Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 1. Description of the subject area
- 2. The urgency of the problem
- 3. The theoretical part
- 3.1 Concepts of «Graph theory»
- 3.2 Methods of specifying graphs
- 3.3 Basic requirements for the practical tasks
- 4. Planned practical results
- Conclusion
- References
The most important property of the information model and control system is its structure, or, in mathematical terms, the set of binary relations on a set of elementary data items and actions. These data structures and operations are the only structure essences programs and data processed by them, in which they can exist in the imagination of the programmer and the computer in the womb.
Description of the subject area
Graph theory is of great importance in modern mathematics and computer worlds, which makes it important to improve the quality of training in technical fields. Also, the graphs are widely used in other fields of scientific endeavor, such as psychologists people are vertices and edges - it is their relationship with each other.
Graph-theoretic approach is also used in the rapidly developing field of linear programming and operations research in the study of flows in networks.
The urgency of the problem
Object of study : practical exercises on a training course «Graph theory».
Subject of study : intellectual methods of automatic generation of graphs.
The theoretical part
In order to implement the automatic generator of case studies for the course «Graph theory», it is necessary to study the structure of educational material, the content of the main sections and highlight the skills and abilities that students should learn after each section.
Concepts of «Graph theory»
Two vertices are called adjacent if they are connected by an edge.
Two edges are called adjacent if they share a vertex.
Denote the edge of the graph: e = (u, v), where u and v - end vertices of the edge. Edge e incident to a vertex v, if the vertex v is one of the end vertices of the edge e.
Note that the neighborhood is a relation between the homogeneous elements of the graph, while the incidence is the ratio between disparate elements.
If the set V is finite, then the graph is finite. Next, we will only talk about the final graphs. P> >
Methods of specifying graphs
Here are the main ways to specify graphs:
- Enumeration of sets V (vertices) and E (edges) that specify graf.G = (V, E);
- Graphic (the set of vertices V ? a set of points in the plane, the set of edges E ? set of line segments in the plane);
- Matrix ways to describe.

Picture 1 (animation - 81 frames, 10 reps)
Displaying requirements change graphs
The basic requirements for a practical tasks
On the basis of the tasks in the laboratory, to the generated graph formed certain requirements for each topic the requirements. All specifications and recommendations are based on the characteristics of each section of the course "Theory of graphs" and are chosen so that the student first (second) rate could perform laboratory and at the same time, the task will not be too easy, that is, student will be able to apply all of the skills on the subject and learn how to use a creative approach to all problems in the future.
Planned practical results
Today, there are several algorithms for generating random graphs using techniques and artificial intelligence, for example, by means of genetic algorithms. But a detailed description of the sources of mass access at the moment there.
Its research and development in the direction of the automatic generation of graphs I plan follows:
1. For each section of the course "Graph theory" to explore the adjacency matrix and intsedentnosti
2. Identify and map for each matrix pattern
3. On the basis of these laws to develop an algorithm for generating graphs of each section
4. After analyzing the properties of adjacency matrices and intsedentnosti, the ability to generate a universal graph - graph that will meet the requirements in several sections of the "Theory of graphs»
5. After optimization of the algorithms to develop a program that allows a student or a teacher he needs Generate a graph that will be displayed in the form of co-occurrence matrices and intsedentnosti. Generation will occur individually, depending on the student's first and last name, which he will enter in the appropriate fields. When re-entering the data will be generated by the same count as when you first enter.
For each section of the course to its generation algorithm, as taken separately section requires certain skills to perform the laboratory, and from that go out every algorithm for generating graphs.
Create a highly individual variants in laboratory eliminates cheating and forces students to work independently. This increases the percentage of mastery of the material gets angry because everyone will have to understand the material before starting any job. P>
I guess I should be used as an identifier name of the student, ie, a number to each letter of name will mean the number of vertices and edges within acceptable ranges and regular arrangement of edges in the graph.
The study on "Development and research of methods of automatic generation of practical problems on the training course" Graph Theory, "" I found out that this course is very important for the technical professions (and not only for technical) as well as graph theory is widely used in various fields such as programming, design, physics, chemistry, etc.. Also, the process of studying this course contributes to the development of logical and abstract thinking, and learning in the non-standard approach to the solution of various problems.
Currently, the conventional algorithm for generating a random graph does not exist. Therefore, I consider topical consider such an algorithm. For each section of the course to its generation algorithm, as taken separately section requires certain skills to perform the laboratory, and from that go out every algorithm for generating graphs.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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