- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the work
- 3. Overview of research and development
- 4. Creation a parametric model generation algorithm of laterals
- Conclusion
- References
Modeling is a very important part of almost all modern procedures. It applies everywhere: in economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. It is building and analysis of models of a real object, processes and phenomena in order to obtain an explanation of these phenomena [2].
Geometric modeling – is a creation of geometric models for using in the synthesis of geometry designed objects. Any product in the production process are described by geometrical parameters.
Parametric modeling (parameterization) – is a modeling (design) with the using of parameters of the model elements and relations between these parameters. The parameterization allows for a short time to "play" (by changing parameters or geometrical ratio) various design schemes and to avoid the errors [3].
1. Theme urgency
The coal industry of Ukraine is mainly represented by enterprises of Donetsk and Lviv-Volyn coal basins. The main base of coal in Ukraine is Donbas region. Therefore the subject of coal mining is still relevant today.
Today, urgency is the creation of training programs for people who are studying mining coal. The most effective training is based on three-dimensional simulation, where a person must pass an assignment.
The developer of simulators should write a program that will help automate the necessary facilities of the visualization.
2. Goals and tasks of the work
The goal of this masters work is the creation of geometric models of laterals on the basis of CAD for AutoCAD with the using of the programming language AutoLISP.
The task is the development of an algorithm for creating parametric models of laterals with different cross-sectional shapes, lengths and tortuosity.
Object of research: the parametric model of laterals.
Subject of research: to develop an algorithm for creating parametric models of laterals.
3. Overview of research and development
Software for creating parametric models of laterals is almost nonexistent. The only information about the application that designs the underground mine space was found on the Master's Portal of Donetsk National Technical University. This work was done by Elena Babenko [6].
In contrast to the work of Elena Babenko I am planning to create a multipurpose algorithm for creating a parametric model of the laterals of any length and complexity on the basis of CAD AutoCAD (professional program design) and to implement it by the using of programming language AutoLISP.
4. Creation of the parametric model generation algorithm of the mine's roadway
By the third year of education at University the work with the models of laterals as a part of the course work on the discipline "The graphic and geometric modeling" began. As a result of the course work a video tutorial "Fire safety in the mine" has been created [7, p. 161–165].
Figure 1 – Model of lateral [8, p. 142–145]
In order to get the task of building the model of laterals a little easier, it was decided that it is necessary to create an application that would help the user (designer) to develop the mine workings of varying length and complexity. Also, for convenience it was decided to create the necessary interface in 3DS Max or AutoCAD.
In the first step, an interface for 3DS Max was created. The program was written with the help of scripting language MAXScript, that is built directly into the editor of three-dimensional graphics [4].
MAXScript is the 3ds Max built-in scripting language. The script is a text file, usually with the extension .ms, .mcr.
During the work with the MAXScript, the interface for the creation of excavation of particular complexity and length that are specified by the user was created. Thus, the designer should use the Spline Object in order to plot a way to run the required script and to apply it to the object. The result of this script is shown below in the Figure 2. The feature of 3ds Max is that it is difficult to work with two-dimensional objects: one wrong movement and the point of the curve will lie not in two but in three dimensions.
а) before the script b) after the script
Figure 2 – An example of the program written in MaxScript
In the second phase of this work it was found that the algorithm can not be applied to the mine workings because they are not the same as the designer wants it (the developer). The problem was that the resulting tunnel fills objects such as rails, pipes and so on. That is why it needs to work with the spline, that splits into segments of interpolation. Using MaxScript for the implementation of these actions is a hard method. Therefore it was decided to switch to AutoCAD and AutoLISP.
AutoLISP programming language is an extension of the programming language LISP. It provides enough opportunities to automate AutoCAD. AutoLISP – the oldest internal programming language of AutoCAD (in later versions, there is the possibility of work with Visual Basic, etc.) [5].
The next needed step is to implement the algorithm of constructing the tunnel. It should be taken into the account that the tunnel can not be empty. It must contain a variety of objects: rails, conveyors. Therefore it can not be rotated less than 90 degrees (the rails doesn't allow this). But this is not enough too. The minimum radius of the curves on fixed routes is taken by at least 200m, on mobile – 100-150. Ways in mines are considered stationary [1, p. 48].
Schematically, the algorithm of constructing tunnel is illustrated in Figure 3.
![The scheme of the algorithm](images/Anim.gif)
Figure 3 – The scheme of the algorithm
(animation: 104 frames, 7 loops, 70,3 Кb)
For the points A, B, C and D coordinates were calculated: A (x, y), B (x + h1, y), C (x + h1-h '* cos (a1), h' * sin a1), D (x + h1-h '* cos (a1)-h2 * cos (a1), h' * sin (a1) + h2 * sin (a1)). The next formula was used:
These formulas are needed to create the original drawing in AutoCAD using the programming language AutoLISP. It is helpful to use commands such as setq, arc (start point, end point and angle), line (start point, end point).
Then, the obtained curve should be squeezed to the necessary forms by using the extrude and a three-dimensional model of a mine working for the further educational use or design.
At the present moment this masters work is in the process of development. The deadline: december, 2013.
The main tasks of this project are to create and to implement a multipurpose algorithm for constructing a model of lateral. The result of this algorithm is a three-dimensional model of the mine workings, that can be further modified in the three-dimensional graphics editors, such as 3ds max. The resulting model can be used for the creation of simulation or training videos for students of mining majors.
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