DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Volkova Valeriya
Date of birth Dec 27, 1990
Place of birth Gorlovka
Schools 09. 2002 - 06.2008 years Gorlovra school ¹52, 09.1998 - 06.2002 years Gorlovra school ¹66
Universities 2008 - 2012 years State University computer science and artificial intelligence "System analysis and management" (1 - 4 year, Bachelor);
2012 - 2014 years Donetsk National Technical University "System analysis and management" (5-6 courses, MA).
Average score Average during training at the Bachelor: 4.8 points.
Languages Russian — fluent, Ukrainian — fluent, English — intermediate.
Personal achievements Participation in scientific conferences of young scientists, graduate students. Publication of abstracts in collection of the Institute of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Hobbies and interests Sports;
Personal qualities Active, purposeful, executive, fair, accurate, sociable, responsive and learner
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/7
2. Tools: Microsoft office(Access, Excel,Pover Point, Project, World, Visio)
3. Application programs: (ÌÂÒÓ, Matlab,AutoCAD, 1Ñ ïðåäïðèÿòèå)
Professional experience 09.2012 - present time McDonald's Ukraine Ltd., a senior cashier
07.2011 - 08.2012 McDonald's Ukraine Ltd. wokers.
Future plans 1. Finish the magistracy
2. To go abroad
3. to have a baby
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