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Contents h2>
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the theme
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study, expected results
- 3. Overview of Research and Development
- 4. The proposal to improve the system power consumption
- Conclusion
- Source List
An increasing need for mankind in various forms of energy is challenged by decreasing fossil fuel reserves and, at the same time, the need to protect the environment from pollution people waste energy production. The solution of these problems led to the creation of new and upgrading of traditional methods of generating energy. Energy facilities - plants, motors, heat exchangers, etc. complex technical devices that need constant or intermittent administration. Under the direction of implied targeting of facilities to ensure cost-efficient and reliable operation. Management involves continuous monitoring of operation for the intense and dynamic processes of transformation of energy and motion environments.
Gas and steam turbine power units to hundreds of megawatts of power and microturbines hundreds of kilowatts, electrochemical generators, engines on hydrogen fuel, wind and solar power, and more are relatively new and have become commonplace in the energy sector. To ensure high efficiency of the working process in these objects are used elevated temperatures and pressures of working environments, and significant speed mechanisms. Continuous monitoring of the operation of energy facilities (monitoring) and the appropriate targeting of regulators are not possible without the creation of digital automatic control systems (ACS) implemented on the basis of new information technologies. Such systems perform multiple functions of control, regulation and protection, as well as provide professional large amount of information quickly comprehend that the wait staff often fail because of the peculiarities of the human psyche. To better use a large volume and diverse in physical basis of the operational information for informed decision-making requires the corresponding algorithms, which are based must be the correct mathematical model. P>
1. Relevance of the topic
A number of approaches to achieving the objective: maloєffektivnogo replaced with a new, orginizatsii change workflow, building a model to indicate problem areas and timely response to the deviation from the norm. These methods have some efficacy, but for the most cost-effective project implementation should be used together.
Master's thesis is devoted to the actual scientific task of developing a unified approach to managing energy use of thermal power plants in order to improve its economic performance. In the role of software tools made by the German company Envidatec OpenJEVis and simulation environment Octave.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, expected results
The aim of the study is to construct a mathematical model of energy use in order to determine the most suitable parameters of the power plant.
main objectives of the study:
- analysis methods for constructing models of large industrial enterprises.
- Rating ways to reduce energy and resource power plants.
- search and identify the characteristics of the existing methods of combining software German company Envidatec OpenJEVis and simulation environment Octave.
- development of alternative energy, and evaluate their effectiveness.
object of study : Starobeshevskaya TPP.
subject of study : Application Software German company Envidatec OpenJEVis in the management and control of power energotorebleniya.
As part of the master plan to get topical scientific results in the following areas:
- development approach to power optimization predpritiya.
- certain weaknesses of the production cycle.
- Modification of the old structure of consumption in order to improve the economic performance of thermal power plants.
3. Overview of Research and Development
Since the thermal power plants play a significant role in the energy balance of the country, they bylii considered a number of authors both in Ukraine and in the world. The implementation of automated production management and a number of papers, mostly researchers western schools of China and the Soviet Union.
4. The proposal to improve the system power consumption
As has been said to build accurate mathematical model is necessary to have the most accurate data. For instant reading of data on equipment, namely, control of consumption and production of the equipment of thermal and electrical resrsov proposed the introduction into the energy system of the enterprise monitoring device organization OpenJevis. P>

Figure 1 - How the system works Open JEVis
If necessary, a detailed study of the characteristics of thermal power plants and power plants generally need to have a sophisticated mathematical model, sufficiently well showing the actual structure of technological schemes of objects and properties of the individual components. These models represent a large-scale system of equations whose solution allows to quantify the parameters of interest to the researcher. Technical progress in the field of power leads to a large variety of possible solutions to the fundamental structure of the thermal and nuclear power plants, the type and composition of the equipment installed on them. In this regard, the choice of promising energy sources have to compare the significant number of different options. It has become quite clear that the solution of related problems on the basis of traditional ("hand") engineering methods for constructing mathematical models and corresponding computer programs is extremely difficult, and in many cases even impossible. From the above we can conclude that the prospect of the introduction of pampers research project is not particularly rosy. Developed enterprises with good investment base each have a working effectively control and measurement system. A company in need of additional capital investments simply do not get the required investment for the project. But here is the question already justify the introduction of a competent instrument readings energy consumption and production of industrial enterprise.
Master's thesis is devoted to the actual scientific problem of software applications Envidatec OpenJEVis German company in the management and control energotorebleniya power plant. As part of the research carried out:
- An approach to the optimization of energy consumption predpritiya.
- identified weaknesses in the production cycle.
- A modification of the old structure of consumption in order to improve the economic performance of thermal power plants.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2014. Full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date. P>
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