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Brief resume

Name Ann Pustovit
Date of birth Dec 24, 1990
Place of birth Drugkovka
Schools School №3, Druzhkovka 1998-2004., High school "Intellect", Druzhkovka 2004-2008.
Universities Donetsk National Technical University, Physics and Metallurgy Department, Faculty of Physical Materials, bachelor from 2008 to 2012.
Average score The average score for the training in the bachelor of 4.76
Languages In perfectly know Russian and Ukrainian language, the English language at a basic level
Personal qualities Responsibility, commitment, communication skills
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system Windows XP / 7
2. The programming language Delphi
3. Funds Office: MS Office 2003/2007, Microsoft Access, MS PowerPoint
I also have experience with such software packages: Statistica, Image Tool, Table Curve, Kompas-3D
Future plans Successfully complete the magistracy, to enter the second degree, find an interesting job in their field.
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