Abstract of the theme of master's work
- Introduction
- 1. Theme actuality
- 2. Goal and tasks of research
- 3. Network processors applications analysis
- 4. Experiments on queuing network model
- Conclusion
- References
Network processors (NP) are designed to provide both performance and flexibility through parallel and programmable architecture, making them superior to general-purpose processors on performance and to hardware-based solutions on flexibility. But NPs also introduce new challenges. It is important to study the limitations of NP architectures so that one can take full advantage of NP resources to achieve the required performance for a given application [1].
1. Theme actuality
The growth of traffic in computer networks makes important the problem of creating specialized high-performance network processors and software for processing data streams at different levels of the protocol stack. Therefore, developing applications, that will maximize the network processors performance is very important.
2. Goal and tasks of research
The goal of research is analytical models analysis and methods for performance analysis of network-processor-based application designs, models implementation in software design.
Main tasks of research:
- Network processors applications analysis.
- NP architecture analysis and NP software analysis.
- design of mathematical models to research the NP applications efficiency.
- mathematical models implementation in software project.
- experimental research on models.
3. Network processors applications analysis
Network processors are used in the manufacture of many different types of network equipment such as:
- routers, software routers and switches;
- firewalls;
- session border controllers;
- intrusion detection devices;
- intrusion prevention devices;
- network monitoring systems.
In [2] discussed network processors of the past, present and future.
As the number of applications for network processors has grown, the market has begun to segment into three main network equipment areas: core, edge and access. Each of these areas has different target applications and performance requirements. Core devices sit in the middle of the network. As a result, they are the most performance-critical and the least responsive to flexibility. Examples of these devices are gigabit and terabit routers.
Edge devices sit between the core network and access devices. Examples of edge devices include URL load balancers and firewalls. They are focused on medium-high data rates and higher layer processing, so a certain amount of flexibility is required.
Access equipment provides various devices access to the network. Most of their computation relates to aggregating numerous traffic streams and forwarding them through the network. Examples of access devices include cable modem termination systems and base stations for wireless networks. Each level of the network requires a different mix of processing performance, features and costs. To meet these needs effectively, network processors must be optimized not only for the specific requirements of the equipment, but also for the services delivered in each segment of the network infrastructure.
Application Categorization
- Control-Plane tasks
- Less time-critical
- Control and management of device operation
- Table maintenance, port states, etc.
- Data-Plane tasks
- Operations occurring real-time on “packet path”
- Core device operations
- Receive, process and transmit packets
This paper focuses on the layer-4 (L4) switch, a layer-7 (L7) switch and a layer-4 and layer-7 combined switch (L4-7) that works at both layers [21].

Figure 1 – Operations on a content-aware switch
(animation: 11 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 21 kilobytes)
An L4 switch performs content-blind routing at the TCP layer. It determines the target server when a client requests a TCP connection with TCP SYN packet. It then assigns packets pertaining to the same connection to the same server. This mechanism is efficient, for packets do not go through the application level. However, it lacks the ability of dispatching requests according to contents.
An L7 switch, also known as a content-aware switch, operates at the application level. It provides application traffic management through deep packet inspections. An L7 switch performs the standard handshake procedure with clients at the client-side interface without any server involved. At the serverside interface, the switch keeps persistent TCP connection with each individual server, thus reducing connection establishment overheads.
A number of algorithms have been devised for L4 switches and L7 switches. They can be categorized as static algorithms, client state aware algorithms, server state aware algorithms, and client and server state aware algorithms. Descriptions of these algorithms can be found in a recent survey paper [22].
4. Experiments on queuing network model
For the model shown in Figure 2, discussed in more detail in [1], we have developed C # software using MS Visual Studio 2012.

Figure 2 – Queuing network model
We have carried out experiments on this model. Service demands of each resource may be calculated via network processor application pseudo code analysis. Performance characteristics were evaluated using this program. There are service demands of each resource, maximum service demands and maximum system throughput.
Figure 3 illustrates how the performance changes according to the number of requests. The system reaches the maximum performance, when the request number is 5.

Figure 3 – Results of experiments
We note that adding additional pocket processors makes no significant performance improvement. This is because the bottleneck of the application is on SRAM access.
Performance analysis of network-processor-based applications at the design stage is an important task to simplify the comparison of projects for satisfaction the performance requirements.
Master's work is devoted to design of mathematical models to research the NP applications efficiency, as well as the development of applications to carry out experiments on these models.
As part of the research carried out:
- Network processors applications analysis.
- NP architecture analysis and NP software analysis.
- Analysis of mathematical models to research the NP applications efficiency.
- Implementation of program modules for software performance analysis.
- Some experiments on model.
Further studies focused on the following aspects:
- Finalization applications to work with different models.
- Distribution version of computation moduls.
- Determinate effective parameters of the network-processor-based application designs through experiments on model.
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