1. Theme urgency
Relevance of the work due to the fact that it will be first analyzed the role of LDS missionary work in the world and Ukraine. As a result of centuries of domination of one religion, as a consequence, in society there is no historical and cultural experience of religious pluralism. Added to this is the boundless faith printed word. This implies a variety of problems on religious and ethnic grounds.In this regard, there is a need for an objective study and religious groups present for some time in the territory of Ukraine for the absolutely legitimate. It is important to establish cultural and religious dialogue in the country with educational and, of course, for scientific purposes, and at the international level, since LDS is an example of a modern young fast-growing denomination.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
Purpose - to trace the features of Mormon missionary work, the development of their activities in the world and in Ukraine.
Main tasks of the research:
- Highlight the features of the doctrinal teachings of the Mormons;
- To consider the characteristics of missionary activity Latter-day Saints;
- To analyze the spread of Mormon missionary work in the world;
- To reveal the features of LDS missionary work in Ukraine.
Research object: doctrinal basis of missionary activities and practices of the Mormons.
Research subject:missionary work in Ukraine.
3.Main content of the research
According to LDS doctrine, Joseph Smith, Jr. received a vision in which he is God the Father and Jesus Christ. He was later visited by the angel Moroni, who reveals to Joseph Smith, the location of the gold plates. Joseph Smith translated the plates, which later became known as the Book of Mormon, and then publish it organizes the Church of Christ (Mormon Church). Missionaries successfully preach the gospel. At the same time start the persecution of the Church.

Figure 1 – The President of the Donetsk Mission LDS Kay H. Christensen
During the American Civil War Mormon finally left alone. Missionary work continues around the world - in Mexico and North America as well as in parts of Asia and Europe. After the Mormon prophet and president Wilford Woodruff received a revelation from God, the practice of plural marriage is terminated. Later, the president of the United States, Grover Klivland, releases all prisoners polygamists. At that time, thousands of Mormons in Utah come from Europe.
Since the early 1990s, the number of church reaches 13 million members worldwide. The significant increase is observed in South America and Africa, including the countries of the former Soviet Union, especially in Russia. By the end of the 1990s, more and more Mormons live outside the United States. This increase annually requires construction of hundreds of new houses of worship. In 1995, Gordon B. Hinckley became President of the Mormon Church. He publishes the message "The Family. Proclamation to the World "on the problem of the destruction of families around the world and" The Living Christ "- the mission of Jesus Christ. He also receives a revelation concerning the construction of the beginning of 2000, dozens of churches, now all over the world there are more than 100 temples. For many Mormons, a significant moment in their lives is the reconstruction of the temple in Nauvoo. Mormons celebrate the sesquicentennial of the Mormon pioneers in Utah, and in 2005 - the bicentennial of the birth of Joseph Smith..
In Ukraine, the first missionaries arrived in the U.S. in 1990. In 1991, the "apostles" of the Church Boyd K. Packer and Dallin H. Oaks at St. Vladimir's Hill at the foot of the monument to Prince Vladimir "hallowed ground of Ukraine" for the creation of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." November 25, in the waters of the Dnieper River in Kiev were baptized the first Ukrainian followers of the sect.Since 1992, the Mormons began to work with the archives of Ukraine, mikrofilmiruya all possible archival documents. In July of 1993 in Ukraine mission was organized with headquarters in Donetsk. July 30, 1996 there were religious control of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" in Ukraine.
The described unified synthesis process can be successfully implemented automatically and assume only user's administrative functions: describing of Moore FSM and choosing algorithms and structures, which should be used. Moreover, presented approach can be applied to the number of other modern basis (CPLD, ASIC) and define the general direction of optimizing works at synthesis of logic sequential circuits.
In May 2004 in Kiev was established first in Eastern Europe count Church. In 2008 there were 58 parishes, District 4 (in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Kharkiv), and 1 count in Kiev. They are all united in the 32 communities of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", representing nearly all regions of Ukraine. In August 2010, near Kiev was consecrated Kiev Ukrainian Church.

Figure 2 – LDS: temple, general ledger, adepts
(animation: 4 frames, 11 cycles of repeating, 101 kilobytes)
July 30, 1996 there were religious control of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" in Ukraine, which unites all of the community of the church. There are already dozens of branches of Latter-day Saints in two missions - Kiev and Donetsk. Open branches in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Gorlovka, Makeyevka, Odessa, Simferopol, Lviv.In July 1998, the Mormons have announced their plans to build in Kiev, the first Mormon temple in Eastern Europe. In May 2004 in Kiev was established first in Eastern Europe count Church. In July 2005, the Kiev Cola officially opened the first in Ukraine "Family History Center".
On January 1, 2008 in Ukraine there are 58 parishes, District 4 (in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Kharkiv), and 1 count in Kiev. They are all united in the 32 communities of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", representing nearly all regions of Ukraine. Community leadership is carried out by the Office of Religious "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" in Ukraine. To carry out the missionary work of the church in Ukraine organized three missions - Kiev, Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk, which are about 200 foreign missionaries.
Mormon missionaries in Ukraine are free English language. Office of the President of the Religious of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" in Ukraine is Alexander Manzhos. In Ukraine, the Mormon Church is about 11 thousand people in Kiev - 4 thousand
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