). [4, 6, 9, 11]
Babenko H. was developed a program that includes the components: constructor and simulator. I will develop further on the basis of this software.
6. A summary of individual results available at the time of the completion of the abstract
My previous course work considered modeling and animation of three-dimensional objects. A three-dimensional model of coal mine tunnel, fire extinguisher, fire hydrant and hose, arch supports, mine phone, etc. There was identified and modelled rules of conduct miner with a fire in the mine workings.
The first step was to model the mine workings, which was based on the actual size of its components in the proportion tunnel arches, attributes, fire safety, phone, lamps, and many others. Figure 3 shows the model of the mine workings.

Figure 3 – Model of mine
All the objects of the scene were modeled by means of 3DS MAX.
Effects such as fire and smoke to simulate fire, particle system to simulate the flowing foam fire extinguisher and fire hose water have also been developed using standard 3DS MAX. In the development of extinguishing a fire extinguisher has been involved complicated system of particles (Fig. 4). [5]

Figure 4 – Trying to put out the fire
For successful and the most realistic simulation of the coal production has been visited a special museum dedicated to coal mine. Here I took a few photo shots I needed to model objects and their amers, to comply with the proportions (Fig. 6).

Figure 6 – The mine lamps
Figure 7 is a screenshot of the model of coal mine tunnel in the viewport of 3DS MAX.

Figure 7 – Model of mine
Thus, the path of the existing solutions of the problem identified. There is a need to improve the quality of the graphics in the program simulator. But there is a problem. On computers with outdated equipment program after increasing the quality of the graphics may not work.
From here we obtain the following direction of the modification: to improve and optimize the choice of quality graphics, depending on your computer.
In addition improving and optimizing demand three-dimensional models, and dynamic loading of scenes, and implementation of the modular organization of the program.
However, besides the modernization of existing solutions, will be also create three-dimensional models by clans existing coal mine in Donetsk and Donetsk region to demonstrate the hazards and safety violations in the future place of work of the students in order to avoid the appearance of a real threat.
Also planned the focus students on the most dangerous sections selected for modeling coal mine.
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