Biography student
I was born on May 17, 1991 in one of the largest cities in Ukraine - Donetske.Kak and the majority of people with childhood, I relate only very warm and bright vospominaniya.Ros obedient, calm rebenkom.Roditelya a child was given the right to choose, which helped to making important decisions in the future. Has left its mark and the fact that I have a favorite older sister, probably because it is thanks to her, I did not grow selfish. All of the most vivid memories of childhood are connected with my family, because the parents are completely dedicated themselves to me and my sister.
In 1998 September 1 mom took me to the first call to the Educational complex "Harmony". I learned to be happy, because the school was prepared and so much difficulty in learning experienced. In 2004, he moved to Donetsk technical school, as that school provides a higher level of training in a variety of technical disciplines, which contributed to my successful admission to the university. While studying at the school took part in regional competitions in the Ukrainian language, the history of Ukraine, as well as in physics. Під час навчання в школі брав участь в обласних олімпіадах з української мови, історії України, а також з фізики.
When choosing a university much thought was not, as initially was the desire to study at an institution that can provide a good preparation for the specialist. With specialty was more difficult in the future, it was chosen completely sluchayno.No I did not care, because I really wanted to become a student of the university. When we began to teach special subjects, I realized that the profession has chosen an interesting and promising in our city. Would like to mention the following teachers who have helped me to improve their knowledge and get some professional skills: Gorbatenko V.P., Petruschak S.V., Onopriyenko V.G., Alimov V.I.
Plans for the future
It would not have sounded corny, but I, like all graduates, I want to find a decent job with career prospects, and of course that brings pleasure.